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View Full Version : Everyone’s very quiet on the Sepang GP front ...

23-03-2005, 05:26 PM
But I guess it’s understandable given BAR-Honda’s extremely poor showing. I think the rules must have been muddled in the translation to Japanese for the Honda engineers: “engine must last 2 races” clearly became “engine must last 2 laps”!! :rolleyes:

On a sour note it makes Honda the laughing stock of the paddock – everyone finished the race (or retired by means other than mechanical) with their 2 race old engines, whilst BAR-Honda couldn’t even make 3 laps with their newly replaced engines! :confused:
If it’s any consolation, the blowups appear to be due to oil leaks … something that should be easily fixed. Fingers crossed for next race …

Renault are continuing their fine form (other than Fisichellas incident caused by eaten tires) and look to be the ones to beat. I’m sure there’s a conspiracy between Renault and Michelin (both French companies) to ensure a French team wins!! :p

Toyota … as much as I hate them, have clearly done their homework and have a very competitive car. Their first podium was well deserved. I just hope they don’t get their first win before Honda does – I would be absolutely crushed (as would be a lot of Honda engineers, employees and fans).

I find it interesting that the two strongest cars out there (Renault and Toyota) have a common link in the form of designer Mike Gascoyne. Perhaps Mike took Renaults design philosophies/methodologies with him to Toyota and now both are reaping the benefits.


23-03-2005, 06:32 PM
Hmmm, yes, very quiet. For good reason. I'm disappointed about BAR, but more-so about Webber's retirement.

Part of me wants to let rip at Fisichella for being a dickhead and part of me wants to yell at Webber for not just ducking in behind and underneath Fisi. Fisichella was in the wrong and caused the accident, but Webber could've easily avoided it. The only problem was Heidfeld being a car-length behind.

Oh well, podium next race maybe?

And yes, I have only praise for Toyota. They've obviously put in a lot of work and are reaping the rewards.


23-03-2005, 08:56 PM
meh quiet for all reasons, cant wait for the F2005 to be out, hopefully Bahrain they saying instead of Spain. should improve things

23-03-2005, 09:13 PM
F2005 improve things!?!?! Hehehe ... obviously you're a Ferrari supporter Jacko! :p

I must admit I've been a Ferrari supporter too ... BAR is my foremost team now though.

I do reckon Schumi is the best driver out there by far ... and Ferrari has the best team though, its just the bridgeys letting them down. That said, I've been a bit put off by the management of Ferrari and their arrogance lately.


23-03-2005, 09:35 PM
yeh lol huge fan, and not just a recent one on the bandwagon either! have to stress that! but yeh love all F1 in general great sport although some new rules i dont like too much lol!

23-03-2005, 10:21 PM
im a ferrari supporter too because i always have been, i support williams because of webber, and i support bar for obvious reasons, i hope sato wins before button does haha everyone knows that there is a big chance button will leave and the end of the year and take heidfields spot...

23-03-2005, 10:52 PM
Really is disappointing for BAR. Couldn't help but sulk throughout the whole race.

Toyota, well...guess all the effort ($$$) put in has paid off!

All in all, the Sepang GP was a great race. Couple of actions, overtakings, disappointments, etc., exactly what you need to liven the GP up, considering the atrocious rulings for this season.

My 2c.

24-03-2005, 07:55 AM
myself, i'm a fisichella fan, and i reckon it was both webber and fisichella's faults that accident, yes, fisi braked too late on the dirty side of the track and slid wide, but they were side by side down the straight, so neither of them had right of way, and so webber should have given room.

And whats with webber's comment that fisi shouldn't have tried to pass coz his tyres were gone and he wouldn't have been able to keep webber behind him? last i saw, there's nothing in the rules saying you have to give up a position without a fight because the guy behind you is quicker.

Anyways, decent race, how good was webber, ralf and heidfeld fighting it out!

anyone like to lay odds on Ferrari hurrying up the introduction of the F2005 now?

24-03-2005, 09:51 AM
both renault and williams would be pretty unhappy too.. they worked sooo hard to get a competitive car this year and still miss out on point because of the drivers

24-03-2005, 11:39 AM
I thought there was a clause in the new rules that if the engines are damaged, they can replace it for the second race but apparantly, BAR decided to fix the damaged engine instead of replacing it...

24-03-2005, 01:17 PM
I thought there was a clause in the new rules that if the engines are damaged, they can replace it for the second race but apparantly, BAR decided to fix the damaged engine instead of replacing it...

The rule is that if you retire from a race then you can replace the engine, so BAR retired both their cars during the Australian GP even though there were no problems with them, and then changed to all new engines. If you change an engine during a race weekend its a 10 grid sport penalty isn't it?

24-03-2005, 01:23 PM
Fisichella, what were you thinking?
Braked way to late and took in way too much speed into the corner and then the idiot commentators said "Webber could of let him pass"

Yes, because everyone in F1 just lets everyone else pass when they go do heavely into a corner.

Ok, Webber could of braked and let Fisichella go and then Webber makes it up on the straight and takes him but then Heinfeld would of took Webber (he had a better run)

Not happy about that, good to see Ralf is back to his best of hitting people! http://ausrotary.dntinternet.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_lol.gif


Found some Interviews

Giancarlo Fisichella, Renault (DNF):
“It was disappointing not to make it to the chequered flag, but I had a difficult afternoon. The car was not very well balanced at the start of the race, and after my first stop, I lost a lot of front downforce: I think something broke. I was up to two seconds slower than the race pace, and the car was understeering everywhere; so there was no grip at all. As for the collision, Webber got past me into turn 14, then I overtook him again on the straight afterwards. I was ahead, and he was on the outside when he took his line into the corner. As I was braking, the rear of the car slid and Mark had left no margin for error, so we collided. For me, it was a racing incident.”

Mark Webber, Williams (DNF):
“I had a pretty good start and set it into a reasonable rhythm and after the first pit stop I started to catch Fisichella who was holding me up quite a lot as his tyres were finished. I had Ralf behind me and I knew he could pounce anytime. We had a tight fight but I got in front of him in the end. Then with 20 laps to go I closed up with Fisichella again. His tyres were getting worse and worse, I passed him at turn 14 and left him plenty of room. Then Giancarlo came on the inside on the next corner and I knew it would be difficult for him to stop on the dirty side. I went back onto the clean side and I think Fisi braked too late, locked his tyres on the dirty stuff, lost the rear end and took my car out.”

24-03-2005, 01:41 PM
Was the BAR troubles just oil leaks on both cars? or was sato's car, i know he wasn't driving, a bigger problem. I think BAR will improve alot in the next race, things will be sorted and hopefully a podium for Button, he did have a great run before his oil leak.

I recorded it but turned it off after both BAR's failed, it was too sad :(

24-03-2005, 04:39 PM
It's a hard one that incident. All the Webber fans will say Fisi took him out (which he did) and all the Fisi fans will say Webber should've made room 'cos he knew Fisi was in way too hot.

The way I see it is...
Webber should've gone in behind Fisi and would've made a clean pass. So I blame Webber, but I also blame Fisichella. Fisi was NEVER in a million years going to stop in time. There was no point anyway, Webber was eventually going to get past and Heidfeld too. Then, sure, depend your position. But that was suicidal braking! So instead of settling for 5th, Fisi decided to take a big risk. There were 3 possible outcomes resulting from Fisi's move...

1. Webber let him through to survive and hold up the Williams' for another few laps (and hope the Williams' take each other out?).
2. Not stop in time, Webber lets him overshoot and overtakes on the inside, Heidfeld passes at the next corner 'cos he has a better run.
3. Not stop in time, Webber on the outside, crash and retire.

There was really no point in Fisi's move. It was stupid. Webber should've played it smarter, but he had Heidfeld driving like a maniac behind him. Heidfeld should've given them some space and then taken Fisi when it was his turn. But Heidfeld did drive very well. None of the three can be blamed for 100% of the accident, but they all definitely have a significant share of the blame.

24-03-2005, 05:46 PM
i was so unbelievably shattered after the two bar's had engine problems...
lets hope they dramatically improve from here onwards...

n as for the webber incident... bleh bl to him lolz...

26-03-2005, 10:19 AM
It's a hard one that incident. All the Webber fans will say Fisi took him out (which he did) and all the Fisi fans will say Webber should've made room 'cos he knew Fisi was in way too hot.

The way I see it is...
Webber should've gone in behind Fisi and would've made a clean pass. So I blame Webber, but I also blame Fisichella. Fisi was NEVER in a million years going to stop in time. There was no point anyway, Webber was eventually going to get past and Heidfeld too. Then, sure, depend your position. But that was suicidal braking! So instead of settling for 5th, Fisi decided to take a big risk. There were 3 possible outcomes resulting from Fisi's move...

1. Webber let him through to survive and hold up the Williams' for another few laps (and hope the Williams' take each other out?).
2. Not stop in time, Webber lets him overshoot and overtakes on the inside, Heidfeld passes at the next corner 'cos he has a better run.
3. Not stop in time, Webber on the outside, crash and retire.

There was really no point in Fisi's move. It was stupid. Webber should've played it smarter, but he had Heidfeld driving like a maniac behind him. Heidfeld should've given them some space and then taken Fisi when it was his turn. But Heidfeld did drive very well. None of the three can be blamed for 100% of the accident, but they all definitely have a significant share of the blame.

Vivski - You do understand we are talking about racing not Ballet.
You don't give people room, mainly because your blocking your position when someone is attacking.
Fisichella was in the wrong, no matter how you look at it.
Webber had the line and then had to adjust cause Fisi went in way to fast and with no traction (back tyres gone) and had only 2 things on his mind.
1/ Its going to work
2/ Punt Webber off.

As for the BAR cars.
I like Jenson now after what he said.
It doesn't take a genuis to engineer a car to last more then 3 laps, I'm bloody angry!

What a champion.
He just doesn't want to be there!