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View Full Version : turbo engine required

15-12-2003, 07:49 PM
im looking to put in a new engine into my EG early next year and would like it to be turbo. Am i better off to put a b16a or b18a etc. in and then put a turbo on or just buying a turbo engine and putting it in? what sort of engine if so? :?:

15-12-2003, 08:43 PM
Standard honda's come with turbo's stock. So if you want a honda engine already turbo'ed, you'll have to wait for a lucky break (check the marketplace).

If you're really keen, I would do a b18c conversion, get it running good then consider turbo'ing the thing.

23-12-2003, 10:33 PM
yeah id say go the 1.8 ... u'd get about 20% more power if u turbocharge it.... check out the latest issue of Speed mag... its got the vtec tuning guide... really helpful

24-12-2003, 02:01 AM
I assume you mean a b16a or a b18c

b16a's can usually be put into the car for around 4k+
b18c5-7 (intergra type r engine) will cost about 7k+ (i think)

not sure how much the b18c3(?) (integra vti-r) engines cost. you should be able to get them for less than the b16a because there are more of them locally but who knnows

low boost turbo conversion will cost you 5k-8k depending on how serious you are about it.


total cost for b16a =~ 9k-12k
for b18c7 =~ 12k - 15k
for b18c3 about the same as b16a i think

these are very rough estimates. you will have to go out and have a look around for yourself. there are at least 2 good workshops i know of in melbourne for doing turbo conversions of hondas not sure aobut brisbane though.

keeping the buget in mind you may just want to install a b16 or b18 to start with, see how you find the power gains and then go turbo at a later date.
