View Full Version : Defects

18-12-2011, 11:29 AM
Hi guys,

Just recently got a defect for too low and too stiff but I've cleared it now. My question is, would anything different happen if they catch me again for being too low?

Is there a time frame that should be waited out before doing anything to the car again?

I got defected at Great Ocean Road now I'm back in the suburbs (west side)... I've never had any trouble with the police around my area or are they going on a full blitz at the moment?

Thank you.

18-12-2011, 11:35 AM
last time i heard it stays with you for one month, and if u get caught 3 times it counts as hooning and can get impounded.

(Not sure if this is tru or not)

18-12-2011, 11:37 AM
I've heard people say 'leave it for a month' but I just it was just a random number thing.. I really hate my car at 4x4 status :\

18-12-2011, 04:24 PM
Didn't know you can get defected for being too stiff!

19-12-2011, 08:27 AM
I've heard people say 'leave it for a month' but I just it was just a random number thing.. I really hate my car at 4x4 status :\

It's not 4x4 status, think of it as "Winter Mode"

And the "3 strikes" thing is bs. I know a certain Minitrucker who's had the same car red stickered AND cleared 6 times now.. (He will learn one day and buy a Honda?)

19-12-2011, 09:42 AM
Did you know what was the shortest time gap of the defects? Or it doesn't matter at all?

Hahah, but it's not winter anymore anyways! It's summer, time for flaunting :(

19-12-2011, 09:56 AM
If you had to get a rwc, wait the 28 days for the rwc too expire then do what you want. Also you cannot be defected for too stiff. get your hands on a copy of the vehicle mod guide for other questions

19-12-2011, 03:28 PM
Do I get dicked even harder if I get busted for too low again within those 28 days?

I didn't know you could either but he said I had to maintain 2/3's of the stock suspension? Something like that.

I'll try check that out, thanks man.

19-12-2011, 03:33 PM
He was most likely referring to suspension travel, rather than too stiff, but does not know the difference. If you get pulled over and defected for too low within the 28day period, not only will they not hold back on you, but the workshop that did the rwc for you will be investigated and will have to prove the car was not that low when they passed the rwc

19-12-2011, 03:47 PM
Ohhhhhhhhh I see. Thanks a lot for the info stndrd; helps!

20-12-2011, 11:17 PM
i had my mini truck defected got it cleard and the same day changed it back got pulled over later that day and the cop said you just dont learn and let me go