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View Full Version : Ek1 to k20a

31-05-2013, 04:10 PM
Hey peeps,

Aim: get a k20 into my ek1(1996 gli)
(ATM I am working and saving up)

I will be buying a dc5 half cut and I was wandering can I source everything that i need for the conversion from the dc5 half cut ?( I've seen articles on this but they sourced all the stuff from different websites and I just want to know can I use the half cut for everything I need?)

Besides the ekk2 mounts from hasport and the shifter box procedure

( I might need someone to help me with the swap later on in the year if u live in sydney and have done this kind of swap let me know )

Thanks guys be patient with me I'm still a noob

31-05-2013, 04:25 PM

31-05-2013, 07:20 PM
You need abit more research. When I did the research, i dropped this idea. Ek chassis isn't the most ideal chassis as the drive shafts aren't located in the ideal position for max power so a eg sub frame would be needed. Kpro is needed. Headers and as you mentioned the mounts and on top of all of these the knowledge to put this together. Would love to do a backyard job on my em1, I'm pretty confident that i can get the motor and the box inside the engine bay, but then not so confident in expecting it to turn over or be operator able properly on the road.

Do more research, there's a reason why people gets parts from different manufacturers.

And make your decision then.

31-05-2013, 11:46 PM
thanks for the advice bro well I know a block who is installing a Suzuki engine in a Mini Cooper I guess that's complex enough lol I think I would get him to do my car too

01-06-2013, 04:09 PM
Its not that hard.

90% of the swap is bolting things in. Only real 'difficult' part of the swap is wiring, which is like 8 wires.

Aslong as you double and triple check everything as you go, theres no reason it wont turn over first go. Mine did :wave:

If you have any specific questions you need answers too, feel free to pm me.

01-06-2013, 04:27 PM
Hey vvvtec I sure will pm u if I run into anything when I do the swap :) was ur one into a dc2?

01-06-2013, 05:30 PM
Yeah man, put a k24 into my dc2. Check out my build thread for lots of photos of the swap haha.