View Full Version : B16A2 OEM Fuel Injectors Technical Specs??

02-11-2011, 12:03 PM
Hi Folks,

im looking into upgrading my B16A2 OEM injectors to suit my future applications,

though i will need the following technical specs/parameters before i can proceed with a tune on my PFC.

Does anyone know what the technical specs of the below?

Standard OBD2B OEM B16A2 Injectors (Top Feed - Saturated/High Impedence)

Injector Size (??cc/min):
Injector Latency/Lag (?.???/msec):

anyone know the above?

According to Hondata tech page;

"Honda usually runs their injectors to 100% duty cycle at redline. They appear to adjust the fuel pressure to achieve this. A good example is the early B16A and B18C engines. Both have 240cc injectors, but the B16A has 38 lbs fuel pressure "

38lbs approx 30-35psi fuel pressure??

Full statement here: http://www.hondata.com/techduty.html

Anyone know if this is accurate? does anyone have concrete evidence or the tech specs?



02-11-2011, 02:32 PM
what is your future application?

02-11-2011, 02:34 PM
what is your future application?

GT3540RS Snail or JRSC/VORTECH Blower ..

any idea?

07-11-2011, 07:09 AM
ok ..

so most forums and ppl are saying that the B series injectors are practically the same ..

240cc @ 43.5psi.

how bout the injector latency?

09-11-2011, 05:59 AM
The OEM injectors are 240cc/min
43.5psi is 3bar, the auto industry standard for rating injector flows.
Increase in pressure or decrease in pressure will affect flow.
Honda do this across models as you’ve described.

OEM Dead time values
Volts - 0.00 / 8.09 / 10.11 / 12.13 / 14.16 / 16.08 / 24.55
(m/s) - 1.49 / 1.49 / 0.96 / 0.68 / 0.49 / 0.35 / 0.35

NB: an increase in fuel pressure will add to dead times & visa versa.

Now your application calls for bigger injectors,
Don't waste any more brain space on the std ones & look at decent aftermarket injectors.
IMO, the best on the market are Injector Dynamics.

Flow & dead time (latency charts are here)




09-11-2011, 07:32 AM
where did you find the oem dead times adrian?
goot info mang!

09-11-2011, 09:46 AM
Thanks Adrian for the info ..

unfortunately - ive already got a set of brand new DW 500cc injectors sitting in the garden shed for 3yrs .. lol (prev project didnt go ahead).

So i guess ill be using them in this/future project on my B16A.

what im trying to do is config the PFC to accept / run safely the new injectors - hence the reason why i needed the below formula;

Currently my fuel pressure is set at 43psi on OEM injectors - thanks to the SARD FPR.

To work out new INJECTOR correction and latency;

1) Old SIZE / New Size = Correction
2) New Latency - Old Latency = Latency Correction

1) OEM 240cc / New 500cc = 0.48 x 100 = 48% correction (Injector Duty cycle)
2) ????? - ????? = ??? Latency Correction.

I cant seem to figure out the 2) Latency for the OEM and the new 500cc injectors so i can enter it in the PFC below.


i have the injector flow diagram for the 500cc, but its all jiberish to me as its almost similar to the table for the Injector Dynamics flow chart.

only reason why i need to enter the new injector data is because i cant even drive my car to a local tuner due to possible cause of detonating / incorrect injector maps / ignition timing.

i will post a new thread about detonating/knock levels as this relates to another whole issues.

Towing my car would cost me a fortune as i live out very far - quoted $200+ to tow to regents park locality.

Any ideas on what injector latency would be for OEM vs NEW?

09-11-2011, 11:19 AM
Ok, DW are pretty good (Denso) injectors, so there’s no drama there.

So if the fuel pressure is at 3bar (43.5psi)
Your injector correction is 48~50%
Start at this & just play with the percentage correction till it runs.
Don’t worry too much about the latency figures as you’re only ferrying the car to the dyno.
& you can get it right once it’s there.
(+ I don’t think the hand control gives you actual dead time vs. voltage adjustment)

In the Datalogit software for FC, you can input the injector lag (dead time / latency etc) vs voltage.
There are 6 voltage load points – 6v, 8v, 10v,12v, 14v, & 16v
These should be set per your injector data sheet @ the fuel pressure you’re running.
The injector lag compensation values next to the fuel correction values are for an overall trim applied to all voltage values.
This is fine to get you going, but it’s better to sort it out through the laptop software & minimise the number of trims. (NB: Dead time trims affect everything – esp. cold start & temp corrections)

In your case, probably + 0.50ms at a guess would probably do the trick for now.
(As the Denso dead time @ 12v from memory is somewhere near 1.0m/s or 1000us)

Hope that helps

09-11-2011, 12:08 PM
Thanks Adrian - i was trying to ring ya earlier to day both on the landline and cell numbers but no response.

You are correct - the Dataloggit SW allows you to input the injector lag (dead time / latency etc) vs voltage in a much wider 20x20map - whereas the commander only shows 8x8 per screen...

Ok ill try these values provided on the commander

fuel pressure is at 3bar (43.5psi) (currently set)
New Injector data correction 48~50%
New Injector Latency = + 0.50ms (approx)

On the otherhand, the next isssue is knocking..

have posted this on a new thread as its completely a new topic. - http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?157400-APEXI-POWER-FC-Knock-Detonation-Issue-How-to-tune-fix&p=3143712#post3143712

thanks Adz..