View Full Version : 06 DC5 Auto - Weird rythmic pumping/clunking sound when braking for a sharp turn..

24-03-2013, 12:37 AM
Posting as, as most issues, whether they be you getting sick or something with the car, this one popped up at 4:30pm on a Saturday. So Monday I'll be making some calls trying to get a professional diagnosis (whenever I can get it booked in.)

Just picked up an 06 Integra Auto and have only had it for 2 weeks. Only 82k on the odo.

It's been driving fine as far as I can tell, no issues, even now. However when driving like a boy racer, coming up to a corner at 40 or 50 for no justifiable reason (not that I need one) - and try to make a sharp turn, there is a weird pumping/clunking sound and dropping feeling from the middle of the engine bay. It may sound overly dramatic, but it sounds like a nasty pumping sound, and like the engine is going to fall out or there is something loose around the middle of the bay.

Car is a DC5 AUTO, the gears are being handled by the ECU obviously. I'm just steering and working the 2 pedals.

If I drive like a granny or a dad or whatever, there are no issues whatsoever. It feels normal and safe.

I've experienced it both turning left and right sharply, just residential streets (in speed limits.)

Recently had Bridgestone RE002's put on with a full wheel balance etc. Just got a RWC. The "mechanics" were lazy ignorant pricks but thats another story for another time.

Not a car guy at all so it's all just shots in the dark for me.

I've done some googling and some clues might be some kind of hydraulic pump issue? Something to do with power steering? From my understanding of brakes on a FWD car (which is not a lot) it doesn't sound like its coming from the calipers at all, more from the middle of the engine bay.

Am planning to get it into Westside Honda for a diagnosis, but there'll probably be a wait time there.

It's currently under a 3month statutory warranty (used car from dealer) so hoping whatever is required will be covered..

Any advice?


24-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Engine mounts

24-03-2013, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the reply.

Ideally, any part I have to replace will be suitable for a k24 swap down the road.. but, thats a few years away.

I WILL post my answer once I get a definitive one.

27-03-2013, 03:48 PM
So, I just got it back from Honda.

You were on the money DakDak!

Took it out for a spin with a guy from the workshop. Quiet chap. Demonstrated the problem, could really only make it happen when turning left (obviously my car isn't related to Zoolander at all.)

I openly admitted it happens predominately when I drive it like a wanker, and when I baby it, it's normal. He said something along the lines of "well if you drive your car like this.." - I'm thinking, wtf? How am I supposed to drive it? It's not a Jazz, it's a 2L Integra auto. It's a housewives car, they need to feel like heroes when zooming home with the groceries or out to buy shoes or whatevs. I wanna feel tuff like they do!!

Anyway, from the invoice:

Carried out roadtest with customer present, confirmed noise to be present at time of test when turning the vehicle left under load.
Returned vehicle back to the dealership.
Carried out inspection to all engine mounts, found r.h.f. engine mount to have droped (sic), also the l.h.f. gearbox mount has split.

So I'm concerned that the "gearbox mount" would be different if the vehicle is Auto or Manual, which means I could potentially order a set of mounts that wont fit my gearbox if I went for aftermarket.

I can't find any mounts that specifically say "auto" or "manual" though.

Hasport Mounts: http://hasport.com/store/index.php/mounts/integra/dc5.html
Innovative mounts: http://www.shiftperformance.com.au/product_info.php?cPath=75_332_333_335&products_id=1008&products_name=Replacement%20Billet%20Mount%20Kit&category_name=Integra%20DC5&osCsid=1ee079e080a36c168327c485a1db70a7

Can someone definitively tell me if I need auto-specific mounts? Also if the mounts for RHD and LHD are diff? (sorry for the noob q!)

Honda didn't give me the teardown on what their cost of labour is and what the cost of the part is unfortunately, but I guess I can get that work performed somewhere else.

28-03-2013, 09:09 AM
Its your car and you can abuse it however you want.

Pm someone like stndrd etc. They will be able to answer your question.

$750 too expensive anyways try oemacuraparts.com

28-03-2013, 09:18 AM
1. its under warranty, who cares how much they are.
2. its an auto, dont bother with aftermarket mounts.

28-03-2013, 09:50 AM
I forgot about the warranty.

28-03-2013, 10:06 AM
Also, LHD/RHD mounts are the same, and the gearbox mount on the auto will be different.

02-04-2013, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the info guys.

Went OEM, mostly so I can get the issue sorted sooner rather than later.. am concerned it will cause some kind of engine damage left unattended for too long, and I want to be able to zoom around. In terms of aftermarket, I couldn't easily find the maker that ships auto mounts, another reason I stuck with OEM. I would have just gone for street grade anyway. So am getting the new auto tranny and right hand side mounts installed tomorrow.

So, of course, I'm getting dicked around re. warranty. Extended warranty on the car doesn't cover mounts or bushings, and they adv even if they did, they wouldn't pay for this since the issue existed pre-sale. Dealer referred me to extended warranty.

The car had 2 independent inspections before I purchased it.. neither picked up the issue with the mounts.

Anyone know any legalese / if under the statutory warranty I have a right to demand the dealer cover the costs for the replacement of the mounts? Haven't even made my first payment on the car and am already having to pay for new mounts and fitting, pretty ridonkulous -_-

Would really appreciate some advice.

05-04-2013, 02:35 PM
$750 later, I have a new auto tranny mount and rhs mount.

..and the same problem.

Back to Westside Honda on Tuesday........

Fairly frustrated.. dropped almost a grand to fix a noise, noise persists? Ridiculous.

10-04-2013, 11:06 PM
bring it to another place.