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View Full Version : Ek d16y4 clutch grabs at the very end?

19-02-2012, 09:51 PM
Whats my options here?
My clutch grabs at the very end of releasing the clutch pedal, Also when my clutch is released it makes some slight grinding noise could it be the input shaft bearing ? Anyone ever had a similar problem? and how much did it cost to fix!

thanksz :)

20-02-2012, 03:59 AM
Call benny at BYP and get him to check it over. My guess would be that you need a clutch and thrust bearing replacement, but it is very hard to diagnose a sound over the internet

20-02-2012, 11:00 PM
sounds to me also that the clutch is on its way out, especially if its only grabbing at the end, is it also starting to get harder to put into gear?

21-02-2012, 01:06 AM
agreed as above, too many variables to say the least.....

With my last clutch it wasnt that i had no meat left on the friction plate, but more so that the clutch pressure plate springs had worn out..... but again, could b different story with you, clutch plate could b worn :/

usually the sound is a combination of both ISB or thrust bearing, happened to me, worse comes to worse, either replace the GB for another d-series, which is dirt cheap if found online... or pay abit more and get the gearbox pulled apart to have the isb replaced, and while its apart get other necessary checks done to the gb, might cost more, but atleast u have a peace of mind knowing whats what is in what condition.... And worse, u end up needing to reco it which can get costly, than just opt for 2nd gb lol....