View Full Version : Bad Engine -.-

18-03-2005, 01:41 PM
I orginally suspected tappet problems with my car. Few other people suggested the same thing. Now its sounds pretty bad and im supsecting its worse then tappet problems. Cars ready to go BOOM. And yes i know i should take it to a mechanic and fix it or at least check it out. Truth is i'm in so much debt that I can't even pour petrol down my tank any more. After skool fees, skool books, sppeding ticket and a new computer for skool, I live my life trying to pay it all off. And lets not forget bills bills bills.

Can someone please add me to thei msn Nippaboi@hotmail.com and link a sound file for me. I don't know where to upload sound files and I don't really wanna register an account either.

18-03-2005, 02:19 PM
when was the last time you had your valve clearances adjusted?

18-03-2005, 02:31 PM

nearlly 4 months ish?

18-03-2005, 04:31 PM
Actually i havent adjusted it once yet since the day i bought the car. Which was 8 odd months ago. Tappets went wild for a stage but when i got my vavle springs and retainers installed the sound dissapeared. So i assumed they must have been adjusted or something along those lines. After few months later the sound is back again.

18-03-2005, 09:17 PM
poor banana, look after it u damn pho sniffer. the strange sound is it crying begging you to take that front bar off :D

18-03-2005, 11:45 PM
so very true panda...

(Stop spamming people's threads. I have given you many warnings. And if you feel like spamming don't spam my ****en post)

18-03-2005, 11:52 PM
PFFT to both of you. That really helps me with hosting a sound file doesn't it.

18-03-2005, 11:59 PM
It's just an oppinion...
we are entitled to that are we not?
I don't see what you're getting so worked up about.....
be happy :)

19-03-2005, 12:07 AM
how big's the sound file? i can prob do it. I'll add you.

19-03-2005, 12:10 AM
Yeah you're aloud you're own opinon. You can post you're opinon on my vbgarage if you like or in the gallery. This is not the place for it, specially when i'm ticked off bout my car ready to blow up and asking serious question.

Also if you follow alot of you're post I have given you warnings. They're not offical warnings.

19-03-2005, 12:22 AM
sorry, didn't know you were so sensitive about your car.
I thought you are lighthearted and easy going.
Sorry again.

19-03-2005, 12:25 AM
Yeah well when people have spent money on a car, mod or un-modded it tends to pist people off. Further more you have people jurking you around saying crap about your car when its already broken is like rubbin salt to a wound. So sensitive wise to my car, not really. I aint a rich million air to throw money around.

Getting back on the topic. Thankyou to Eclipsor for hosting sound file for me.


19-03-2005, 12:34 AM
For those downloading and posting "RELEVANT" replies, dont let the poor quality wav file affect your judgment, it doesn't sound that bad in person.

I still think its your tappets mate, just very noisy. My old b16 sounded just as rough and "tappety", but it was only noise, placebo.

19-03-2005, 01:16 AM
aiya that doesnt sound good :(

u know i was only playing tn, u know i have love for the banana ;)

19-03-2005, 10:42 PM
wha that didnt sound too good

20-03-2005, 02:48 AM
tappet adjustment is so easy, the specs are in the handbook.
Only takes an hour

20-03-2005, 11:20 AM
Dude I aint no mechanic. I know its a quick 1 hour job but I wouldn't even know where to start. I've been told if you watch someone do it once and then have a go your self then its piss easy.

20-03-2005, 12:41 PM
yeh the wav file sounds pretty exageratted i thiink... dont u have a mechanic friend tien, that u can take it to?... or get james to fix it...

20-03-2005, 12:51 PM
hmmm... sounds like my engine

21-03-2005, 03:31 PM
Have you tried eliminating other factors first?
like checking/changing/topping up your oil
running the correct oil?
if you`ve never had the cover off before, and its unmodified then its unlikely the clearances would just change.

21-03-2005, 10:12 PM
he had new springs and retainers installed.
My old 90' Accord had the same noise, became perfect after an adjustment.
was quite easy on the f22, dunno about the b18c cos i never seen under that cover yet.
Just save up to get it adjusted mate, GOOD LUCK :D

23-03-2005, 11:59 PM
slow taps like that usually indicates valve train noise, just do what everyone has said and get a valve adjustment asap and get them to make sure nothins loose in there! (cam bearing caps etc)does the engine still make good power? any loss in performance? if worse comes to worse you can swap your rattly b18c for my spare b18a! yeaHH!@

24-03-2005, 12:11 AM
tappet adjustment is so easy, the specs are in the handbook.
Only takes an hour

Would you like to offer to do it for him? John (ECU-MAN), a qualified mechanic, posted up a DIY (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15443) on this and it is not so simple...

just some advice before we get started

if you dont understand what I have written bellow. DONT TRY THIS
if you dont have the correct tools DONT TRY THIS
if you dont have the correct specs for your valve clearences DONT TRY THIS
if you dont read the entire post, and dont know how to adjust tappets DONT TRY THIS
if your not confident DONT TRY THIS
if your engine is not stone cold DONT TRY THIS

your in melb tho Bludger, why dont you give him a hand :thumbsup:

have a mechanic friend tien, that u can take it to?... or get james to fix it...

lol i charge too much for tien ;) i use "snap on" under car rollley thing (dunno its name :P )

if you`ve never had the cover off before, and its unmodified then its unlikely the clearances would just change.

it has been off. If your still worried Tien, take it to a mechanic and then you will know for sure and get it fixed :thumbsup:

24-03-2005, 01:50 AM
lol chillax bao, they are mods, u will get BANNED!

24-03-2005, 05:42 AM
Also for the record, i don't like him or you. SiR JDM.

It was merely a suggestion, you both have type Rs, you beleived the process was "so easy", so i thought as we are a honda community you could help him with his problem. Obvsiouly that has hit a nerv with you.

btw - i dont know where the, "scoring points with" me and/or Tien came from, but you have it in quotation marks so your obviously quoting something, but wouldn 't have been something ive said, i dont have a point scoring system or anything of the kind. My post in this thread was not an attack or an intentional insult to you or what you said, it was suggestive and informative, quoting a mechanic how it is not "so easy", but if your offended by that by all means i appologize.

To clarrify things, I have no problem with you, its not a matter of liking or disliking you, i have no business or reason to dislike you, but if you feel that way, does not bother me mate.

anyway, back on topic!

24-03-2005, 06:49 AM
ahermm, no i wouldn't like to do it for him.... or help him for that matter.
i don't think he likes me too much.
Also for the record, i don't like him or you. SiR JDM.
Apparently i don't "score points with you"
No hard feelings please, i just speak my heart.
good luck Sp3rMz

Sp3rMz, you are a hypocrite.
Refer to this thread - http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16083

-Thats the problem with Ozhonda these days no one has sense of humor and take things too serious.

taken from sperms post on 28-02-2005, 12:35 AM (DIY VTEC Light)

I had no bad intentions, just comments and you're blasting me for commenting on your front bar.....

How am I being a hypocrite on that vtec light thread. Through out that thread all I have done is help out Dundas to make his thread more clear for people to understand. I don't see how you can compare a comment that you made and anything on that post.

And once again you are aloud your opinon and I respect your opinons, but this is the time or place to place your opinon. As I stated if you don't like my front bar you can easily post it in my VBgarbage or Gallery section where it would be more appropriate. I don't care if people don't like my front bumper alot of people don't, but when im asking a question bout fixing a car and in reply I get no help but rather people saying I don't like your car, it serves no purpose to me or the thread. Its rather insulting because all I was asking for was help.

Anyways please keep replies back on the topic. I know you have much to say Bludger but its going to be pointless arguing about it. We both have better things to do but if there is something you'd like to continue to say feel free and PM me.

BTW: I have no problem against you nor do I have a scoring system. If i disliked you or rather out to target you I could have easily sent you two offical warning by now and banned you. Fact is I havent and rather I gave you some suttler warnings on the thread it self. You have stated that you don't like me and thats fair enough. Its human nature. We know what we like and we know what we dislike. I respect that and it your own personal feelings.

All and all hope our conflict doesn't affect you in anyway browsing our forums.