View Full Version : rear brake problems

27-01-2012, 01:05 PM
Hey champs, did a bit of a search beforehand but couldn't find much that was helpful.
My civic's rear brakes are being a bit of a PITA at the moment. About 18 months ago before I bought the car, the calipers were "rebuilt" with new seals and what not, but about 6 months after that I found the RHS was leaking and seized, so I took both sides apart and rebuilt them again. Fast forward to a few months ago, and they were both seized AGAIN to the point where it was almost impossible to turn the wheels with your hand. So I took them apart, lubed them up, and screwed the pistons all the way down. Now everything seems to be a little better, if the handbrake is off with the car on the ground I can grab the rear rims and move the wheels back and forward so they don't seem to be (as) stuck anymore. BUT if I leave the car parked for a day or two, when I go to take off I can feel the rear squat down and then go CRACK as I pull away from the kerb. This only happens on the first take off of the day, and not again after that. WTF is up with that?

13-02-2012, 07:02 PM
Just had this exact same problem on my EP3. I washed it 2 days ago and haven't driven it since. Probably doesn't help.

Have you checked your handbrake assembly over yet? Thinking it might be getting stuck on?
Easy way to check is to park the car in gear and leave the handbrake off. See if the problem goes away.

Interested to hear what you find.

20-02-2012, 08:05 PM
This is VERY common on Civic's and CRX's unfortunately.

As above... have you taken you centre console off and checked your cables? When a caliper seizes it can stretch the cable to compensate and then be uneven... I had this on my EE9.

What are the pistons like? Have they any pitting? This can let water in/fluid out and cause seizing.

Here in the UK we "upgrade" to MG calipers, which also take 260mm discs. You get a better handbrake result too.