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11-09-2011, 10:26 AM
Just a question has anyine tried taking the gearstick and putting it neutral without the clutch. It does it for me but only when my foot is not onvthe accelarator. I use it now so i dont wear my clutch when coming to a complete stop.

11-09-2011, 10:35 AM
Yes its normal, yes it will only happen whenever your foot is off the accel pedal because there is no force being transmitted through the gearbox.

11-09-2011, 11:51 AM
is it good for the car tho?>

11-09-2011, 12:21 PM
I dont hear any bad noises like a crunch from the gear box... Could be good for your car no clutch wear

11-09-2011, 02:46 PM
it doesnt hurt the car, and clutching in to shift to neutral wont create clutch wear.

its just being lazy.

i do it all the time.

11-09-2011, 02:52 PM
drive auto lol

13-09-2011, 02:06 PM
match your rpm for the next gear too and you can clutch less shift

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------- Not recommended but i do it all day in my work shitter lol

13-09-2011, 03:46 PM
match your rpm for the next gear too and you can clutch less shift

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------------- Not recommended but i do it all day in my work shitter lol

yeah i've done that once or twice to see if i could. this is a little more dangerous though. :P

13-09-2011, 03:56 PM
I though you couldnt rev match in newer cars because of the synchros probably wrong but

13-09-2011, 04:05 PM
I though you couldnt rev match in newer cars because of the synchros probably wrong but

the synchros are there to make sure the two parts that mesh are at the same speed when your not rev matching, so if your rev matching without the clutch (making the shafts spin at the right speed) then there will be no problems when the gears mesh

13-09-2011, 07:20 PM
Oh meh ill stick to my clutch

15-09-2011, 06:41 PM
^ You're better off. It's theoretically possible in a synchro box but only the uber experienced drivers can do it without actually damaging the gearbox. By experienced I don't mean people like us who enjoy driving, I mean people who are driving the same vehicle like 40-50000 kms/yr. Bus drivers and van couriers and the like.

It's much easier to clutchless shift in a crash box.

15-09-2011, 06:55 PM
Yer i could do it in a torana lol but the clutch was stuffed just gave up on it but it was a paddock basher

16-09-2011, 12:11 AM
have done it in my eg for about a year now and no issues at all with gearbox, clean oil always... Sure at first youl grind gears and get at wrong but after you master it, you can basicly do it in any car and all in all it makes the driving experience better. One less thing to do while driving, which means more focus on the road