View Full Version : NEEDED: Cold Idle sensor... testing purposes

02-03-2005, 11:51 AM
Hey guys, if theres anyone in Melbourne with a B16a thats currently unserviceable or out of a car or anything along those lines (basicly you're NOT using it at the moment) I was wondering if i could borrow 45 mins of your time to test out if my Cold idle sensor is the thing ****ing up my car atm. I'd just need to pull it off and swap them over for a short period to test it out.

If anyone has this additional info it could also be of great value to me...
Are the cold idle sensors off of b16a's the same as those off of other honda engines?

Thanks for any help guys much appreciated!


02-03-2005, 12:22 PM
i have no idea what a cold idle sensor is.

ie i have additional info, but you need to clarify what part you mean...

02-03-2005, 06:17 PM
Perhaps he means his fast idle thermo valve?:confused:

02-03-2005, 07:00 PM
perhaps he better confirm,

but i can trouble shoot that over the net too ;)