View Full Version : DC2 vtir fuel level/pump

21-08-2013, 12:01 AM
Car: dc2 vtir 93'

When the fuel gauge gets to about 1/4 I can hear a buzzing sound while driving (sounds like an electric motor or something), when I take sharp corners or go around a roundabout quickly the engine sometimes turns off, quite dangerous sometimes.

Car has been doing this for a few months now, I just go fill up at half gauge or so.

Anyone know what the problem is and a remedy?
maybe my fuel pump or fuel level unit?

21-08-2013, 12:21 PM
Sound is likely your fuel pump.

How much mileage are you getting from a full tank before this comes? Need to know, otherwise it's hard to tell if the car is getting starvation from the cornering (fuel moving to the sides of the tank under G-force).

And what fuel are you using?

21-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Using Vortex 98 and get around 300 before I fill up again (when gauge is around 1/3 left)

21-08-2013, 05:43 PM
Don't like Vortex. BP and Mobil (7 Eleven) are superior. But that's another topic.

How do you drive the car? Hard?

21-08-2013, 07:32 PM
Nah. It's a daily barely ever get past 3.5k revs

15-09-2013, 10:26 PM
Any further suggestions? I've been searching and some people say its the sock that goes on the bottom of the fuel pump.
