View Full Version : hand brake failure

17-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Yeh so yesterday i was park on a steepish driveway, not ridiculously steep, with my nose facing upwards and i pull up the hand brake and it made some seriously weird/bad noises but i thought meh - it's a relatively new car. Anyways when i go to go back into it again, i opened the door and put a little weight on it it made these noises again and then started rolling backwards again with me hanging half way out - luckily i stopped it in time. However my car was in nuetral at the time but i figure it's a '99 car and the hand brake should not have these problems already. Has anyone else had this problem? Do i need to replace the cord and/or something else? It still works but i haven't bothered to try it on another steep hill... :x

17-12-2003, 06:16 PM
i usually place the car into gear depending which way im facing when parked on a steep angle.......

Dont think the hand brakes has anything to do with it, correct me if im wrong..

17-12-2003, 07:58 PM
It depends on the angle of the slope.. if its too steep.. obviously the car would start rolling back.. but then again the handbrake should be able to hold it .. at least not moving.. Check your cables.. it could be that the cable needs to be adjusted.. on the safe side, always put in gear when your car's on a slope.. :twisted:

17-12-2003, 11:19 PM
put it in first just in case :D

remember to change bak/put the clutch in when u start the car tho hahahaha

17-12-2003, 11:27 PM
yeh mine does the same, altho mines an 89 model LOL

its just the pads slipping making that wierd noice im pretty sure

18-12-2003, 05:04 PM
thx guys i gotta tighten up the cable and just leave it in gear all the time - but without starting th engine in gear of course :twisted: