View Full Version : K24 CRV 'Sunken sleeves'? is this a common problem?

19-03-2013, 01:21 PM
Hey guys,
Was talking to a local mechanic today who'd just has a crv come in showing symptoms that it was leaking past the head gasket. when they pulled the head off they found that the cylinders looked to be sunken too far into the block. 'its like the sleeve has sunk down into the block' was how he described it. when he put a straight edge over the block he found they were all a few thou below the deck.

Having peaked my curiosity i thought I'd see if anyone had had a similar issue with this motor???

21-03-2013, 09:59 PM
So no one's heard of or seen anything like this??

21-03-2013, 10:29 PM
Wouldn't say it's common but does happen. A customer of mine (Honda Dealer) last year called me around to inspect an Accord which ended up having the same issue. In that case the car had been very badly over heated.

30-03-2013, 06:38 PM
block would need to get real hot, and/or the piston bind to pull the sleeve