View Full Version : strange thumping noise/feeling when accelerating

12-11-2011, 04:31 PM
hey guys, i was on a cruise today, and as we left the park where we had lunch, they had the cattle grids, then straight after it a speed bump with the spikes on it to stop you going in the exit. and now after going out the exit, whenever i accelerate, i get a thumping noise/feeling when accelerating. i can feel it thru my steering wheel, gear stick, and a bit thru my pedals, and can also hear it quite obviously. i cant hear anything when cruising (80kmh) in the cabin, but i thought i heard a bit of a grinding type noise when cruising past a wall over a bridge. i couldnt hear anything when decelerating but when i was going down hills i could sometimes hear a clicking sound like a cv joint. it sounds like its coming from the LHS aswell.

i have checked my wheel nuts.

my thoughts of possible things causing it atm are my cv joint, maybe an engine mount, loose suspension bolts/nuts.

a few months ago a guy and me from work did my lhs inner cv boot and i think he put the little bits for the tripod on the wrong way, i think, im not entirely sure.

i cant really think of any other info right now, but im going to go put my car on stands and have a look.


p.s. its still driveable, just slow accelerating and i havent taken it over 85kmh. i babied it home from north of narre warren to home at 80kmh.

12-11-2011, 04:45 PM
more about the cv, its been making clicking noises every now and then since we did it, maybe the cv couldve flogged out the intermediate/half shaft?

12-11-2011, 06:58 PM
i just drove it on the jack stands and replicated what i was doing on the roads, and it was only ever so slight compared to actually driving it. i checked the mounts on the lhs and found the lower one to have one bit of it completely split and apart.

i think this could be the issue.


13-11-2011, 09:00 AM
torque mount, rather than lower engine mount, derrr lol.

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/297163_10150920239535696_894625695_21564445_642980 434_n.jpg