View Full Version : help installing BOSS kit to 89 Civic

20-03-2012, 04:49 PM
Hey guys!

just a bit stuck installing my boss kit
Im having trouble getting the wiring correct, after installing everything (as I thought at least), i realised that my horn doesn't work :(

I honestly don't know how the connection works..
The metal spring connecting part is connect to the metal plate behind the boss kit (im assuming thats the purpose of it)

There is only 1 wire coming out from the hub, I attempted connecting to both the plates that is from the steering wheel cap but both of them don't initiate the horn :(

maybe photos will be a lot easier to understand then my broken english

Boss kit with 1 wire

Steering wheel cap/centre piece (whatever its called) has 2 connecting plates/ports

attempted connections with both, both not working the horn

they also gave me 2 extra wires.. no idea what they are for

hope someone can help me out :(

oh and on a side note, is it possible to remove the sticker thats inside the plastic covering from the centre cap?
there seems to be a little gap that looks like it can be pryed out but im scared to crack the plastic..

this is what im on about

Thats all for now
any help would be appreciated :)
Thanks in advance!

20-03-2012, 05:25 PM
Did you get a little round "trim piece" not sure what it's actually called, that sits on top of the boss and the horn sits in there, it acts as your ground and the red is the +ve signal for the horn.
Alternatively, hook up the red from the boss and feed the black spare cable somewhere to the chasis to ground it, i was feeling particularly dodgy once so i just stripped it and wrapped it around the big nut, dodgy, not recommended but it worked.

Not sure about the horn button, try and pry

20-03-2012, 06:18 PM
okay now that you mentioned ground, i've got it :D

horn works now
and yep i just pryed it out gently and managed to get that in the end too

thanks for the help! :)