View Full Version : CD5 Custom Headlights

25-04-2012, 07:39 PM
I'm looking to replace my headlights with these or something similar,

But I want to get it locally due to warranty purposes and not wanting to pay >$100 shipping. Just wondering if anyone knows of any places I can try (Preferably in Sydney)
Also has anyone replaced headlights before? Simple plug and play or more tinkering required?

26-04-2012, 07:10 PM
its hard to source a good set of headlight for CD5, your can try autojoy if your after to those kind of headlights

on replacing the headlight, its very easy
first u need to remove the front bumper, 2 clips on each side (corner of the bumper) close to the tyre. then remove the signal light by using a long philip screw driver, to remove this there a small hole on the corner of the signal lights inside the bumper grill (mouth). once its removed, u will see another 2 bolts(each side) holding the bumper frame.when all the bolts are out just slowy lift the bumper up and pull it out.. and walla u can see all the bolts thats holding the headlight on the bottom.. theres bolts on the top too.

hope that helps you..

26-04-2012, 08:58 PM
Firstly I would like to wish you luck.

Secondly, you should keep in mind that the head light beams will be calibrated incorrectly on these models as they are made for the USDM market. Instead of the light being slightly higher on your left (lighting up road signs, etc) your head lights beam will be slightly higher on the right, blinding oncoming drivers. This, or you'll be pointing it down quite a bit to avoid this, making the head lights appear less bright than the stockies.

Another note is that correctly calibrated headlights are usually more expensive as there is a much smaller market for RHD versions.

Last thing I'd like to point out is that these head lights tend to have much lower quality projectors. I've had sets on an EG and a DC2. The DC2 set was pretty bad and could not compare to the stock ones at all (had them on for 1 day and took them off again). My EG's headlights were pretty crap, and the projectors made no improvement.

Anyway good luck with your purchase. I hope you find something suitable!

26-04-2012, 09:45 PM
If you want projectors why not do the right way

buy sir headlights
get RHD projectors To retrofit


26-04-2012, 09:59 PM
... Because it's more difficult? lol

27-04-2012, 08:47 PM
You might have to rewire all the headlights to take H1 bulbs from you existing H4 bulbs. Lots of extra wiring to get all the halos working aswell. BUT I don't know what bulbs those ones take I had some similar to those ones not the same.

SiR Headlights with a HID kit way easier and way better night vision as those angel eye lights are shit at night.

Good luck with it though end of the day its up to you.

28-04-2012, 01:25 AM
Not pro angel eyes or anything (don't like them) however there's not much extra wiring for the halos if you're that way inclined? Just tap into the parker light wires... Most kits also come with a bulb socket converter which is simply plug and play.

I do agree that OEM/retrofits have better cut offs / beam patterns than after market kits (and would be the path I would take as well). However it's best not to give the OP the impression that it's easier to pull apart head lights, removing parts, plastic welding/gluing/siliconing (depending on the path you decide to take), aligning, the projectors, etc. than to simply bolt in an aftermarket head light and plug in a bulb...

28-04-2012, 08:47 AM
Androo is right on how easy wiring for angel eyes are

My retrofit isn't that hard at all
there's been many thread on the net about it
planethid dot com has heaps of info about retrofit and custom headlights

I've done two set of headlights and both took me couple of hours to assemble and another couple of hours to make perfect alignment

Mind you doing retrofit will cost you 4 times more than the angel eyes lol

28-04-2012, 11:57 AM
Man you should give me pointers. Actually planning on doing my Civic in the not too distant future... Unfortunately if I screw it up they're not cheap to replace like most older cars :(

29-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Sugz, where'd you get yours from? I quite like them

30-04-2012, 11:43 AM
I bought the sir headlights from Japan
projector and shrouds from usa
and diy at home

its simple enough to do
Couple of ozaccord members have done it
i personally have done two
And both turned out perfect alignment

01-05-2012, 07:59 PM
Wanna do it for me and I'll pay for the parts and your labor =p You sydney based?

02-05-2012, 04:03 PM
Yep in Sydney
shoot me pm and ill help you out

16-05-2012, 09:03 AM
I need help with my lights aswell