View Full Version : Civic cruiser from Canberra

13-01-2012, 04:16 PM
Hello Honda enthusiasts. My name is Anthony and this is my ride.

It's a stock FD1 Civic VTI-L (2010). I have no plans to modify it I'm very happy as it is, I enjoy cruising rather than acceleration/speed, I'm quiet happy with 0-100 in 10 secs when I push it. This doesn't mean I'm a grandpa driver, if the speed limit is 110 and the conditions are right then that's what I'll drive at, I find my enjoyment lies in the journey. A lot of the forum talk is about performance modifications and ECU's speed limiting the car and I laugh, I understand a lot of this talk is about track-work but it does make me wonder how these drivers drive on the street. So I'm interested to hear from other Honda enthusiasts who like me just enjoy the good engineering and the journey. When driving take off your shoes your feet will be less heavy ;)


13-01-2012, 04:58 PM
r18 is a beast ! welcome abourd bro

14-01-2012, 12:31 PM
haha cheers bro, for a beast it knows how to sip ;) and has the power there if I need it. What's your current car?

14-01-2012, 12:43 PM
Welcome CrystalSkull.
Are the FD1s lacking in the fuel economy stakes? (or am I misinterpreting what you've said there)

14-01-2012, 01:26 PM
Cheers mate. The fuel economy is great, I get around 600km from 45 litres, of my daily commute of 25km, 20km is freeway.