View Full Version : Small boot ding/dent is part of design?

12-12-2011, 10:14 PM

I just picked up a new CU2 luxury last friday and what a great car it is. Was very happy with the new ride.

However, yesterday after parking the car in the garage, with the garage door still up (sun coming in), I chanced upon a small ding / dent on the top of the boot. See attached photo where the ding is noted (not my car in the pic though).

Now, I am not sure if that ding is a design / manufacturing constraint as the spot is exactly at the center of the boot lip, directly above the center of the Honda emblem. Moreover, the ding is inconspicuous and is only seen at a certain angle. You can't even feel it much with your bare hands.

Can someone with the CU2 please have a look and confirm?


14-12-2011, 06:31 AM
Cant really tell from this picture...

14-12-2011, 10:22 AM
The boot shape has a tiny corner thingy so it looks like it a bit dented. but we cant see anythign from the pic.

14-12-2011, 03:05 PM
Guys, thanks for the reply. As mentioned, that's not my CU2 but a pic I grab off the internet just to show where that ding is on my CU2 (the red arrow position)

Anyway... I think it's a imperfection or could be done by someone. Anyone knows if I were to bring it back to dealer, can I get it fixed on warranty? Hmm.. or would you just leave it? Part and parcel of owning a car I guess.

I only have the car for less than a week.

14-12-2011, 03:20 PM
If it concerns you, and it sounds like it does, mention it to them as soon as possible, and compare it to another car. If there is a dent, then they should be able to organise a paintless dent removal for you.

- HZ

14-12-2011, 06:10 PM
If it's completely brand new, take it back as soon as possible and note that you have only driven it a little bit and that you noticed it soon after you purchased it. It will be up to them as to if they help you out or not, but chances are they will (as long as they believe you).

Don't take too long though, the longer you take the more likely it happened during your ownership in the dealers (and every elses) eyes.

14-12-2011, 11:17 PM
Thanks guys, issue resolved. Took it down to dealer this evening after work and they graciously said will fix it on my first 1K servicing.

Either like what Hunterzero has suggested : paintless dent removal or worst case, replace the entire boot panel.

Will keep you all posted how it all go after the 1K servicing.

Thanks heaps all.