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View Full Version : Moderator standards??? re: St May exhaust sale thread locked???

10-03-2005, 10:27 AM
Benjamin. Find something useful to do with your life. Being a petty admin on ozhonda gains you NO cred/respect, nor are you doing honda community here any favours what-so-ever.

Why did you delete pornstars post on the thread? He has told you in no uncertain terms Type One owns the thing. And so have I.

For all the mods reading this:
Is there a standard in place which prevents ego/power crazed moderators from ruining these forums?!

10-03-2005, 10:43 AM
Being a petty admin on ozhonda dosent get me laid at night.
Its a freelance moderation job , that 95% of users here take seriously and abide by the rules.

So what is your point ? Do you feel unfairly treated ? Anyone can see - that both yourself , and Pornstar breached our terms and conditions. You are apparently having something sold on behalf of yourself - while pornstar posted a unrelated post in the thread - I await a PM from the orignal creator , no other user can justify what he/she is selling or why etc.

I still have not recieved a reply from Type one himself- the original creator of the thread , and i await a PM for them.

Take a hint - its not personal mate.
I feel disappointed in your approach to your "unfair ruling" when it is you who undoubtley broke the rules.

My advice is , take it on the chin - learn and get over it :)

10-03-2005, 10:58 AM
Broke what rules? Which part of past owner, current owner do you not understand? Of course if you left pornstars post on, people could see that.

Breaching terms and conditions ok... hmmm so why were you posting on the thread if you weren't interested in the item?

Advice? I have some for you too. Do something useful with your life and make your parents happy..

10-03-2005, 11:19 AM
Broke what rules? Which part of past owner, current owner do you not understand? Of course if you left pornstars post on, people could see that.

Breaching terms and conditions ok... hmmm so why were you posting on the thread if you weren't interested in the item?

Advice? I have some for you too. Do something useful with your life and make your parents happy..

You are wasting your keystrokes chasing your desire - which i am unsure of. It has been stated what you have done wrong. Everyone else here is happy at our time and effort , and will agree with my opinion based on the facts, NOT feeling like your own.

BTW , for all to see - why have you taken this to a personal level ? Immaturity in the greatest form . So , what EXACTLY should i do useful , to make my parents happy ?
My mother is DEAD and my father is a womanising arsehole.
I think taking care of and taking crap from whining members like yourself is a positive step , dont you think ? :rolleyes:

Regards , Ben

10-03-2005, 11:23 AM
Ben its not worth it man... just forget him and the bullshit, closed the tread and lets be done with it!!!

10-03-2005, 11:26 AM
Ben its not worth it man... just forget him and the bullshit, closed the tread and lets be done with it!!!

Yes , it is bullshit. the mask of the internet does wonders for peoples confidence.

In recognition for all members, himself and others are entitled a say. Ill leave this open...but keep replies on topic guys.

10-03-2005, 11:34 AM
imo i could see the discrepancy about 'that' thread but having a go at ben is weak.

ben is my fav munchkin :thumbsup:

10-03-2005, 11:35 AM
i think u should relax a bit and hear both sides of the story before you lock/delete and BAN the thread creator for something YOU think they breach, in which they DIDNT.

10-03-2005, 11:47 AM
i think u should relax a bit and hear both sides of the story before you lock/delete and BAN the thread creator for something YOU think they breach, in which they DIDNT.

I locked the inital thread due to confusion - i did not get a straight answer and other users input did not help.
Locking , enables a thread to stall while the problem is worked out - its called moderation.

The users - Type one , vtir22 and Pornstar breached the terms and conditions (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=564) - selling on behalf ( seemingly, now cleared up) and unrelated replies.

My effort as a moderator is to clear up this mess , which i have. Really it is simple as that.

Anything else people ? This is what site discussion is all about.

10-03-2005, 11:53 AM
i was talking about my thread, which was simialr to this situation where u deleted and banned me before asking me anything,

i know its ur job, but you should atleast hear the other party

10-03-2005, 11:55 AM
i was talking about my thread, where u deleted and banned me before asking me anything

i know its ur job, but you should atleast hear the other party


I found the old thread - you were openly selling CTR parts on behalf of another member, Bowzer. ( or vice versa)
I PM'd that user - no help availible - so it was against our terms and conditions too. Nothing wrong with that judgement ! I did PM yourself and WARN you - NOT "ban" ?!?

10-03-2005, 12:04 PM
thats a million and one ppl u've banned LOLOl! poor buggars.

that mess was all cleared up. at the time i wanted to drive down to syd to give u a piece of my mind LOL. but not anymore :D

imo i think u should realy consult the other party before del/lock/ban before going to drastic measures

10-03-2005, 12:10 PM
thats a million and one ppl u've banned LOLOl! poor buggars.

that mess was all cleared up. at the time i wanted to drive down to syd to give u a piece of my mind LOL. but not anymore :D

imo i think u should realy consult the other party before del/lock/ban before going to drastic measures

I have banned ONE person in my year or so as a moderator. I have edited 3 billion posts im sure...what are you on about ?

You really wanted " a piece of me" over a issue on this forum ? Im not too sure what to say about that....it shows where most people aim their aggression towards at the end of the day :thumbdwn:

BTW deletion and locking is common - and is open for the user to reply but remember myself and other moderators are entitled to deleted and lock as we see fit...we follow the rules almost exactly but there is always room for users opinion.

I should add - for everyone here and future members - keep in mind the unseen effort that us moderators go through day to day - we put in almost full time hours per week at no payment to ourselves to keep this forum up and running. Its not personal when your post gets edited or deleted etc. Take it like a mature person and consult us or shush up !

10-03-2005, 12:26 PM
I have banned ONE person in my year or so as a moderator.

if that is true, then im most definate that, that banned person was me. :wave:

i did try to consult you and other mods before my immaturity took over.

deleting/locking is fine. but banning is over the top. i had to take refugee in them yank sites for a whole week.

if the tables where turned im pretty sure u would be expressing your opinions the way i have.

10-03-2005, 12:43 PM
come on guys relax and chill... dun pick on Ben .. he s just doin this job... he is a nice person ...

10-03-2005, 01:02 PM
if that is true, then im most definate that, that banned person was me. :wave:

i did try to consult you and other mods before my immaturity took over.

deleting/locking is fine. but banning is over the top. i had to take refugee in them yank sites for a whole week.

if the tables where turned im pretty sure u would be expressing your opinions the way i have.

That would of been a week ban...like a "cool off" ban from our site ? Point of that is a 1st step to get urself or others to step back , take a deep breath and think about what the issue was really.

We have had a few peopel that get instantly banned thru trouble or other issues tho - such as trolls or peopel coming on to sell stuff etc.

If i was in a similar situation - i would chuck a wobbly - having found out i went against the rules - but get over it like u did too. Really, in helping run this site i use my own judgement and perspective in my decisions - not of a nazi regime as most u think lol.

10-03-2005, 06:46 PM
the only comment i can make on this is sometimes i think the mods are too quick to lock threads sometimes. they dont wait for the other side, sure it can be taken to pm but in many of the cases i dont think its necessary

i am another person that have wanted to take my frustration out on ben but i got over it coz its stupid:rolleyes:

sure i think sometimes OH is over modded but i see why... and the personal stuff here is pretty ****en childish i think we'd all agree:thumbdwn:

10-03-2005, 06:58 PM
sure i think sometimes OH is over modded but i see why... and the personal stuff here is pretty ****en childish i think we'd all agree:thumbdwn:

I have been known to pee off the occasional member :p

but i agree 100% with that comment. Read further up the page to realise why. A VERY small percentile of personal attacks that have happened on this site.
Guys - why cat we all get along ?:thumbsup:

10-03-2005, 09:28 PM
yeah ok, I'm defined as 'immature' because I got frustrated at your heavy handed actions running this forum. And for your refusal to believe what you currently know from both pornstar and myself.

GREAT post #8 z3lda. Summed up this whole stupid thing perfectly.

Anyway I'm glad this pointless and totally avoidable situation has been cleared up.

And Ben, hiding behind a computer screen certainly hasn't dented your confidence one bit either. Nor has achieving ozhonda mod.

10-03-2005, 09:38 PM
yeah ok, I'm defined as 'immature' because I got frustrated at your heavy handed actions running this forum. And for your refusal to believe what you currently know from both pornstar and myself.

GREAT post #8 z3lda. Summed up this whole stupid thing perfectly.

Anyway I'm glad this pointless and totally avoidable situation has been cleared up.

And Ben, hiding behind a computer screen certainly hasn't dented your confidence one bit either. Nor has achieving ozhonda mod.

you are the winner ! :wave:

I am actually....ZORRO......the masked net avenger....NEVER to be seen...or is that like the phantom of the OZHONDAAAHHH ? *lol* :rolleyes:

10-03-2005, 09:48 PM
vtir22 - I suggest you ought to relax a lil and try not to take this personal. It's a small matter really.

To be honest, I would've taken the same course of action as Ben did. It's a "protocol" the Mods/Admin follow when such an event arises.

I beg you not to vent your anger/disappointment by questioning our methods of moderating. Unless you're genuinely curious, then fair enough. I apologize in advance for my assumption.

Have a nice day.


10-03-2005, 10:13 PM
Serenity now :)

So Ben, are you genuinely interested in the exhaust? :D

10-03-2005, 10:14 PM
Now that we are on the topic of public annoyance...

itr025 (http://member.php?u=3743) vbmenu_register("postmenu_226084", true);

Join Date: Feb 2005
Trade Ratings: (0 (http://traderratings.php?u=3743))
My Car Specs (http://vbgarage.php?do=view&id=3743)
Posts: 0
Car: dc2r

Serenity now

So Ben, are you interested in the exhaust?

you seem to have a alter ego there mate ?

10-03-2005, 10:25 PM
car: dc2r

plan was to ditch this one and use my new one, is there an easier way to migrate?

10-03-2005, 10:53 PM
jsut so you already know...its against our policy to have mulitple usernames...

which one do you want to stick with.

15-03-2005, 06:26 PM
We had a bit of a problem previously with u deleting my thread over free ecu giveouts. The assumption was that it would lead to something commercial.

Im in no way having a swipe at ya, but no where in T&C does it say a post that might in the mind of a moderator, (on reasonable grounds?) be deleted for commercial reasons.

I mean i sorted that one out with ya, but im still abit lost as to how u might delete something like that, on teh basis it leads to commercialness, based on an assumption made by u that simply doesnt hold true. Firstly, as with the others, IF your going to delete a thread, why not at least just pm the user so he knows why and what for?

Like u i feel i contribute a fair amount to ozhonda, and to be deleted without any reason or excuse, hard for me to learn where i went wrong, if indeed i did?

As for the St May exhaust, i only posted in there to clarify YOUR question, that it used to belong to VTIR22, and is now Type Ones. Again, if i broke the rules by answering ur question, i assume it was because i was off topic, if so, how is it that ur post isnt off topic? or is that a privelege a mod enjoys? if not, why not just PM type One?

Anyways, they are my questions and concerns, but hell, if they dont get answered, ill come around with my new metallic keyboard and slap u ;)

15-03-2005, 08:23 PM
We had a bit of a problem previously with u deleting my thread over free ecu giveouts. The assumption was that it would lead to something commercial.

Im in no way having a swipe at ya, but no where in T&C does it say a post that might in the mind of a moderator, (on reasonable grounds?) be deleted for commercial reasons.

I mean i sorted that one out with ya, but im still abit lost as to how u might delete something like that, on teh basis it leads to commercialness, based on an assumption made by u that simply doesnt hold true. Firstly, as with the others, IF your going to delete a thread, why not at least just pm the user so he knows why and what for?

Like u i feel i contribute a fair amount to ozhonda, and to be deleted without any reason or excuse, hard for me to learn where i went wrong, if indeed i did?

As for the St May exhaust, i only posted in there to clarify YOUR question, that it used to belong to VTIR22, and is now Type Ones. Again, if i broke the rules by answering ur question, i assume it was because i was off topic, if so, how is it that ur post isnt off topic? or is that a privelege a mod enjoys? if not, why not just PM type One?

Anyways, they are my questions and concerns, but hell, if they dont get answered, ill come around with my new metallic keyboard and slap u ;)

Initially , removing your post was entirely a commercial proposition - a company offering a service regadless needs to go thru Mr admin either as a paying trader - or not at all really. But that was worked out.

As i have said , it is a right for any person here to hear the original poster speak up about goods contained within - NO other user should have speak up at all. The very same thing would of happened if i wasnt a mod - i would of asked " who's is this ? 2 people are telling me its theirs ?!?" Then , your reply was offtopic as it wasnt Type ones reply.

Prying too deep is not an issue - people selling items shoudl be prepared to face such questions and situations... it does bite that it reached this level , that might of been genuinely interested in such an exhaust.
Yet , users assumed i was attacking morals/pride ?

I surely pushed too deep and people cannot take this sometimes - but myself and others do want to know the full story before checking any further , agree ?


15-03-2005, 10:40 PM
A VERY small percentile of personal attacks that have happened on this site.

unfortunatly im included in that percentile, but props to the mod handling of the "scenario"..

16-03-2005, 09:09 AM
unfortunatly im included in that percentile, but props to the mod handling of the "scenario"..
Mods were so quick even you didn't know you were attacked ;)

16-03-2005, 01:25 PM
Mods were so quick even you didn't know you were attacked ;)

...like a tigerrrrrrr :D

16-03-2005, 02:06 PM
stop sooking :)

16-03-2005, 02:33 PM
come on mods.... keep on topic!!!! :p

16-03-2005, 03:10 PM
this thread cracks me up :D

type one
16-03-2005, 03:16 PM
hey i'm famous!! its my exhaust, but this stupid thread hasn't helped me sell it. So much for any publicity being good publicity.

Damn my foolish attempt at trying to create some "scandal".

16-03-2005, 08:30 PM
hey i'm famous!! its my exhaust, but this stupid thread hasn't helped me sell it. So much for any publicity being good publicity.

Damn my foolish attempt at trying to create some "scandal".

...and with that this is seriously well over.

Original creator/ angry man....disappeared of the face off the earth , bren made a cup of tea and type one still didnt sell exhaust.

The end.