View Full Version : im a HID nub!

25-09-2011, 12:08 AM
Hey guys,

I wanna get a HID conversion for my 03 GD3 Jazz.

But! i need a rundown on how these things work, ie how they attach to the car.

some people say they connect straight to the battery,then it goes to the 2 ballasts and the ballasts lead the new headlight bulbs which u just shove in the regular projectors.

can anybody give me a detailed run down on where/how they connect.

and any recommendations on what temp to get? 4k,6k,8k,15k??

25-09-2011, 12:22 AM
6-8K dont go over that

25-09-2011, 12:22 AM
Search man. Covered a thousand times... However how you described it is correct. Most HID kits come with detailed instructions. It is very simple so you can't really go wrong.

With the colour temp, everyone will have a different opinion. 4300k being the brightest. The higher the colour 'temperature', the less bright it will be. I've run 5000k, 6000k and 8000k. IMO 8000k is silly, and doesn't light up the road at all. It looks very blue though. Road signs look pretty cool though. 6000k is a very nice white with a bit of a blue tinge. 5000k is what I'm currently running and in my opinion is the best out of the 3. It's a much more pure white, brighter than the other 2 and has the slightest tinge of blue. 4300k is stock and is the standard white/yellow colour.

A lot of guys run 8000k and 10000k etc and say it's awesome etc. etc. so it just depends on your own personal preference. I think if you've only ever ran with 8000k, you'll think it's OK. But if you've ever used 5000k or 6000k you'll think 8000k is a bit silly. BTW if you're running it in your stock reflectors you will be blinding a lot of people. I bought a car with 8000k HIDs in the standard reflectors. The light beam is horrible and the only way I can make it not blind people is to have it pointed pretty much to the ground so it is useless. If you want to run 8000k pm me. You can have my 8000k H4 kit which will fit in your Jazz for cheap.

25-09-2011, 12:57 AM
what if i decide on 6k, because i see thats pretty popular choice, will they be good in stock projectors?

anyone recommend any brands?

25-09-2011, 01:30 AM
6k would be the max i'd go tbh any brighter and its pretty useless when driving in the rain, not to mention it can blind oncoming cars with stock reflectors. I run 6k and its nice colour. I do get the occasional flashes too lol

25-09-2011, 01:48 AM
6k would be the max i'd go tbh any brighter and its pretty useless when driving in the rain, not to mention it can blind oncoming cars with stock reflectors. I run 6k and its nice colour. I do get the occasional flashes too lol

wrong man lol

K = lighting temperature , so its just the color of the light, not the actual brightness, brightness is more to do with the power output. And before u say anything else, the HID ballast acts as a amplifier, but really all its doin is changing the frequency of the power....

6000k is white
8000k is white with tinge of blue

25-09-2011, 02:36 AM
wrong man lol

K = lighting temperature , so its just the color of the light, not the actual brightness, brightness is more to do with the power output. And before u say anything else, the HID ballast acts as a amplifier, but really all its doin is changing the frequency of the power....

6000k is white
8000k is white with tinge of blue

You're wrong man... lol

Everyone that knows even a lil bit about HIDs know that K = Kelvin affects the actual brightness. Here's a lil chart for you...

4300k D2S Philips = 3200lm (lumens)
4300k D2R Philips = 2800lm (lumens)
4300k D2S Philips = 2400lm (lumens) actually 5800k
4300k D2R Philips = 2000lm (lumens) actually 5800k
4800k D4S/R (brand) = 3800 (lumens) ** brightest in the market
5800k D4S/R (brand) = 3300 (lumens)
7000k D2S other = 1790lm (lumens) *(other bulb brand)
7000k D2R other = 1390lm (lumens) *(other bulb brand)
8000k D2S other = 1180lm (lumens) *(other bulb brand)
8000k D2R other = 780lm (lumens) *(other bulb brand)

25-09-2011, 07:10 AM
Nice post NightKids its a good way of pointing out the difference.

For the people that dont know a Lumen is a unit to measure the VISABLE amount of light. We only see a small section of the spectrum so when you start moving away from the 4000k - 5000k section the bulbs will be less visable given they are the same wattage.

26-09-2011, 09:38 AM
Thanks! Nice post from you too...

And just a reminder to everyone, always do a projector retrofit before you put HIDs in your car. Putting HIDs in reflector housings is not only illegal but will also blind people making it very dangerous to others on the road.

26-09-2011, 11:01 AM
im a nub, whats a projector retro fit?

26-09-2011, 11:38 AM
retrofit is converting your stock reflector headlights to projector headlights.
basically it doesnt expose your HID bulb.

26-09-2011, 11:44 AM
Thanks! Nice post from you too...

And just a reminder to everyone, always do a projector retrofit before you put HIDs in your car. Putting HIDs in reflector housings is not only illegal but will also blind people making it very dangerous to others on the road.

Putting HID's into reflector housings will NOT blind people if you adjust it accordingly.

I've been running HID's for many years now, the only time I got flashed is when I installed it the first time and was a nub and didn't adjust the beam.

After lowering the beam, I've never had a single flash; have been pulled over many times and popo's never said anything about them.

26-09-2011, 11:57 AM
nightkids like a baws!

Good luck with your HID's. Just remember to aim the down like tiskie mentioned, and don't get aover 6000k otherwise they're too blue and practically useless (and you look like a retard)

note: HID's are illegal unless you have: projector headlamps, auto-levelling beams and headlight washers. Projectors make the most difference in light control, but a retrofit is difficult.. especially here in Australia.

also note that you'll probably never get caught if aimed correctly.

26-09-2011, 12:05 PM
HID's are illegal unless they come on the car, period.

But yes, aim them down and you will never have issues with the popo.

26-09-2011, 05:53 PM
oh ive seen Hid projector kits available... with those do i just send them my bulb size and then the send me projectors to fit in that bulb socket??

or would i be better off getting of a HID kit designed for a GD3 and then go to wreckers get some projectors of some headlights and then stick them into my stock projectors??

26-09-2011, 06:13 PM
You just need to find what bulb size the gd3 use and find a hid kit with those size and done. If your talking about those projector kits on ebay etc they'll be using the same bulb size

26-09-2011, 06:33 PM
Also, if you get a projector kit, make sure it's for RHD cars as the cut off points are different.

Just put a HID kit into your car and adjust the beams lower, you'll be fine..

26-09-2011, 06:48 PM
just get Phillips globes and make sure its genuine and youll be fine

26-09-2011, 07:56 PM
lol i've seen people put HIDs in reflector housings and for it to not blind anyone you would have to aim it so low it's crazy.

Full on defeats the purpose of having brighter lights cause it can hardly light up any distance ahead of you.

Better off getting some Philips X-Tremes halogen bulbs or something

26-09-2011, 08:06 PM
As I said earlier, I've pointed mine low enough not to blind people and it's still 500x better than halogens.

26-09-2011, 08:23 PM
Not really... Osram Rallye's are impressively bright for halogens. Everyone loves them on candlepowerforums.

You need brightness as well as being able to shoot a reasonable height, projectors provide that combination.

If you want you can post up a pic of your HIDs in reflector housing and I'll post up a pic of my HIDs in projectors. You can compare the difference.

26-09-2011, 10:24 PM
I never said that reflectors were better than projectors..

As above; I just stated that you can use HID's in reflector housings without causing oncoming drivers to go blind from your headlights.

I have 2 vehicles which are both equipped with HID's, one using projectors and the other using reflectors... Ofcourse the beam is sharper on the car with projectors and more clear... The other car's headlights are aimed lower to avoid blinding oncoming drivers but at the same time since it's in a reflector housing, it 'scatters' the light so even at a lower angle, you are still getting better visibility than normal halogens.

I've tried Phillips bulbs aswell, M-Tec bulbs etc etc but the brightness you get from a 5000K HID Kit can not be compared to those bulbs that do not use ballasts. Period.

26-09-2011, 10:46 PM
6-8 k would be my max too. on my eg civic i'm only planning on going 6 . for projectors 8 looks nice.. but is a big bright and might get the men in blue after you.. so i'd say stick to 6.

27-09-2011, 12:09 AM
8 is not brighter than 6

27-09-2011, 02:32 AM
OK! can we stop bickering about whats better,

I want what nightkids has got, i wanna retro fit my Headlamps and put projectors inside the reflectors to accomodate a HID bulb.

how would i go about doing this?

do i buy a projector kit on ebay and tell them the size of my stock globe? and they make projectors that fit into that socket?

27-09-2011, 06:08 AM
If u are gonna do that first buy headlights with a clear lens as the HID won't refract around so much and scatter the beams all over the place thus making ur projector conversion an expensive exercise in futility.

27-09-2011, 09:41 AM
OK! can we stop bickering about whats better,

I want what nightkids has got, i wanna retro fit my Headlamps and put projectors inside the reflectors to accomodate a HID bulb.

how would i go about doing this?

do i buy a projector kit on ebay and tell them the size of my stock globe? and they make projectors that fit into that socket?

There are hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of guides on google.

Purchase a projector kit for RHD cars. You will need to put your headlights in the oven to remove the lens to mount the projector inside the housing.

Seeing as you don't know much about this, I would suggest that you get a shop to do it as you could do more harm than good..

An alternative would be to get a projector style headlight for your Jazz.. There are HEAPS of them online and will be cheaper and easier for you.

27-09-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm glad you're doing it properly GU357, there is really no point running HIDs in a reflector housing. Yeah you may be aiming it right down but then what's the point when you can illuminate a decent distance ahead of you? You're just wasting the power of HIDs.

So what tiksie is saying is let's illuminate 5 metres in front of you to not blind incoming traffic, well that's just pointless. I don't even fully believe that anyway cause I've had a friend who's set it all the way down and there's still glare. It's just the characteristics of reflectors, light still leaks out cause there's no proper cut off.

27-09-2011, 11:19 AM
I don't mean to be beat a dead horse, but if i'm honest, aiming them slightly lower than normal (with 6000k) is no worse than 4wd. true story. It's only when you get dumb ****s who put H1's in H4's n shit.

27-09-2011, 12:48 PM
and any particular wattage?

27-09-2011, 01:24 PM
I'm glad you're doing it properly GU357, there is really no point running HIDs in a reflector housing. Yeah you may be aiming it right down but then what's the point when you can illuminate a decent distance ahead of you? You're just wasting the power of HIDs.

So what tiksie is saying is let's illuminate 5 metres in front of you to not blind incoming traffic, well that's just pointless. I don't even fully believe that anyway cause I've had a friend who's set it all the way down and there's still glare. It's just the characteristics of reflectors, light still leaks out cause there's no proper cut off.

I won't lose sleep just because you don't believe it mate.. I've been mucking around with HID's for a very long time.


There are 100W kits out on the market now but that might upset NightKids as it might be too bright and set pedestrians on fire. Just go with a 55W or a 35W Kit.

27-09-2011, 02:28 PM
ok thanks i find a guy that can do it all for me, taking your advice he says he knows how to set it up in original reflectors such that it is not blinding or glary by doing some fancy shit with the housing. dunno ill see him this monday!

27-09-2011, 02:47 PM
He will probably put a cover on the inside/outside of the housing. That's another way to stop glare.

27-09-2011, 02:55 PM
I won't lose sleep just because you don't believe it mate.. I've been mucking around with HID's for a very long time.


There are 100W kits out on the market now but that might upset NightKids as it might be too bright and set pedestrians on fire. Just go with a 55W or a 35W Kit.

lol says the guy who was trying to compare MTECs to Osram Rallye. There's always people who insist using HIDs in reflector housings, see it all the time on American forums... *sigh*

Anyway... yes as Tiksie mentioned some form of cover will be put on. Doesn't lower the glare but minimises it so that it doesn't look like this....


27-09-2011, 04:32 PM
i really like the projector look though, with high temp lights. ie 8k.

27-09-2011, 04:43 PM
Not as bright and can be a bit dangerous in the rain. Your choice though, if you like the colour then go for it!

27-09-2011, 04:50 PM
nah i cant replicate it, it was a Projector retro fit i saw. it looked cool.

i just want cooler white lights. cooler as in colour. thanks guys!

27-09-2011, 04:54 PM
lol says the guy who was trying to compare MTECs to Osram Rallye. There's always people who insist using HIDs in reflector housings, see it all the time on American forums... *sigh*

I did say HID's...

I'm not insisting on using HID's in reflectors, all I'm saying is it's not as bad as people (you) make it out to be.. They're very easy to install rather than retrofitting projectors which could be even worse if not installed correctly..

27-09-2011, 08:00 PM
Couldn't be bothered reading all the above but I thought I might add if it hasn't been said already.

It is not illegal to have HIDs in reflector housing

If is not legal to just put HIDs into projector housing

Common denominator is having headlight washer jets installed to the car this is the sole requirement to make HIDs legal. Regardless of projector housing or not.

Sorry if that was already mentioned

27-09-2011, 09:00 PM
I did say HID's...

I'm not insisting on using HID's in reflectors, all I'm saying is it's not as bad as people (you) make it out to be.. They're very easy to install rather than retrofitting projectors which could be even worse if not installed correctly..

You were talking about halogen bulbs before...

I have never seen HID in reflectors that are not bad. Maybe we have different expectations of how light should look on the road along with all the other candlepower forums people. But seriously who would spend time and money on HIDs and fitting in their reflector housings then worry about others on the road. They would just ignore it even if they know it's wrong.

EG52NV: putting HIDs in projector housing doesn't automatically make it legal. However it does help other drivers on the road the most. HIDs in reflector housing is illegal too, it's already been mentioned here...


27-09-2011, 09:08 PM

with the above ^

theoretically i should just be able to mount them inside my headlight housing yeah?

but what about the wiring how is that done? i just splice the existing ones? and match it to the kit?

27-09-2011, 09:22 PM
You were talking about halogen bulbs before...

I have never seen HID in reflectors that are not bad. Maybe we have different expectations of how light should look on the road along with all the other candlepower forums people. But seriously who would spend time and money on HIDs and fitting in their reflector housings then worry about others on the road. They would just ignore it even if they know it's wrong.

EG52NV: putting HIDs in projector housing doesn't automatically make it legal. However it does help other drivers on the road the most. HIDs in reflector housing is illegal too, it's already been mentioned here...


Fact is, reflector housing have come factory with HIDs in the past. These cars were all fitted with head light washer jet systems. Therefore brings me to the point that there is no reason why a correctly setup reflector housed HID system cannot be legal.

If people wanna know more about factory reflector housing hid systems I'd suggest you start by looking up on google for cars which ran stock D2R hid bulbs.

27-09-2011, 09:56 PM
ok lets get this straight

I dont care if its legal, illegal, grey zone.
the fact of the matter is i want them and i want to install them in the manner that give me optimum use of the light.

i also wanna know how the wiring works and if with the projector kit i mentioned above would be good suitable

27-09-2011, 10:10 PM
D2R is used in old cars and are non existant is new cars. They also have a special ceramic coating in an attempt to control glare. Projector housings and D2S was pretty much the solution to this problem so I don't really know why ur bringing this old bulb up... it's like how old cars didn't have seat belts and now they do.

It's a long process to make it legal, projectors, self leveling, etc. Then it has to be tested and an engineers certificate needs to be issued. I don't really care if it's legal or not as long as no one is blinded.

The best setup apart from factory HIDs is simply 4300K with projectors. Then you don't have to worry about adjusting it lower and can get maximum visibility which should be the point of getting HIDs, not get some 8000K - 12000K bulbs to look cool

27-09-2011, 11:31 PM
Went to the snows in a mates brand new Mitsubishi 4wd with factory HIDs and my oh my, the road was so well lit it was like driving during day time even though everything else around you was pitch black!

Back on topic the factory reflector housing on the jazz is designed quote well, when I had HIDs in mine the ground was very evenly lit but nothing compared to a fully test factory projector hid setup! Still very good tho, I've also put HIDs into my old ek4 reflector housing and fcuk that was a disaster! Hot spots and glare everywhere on the ground no matter how I aimed it!

27-09-2011, 11:55 PM
Yes the HIDs on the new cars are amazing! I have 4300K in projectors myself and I love them. Problem is when it rains I still prefer my other car running halogens. The more yellow tint is great for bad conditions.

Lucky I got some yellow halogen foggies to go with the HIDs, they're great for rain.

27-09-2011, 11:56 PM
ok lets get this straight

I dont care if its legal, illegal, grey zone.
the fact of the matter is i want them and i want to install them in the manner that give me optimum use of the light.

i also wanna know how the wiring works and if with the projector kit i mentioned above would be good suitable

Dude, search on google. You will find much better answers than you will on here!

As I said before, I would suggest you just buy a projector style aftermarket headlight, yes they might be a bit more expensive but the time you will save and possibly a headlight (if you melt the one you have now in the oven trying to pry the cover off).

Either that, or send it to a reputable shop that will do it for you..

It seems like you have no clue nor do you have the skill set to build up a foundation of knowledge on undergoing such a modification.

28-09-2011, 01:17 AM
i know how to open it. im just asking if the wires require splicing or if theres any funny business that i would need to know about the wires. or any good tips.

i would rather spend 80$ on hid projectors, and accidently over cooking the housing, then spend 700$ to get pre made ones from taiwan.

28-09-2011, 02:09 AM

does this have ballasts?

28-09-2011, 02:24 AM
^^^ Clearly says not including ballasts
"100% US Seller,Shipping from USA directly!! the price for 1 set of the H4 HID Bi-xenon projector lens ,not including the ballasts.The color of the Ring(CCFL ANGEL EYES) is WHITE.THE DEVIL EYES IS RED"

nah i cant replicate it, it was a Projector retro fit i saw. it looked cool.

i just want cooler white lights. cooler as in colour. thanks guys!
If your just after cooler white lights as you say have you considered just using some philips xtreme vision, blue vision, osram cool blue, etc type of bulbs? that way you dont have to mess with the headlight housing, cost less, doesnt glare oncoming motorists and is legal.

28-09-2011, 04:06 AM
oh great thanks TBM

and the link i posted was the wrong one ahaha

28-09-2011, 08:05 AM
Yes the HIDs on the new cars are amazing! I have 4300K in projectors myself and I love them. Problem is when it rains I still prefer my other car running halogens. The more yellow tint is great for bad conditions.

Lucky I got some yellow halogen foggies to go with the HIDs, they're great for rain.

Yeh and you know what shits me the most, dumbasses out there who run 12000k hid fogs lights lol these people are looking to kill them selves on a foggy night.. It's either like you said standard halogen or ion yellow.

28-09-2011, 08:17 AM
Although this one time I was experimenting with ultra violet purple HIDs in my GT-Four and that changed my perception on everything! All white road markers and reflective road signs lit up bright yellow from the purple light, I wad just in awwwww.. In saying that when you looked at the road ahead it was like you didn't have lights on lol the purple lights just blended with the black tar..

Here's a pic http://tapatalk.com/mu/c0947568-4b83-93b2.jpg

28-09-2011, 09:09 AM
That looks pretty cool, like Legend of Speed 2 stylez...

On a nice clear day the 8000K - 15000K do the job but when it started pouring down rain, these HIDs are useless! Not to mention if you get fog, it's game over.

Drove interstate once without proper yellow foglights and learnt my lesson. Could only see about 1-2 metres in front of me, the fog was that thick!

28-09-2011, 10:07 AM
i know how to open it. im just asking if the wires require splicing or if theres any funny business that i would need to know about the wires. or any good tips.

i would rather spend 80$ on hid projectors, and accidently over cooking the housing, then spend 700$ to get pre made ones from taiwan.

Projector headlights are $300 odd.. I don't know where you got $700 from ?

28-09-2011, 12:33 PM
Projector headlights are $300 odd.. I don't know where you got $700 from ?

on ebay, projector style headlights are 690 odd dollars.

send me a link of what you found.

28-09-2011, 12:46 PM

28-09-2011, 12:58 PM
wtf, i searched that and i only got one hit before....

anyway thanks, im looking into it.

so in theory i buy this and then get a HID conversion kit aswell then voila?

28-09-2011, 01:00 PM
Pretty much.

Just inquire around first to make sure your purchasing RHD projector headlights.

28-09-2011, 04:35 PM
After installing the new headlights remember to adjust the beam pattern/height as they dont come pre-adjusted, Should illuminate the road ahead for 25 meters without dazzling on coming motorists.

28-09-2011, 09:40 PM
what bulb fitting do i get for my em1 ???????? e.g. H1, H3,H4, H7, H9, H11 ??

28-09-2011, 09:44 PM


28-09-2011, 09:46 PM
open your bonnet and look at the housing, on my car it was written on the top of the headlight housing but on the black plastic

28-09-2011, 10:27 PM
ty :D

30-09-2011, 01:22 PM
H4 mate