View Full Version : EP3R, automotive noob.

18-02-2013, 02:14 AM
Hey there OzHonda, as some of you may know almost a year ago my Prelude was written off and I was paid out. This was my first car and I had close to no knowledge of cars, and of course I brought a complete dud. Gear box slipping, cruise control not working, missing bits and pieces ect.
As much as I loved the Prelude due to being my first car, I'm glad It was written off and I almost got back what I paid for it.

Since then I've been searching for a new car, researching every possible car that was in my price range. I've just been reading off this forum, learning as much as I can.

Almost a year later I've FINALLY purchased my new car.
A Honda Civic EP3 type R.
It was pretty much stock besides a Toda racing exhaust system and an after market immobiliser.
The car did have a little paint scratch but nothing too noticeable, and I did get it at a reasonable price.

In the future I do plan on lightly modifying it, finishing off I/H/E and hopefully some suspension modifications.
But of course only having knowledge from reading, I will need a lot of help doing some DIY.

Also the EP3 had the steering column squeak, but with a bit of searching I was able to fix it with a little help from my mate and his tools.

Here's the car on the first day!

Fixing the squeak at the Ghetto Garage!

Tried on my mate's 25mm spacers



The car after a good wash

Thanks for reading!

19-02-2013, 09:51 AM
Welcome aboard mate! Nice looking car you have there.