View Full Version : Replacing the s2k soft top in Adelaide (SA)

24-10-2011, 07:59 AM
Hey guys ,

Just wondering if any members in SA can help me out here, my soft top is really worn down with a couple holes - which is making my car look pretty yuck :( I'm thinking of replacing the top (as i have tried to fix the current top but to no avail) now I don't really know where to go buy a soft top, and who to get to replace the soft top for me..

Alternatively there is a whole soft top assembly being sold jap import spares for $498


Would it be easier to buy this and to just replace the whole assembly? Which would be easier to do if I was to do it myself, replacing the whole assembly or just buying the roof lining and replacing that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has done this before in SA and is willing to help/do it for me I will pay them for the labor.

Cheers guys