View Full Version : Couple of curious Questions - ?

12-01-2012, 03:21 AM
Sup all! Got a couple of questions I would like to ask. Hope you guys can help!

1) Recently lost my fuel cap on my EG so driving around with no cap. Can anyone tell me is there any cons to this or it has no effect? Also can I buy a fuel cap at any auto store and approx how much?

2) I got a bad circuit where the in car fuse keeps blowing even after replacing with new fuse. Wipers and electric windows don't work due to this. If I take it to an auto electrician how much will it cost to fix?

3) Someone who has the car manual for 199x Honda Civic EG SI. Can you tell me what is the recommended shift range to shift at - what does it say in the manual book? Just wondering because I'm currently shifting at 2000RPM though dunno if this will save more fuel or the recommended shift range from the OEM manual for my car will?

4) Is it normal, when you turn ignition on or car on that the engine light will come on for a second then go off? Also another related question, long time ago I was on the highway speeding, redlining, basically racing then suddenly the engine light came on. It stayed on for quite awhile then turned off. Why did it come on? Or is it normal for it to come on when you are going real fast?


12-01-2012, 04:34 AM
Sup all! Got a couple of questions I would like to ask. Hope you guys can help!

1) Recently lost my fuel cap on my EG so driving around with no cap. Can anyone tell me is there any cons to this or it has no effect? Also can I buy a fuel cap at any auto store and approx how much?

2) I got a bad circuit where the in car fuse keeps blowing even after replacing with new fuse. Wipers and electric windows don't work due to this. If I take it to an auto electrician how much will it cost to fix?

3) Someone who has the car manual for 199x Honda Civic EG SI. Can you tell me what is the recommended shift range to shift at - what does it say in the manual book? Just wondering because I'm currently shifting at 2000RPM though dunno if this will save more fuel or the recommended shift range from the OEM manual for my car will?

4) Is it normal, when you turn ignition on or car on that the engine light will come on for a second then go off? Also another related question, long time ago I was on the highway speeding, redlining, basically racing then suddenly the engine light came on. It stayed on for quite awhile then turned off. Why did it come on? Or is it normal for it to come on when you are going real fast?


ohh emm gee, rike you know srs'ly.....
I can't tell if these questions are serious or this thread is a troll thread.

I'll attempt to answer the questions as best i can, assuming you have absolutely no idea and that you are asking these questions legitimately.

Question 1:
Cons are..... among other things
- fire hazard. Fuel vapour, coming in contact with spark will be disastrous.
- Fuel vapour, rising out of the tank, after a short time will eat away at your paint.
- Fuel will evaporate, wasting it.
- I'm quite sure it's not good for your engine. as it most definitely is not beneficial.
- How did you manage to lose a fuel cap?
- You can buy replacement fuel caps at 99.9% of auto stores & service stations. Make sure you buy the correct one as there are several types.
- fuel caps cost ten thousand dollars each.

Question 2
- Auto electrician may charge you eleven thousand dollars to fault find the bad circuit. Don't quote me, I could be wrong and it would be best to confirm the cost with an auto electrician.

Question 3
The recommended shift range will most likely be between 2000 & 4000 RPM.
What will save you more fuel is if you shift @ an RPM according to the road conditions.
For example, shifting at 2000rpm will be fuel saving if going down hill. Don't need higher rpm power.
Shifting at higher RPM will be more fuel saving when going up hill, as shifting too low in the range will labor the engine. higher RPM power is needed to push up the hill.
This is pretty much basic driving skills 101.
Do you have a license yet? Maybe even if you do have a license, it might be an advantage to you if you get driving lessons. they might teach you a few tips and pointers you don't know.

Question 4
engine light comes on then goes off..... yes it's normal.
Regarding the engine light coming on while racing on the freeway - no, it's not normal.
Why did it turn on?
Let me answer for you.........

I got mad love for 2pac........

12-01-2012, 06:58 AM

12-01-2012, 10:45 AM
Sup all! Got a couple of questions I would like to ask. Hope you guys can help!

1) Recently lost my fuel cap on my EG so driving around with no cap. Can anyone tell me is there any cons to this or it has no effect? Also can I buy a fuel cap at any auto store and approx how much?

2) I got a bad circuit where the in car fuse keeps blowing even after replacing with new fuse. Wipers and electric windows don't work due to this. If I take it to an auto electrician how much will it cost to fix?

3) Someone who has the car manual for 199x Honda Civic EG SI. Can you tell me what is the recommended shift range to shift at - what does it say in the manual book? Just wondering because I'm currently shifting at 2000RPM though dunno if this will save more fuel or the recommended shift range from the OEM manual for my car will?

4) Is it normal, when you turn ignition on or car on that the engine light will come on for a second then go off? Also another related question, long time ago I was on the highway speeding, redlining, basically racing then suddenly the engine light came on. It stayed on for quite awhile then turned off. Why did it come on? Or is it normal for it to come on when you are going real fast?


1. Yes its bad, its a fire hazard and your fuel tank isnt pressurizing properly

2. Mechanic trade rate is generally $80p/hr - and i have seen most places charge around $100 for a fault detection service.

3. Shifting points change according to the conditions - hondas need a bit more of a rev to get up and go safely - and you should always change down through the gears to slow down safely

4. The check engine light that comes on is the fuel pump priming - you should always wait for that to come on and go off again before actually starting the car. If it is coming on during operation - get a mechanic to check for a CEL code to find out what the problem is.

if this is a troll thread it will be closed asap - but keep it clean until we know otherwise please

13-01-2012, 02:30 AM
Seriously, what is with you guys thinking everything is a troll question. You guys take the Internet too seriously. It's just questions I wanna know, I am asking questions related to cars. If it was something else then that would be a different story. Lighten up!

13-01-2012, 06:33 AM
Google. It is your friend.

13-01-2012, 08:11 AM
Google. It is your friend.

That depends entirely on what you type into the search bar haha.

Seriously, what is with you guys thinking everything is a troll question. You guys take the Internet too seriously. It's just questions I wanna know, I am asking questions related to cars. If it was something else then that would be a different story. Lighten up!

Well this is the 'Noob' sub-forum.. Any question is a good question!

But if you hang around for awhile, you might learn some useful info' about your Civic!
And one day even end up like Trism =P

13-01-2012, 10:44 AM
That depends entirely on what you type into the search bar haha.

Well this is the 'Noob' sub-forum.. Any question is a good question!

But if you hang around for awhile, you might learn some useful info' about your Civic!
And one day even end up like Trism =P

thats setting the bar pretty high .... it would take a Honda Jedi to have skills like that