View Full Version : Battery replacement on 18 month old euro

03-06-2013, 08:00 PM
More auction woes :( the battery was flat from idiots leaving the key on and it sitting to be sold. After buying and driving it home it was flat on the next start so I pulled the battery and wall charged. Noticed some fluid under the battery in the tray and thought it might have leaked acid - also it took a few cranks to get going so I took it to essendon honda for a replacement under warranty. They tested it and reported it as no fault code and said the fluid was just condensation.

After leaving the cabin on one night the battery was dead flat 8 hrs later. Wall charged again but I think the battery has lost it's capacity as it sounds like it struggles on startups. My question is should a replacement be covered under warranty? Service manual says so if less than 2 years old but I've been told no chance as there is no error code when they test it.

Anyone recommend a battery to get? Can you buy replacement Panasonic ones like the manufacturer put in? Really don't wanna put a super cheap auto battery in my lovely machine.

03-06-2013, 08:22 PM
get a century battery, those things are tanks and never go flat

honda OEM batteries have always been weak sauce

03-06-2013, 08:33 PM
Cheers Curtis. Will grab a century. Annoyed with honda not replacing it. Even if it has been abused a new battery should do more than 18 months.

03-06-2013, 08:37 PM
Hhhhmmmm, try your luck anyway.
I forgot the 18 months bit.. (was thinking it'd be a good opportunity to upgrade).
Free is better than anything lol :)

03-06-2013, 08:40 PM
I did mate and they barred me. Basically they plug it into a computer and unless there is some catastrophic fault in the battery they won't get an error code. No error code and honda won't honor the warranty. Piece of crap battery can't hold a decent charge over the weekend and they still won't replace it under warranty. Makes you wonder if anyone actually gets anything out of the three year warranty beyond outrageous dealer servicing costs.