View Full Version : Looking for a new car, would love advice. Not another will a integra beat a prelude

26-05-2014, 08:24 PM
So I have read a heap of threads on this site, on other Honda sites and random things I found on google, the only problem is that 90% off these threads are full off comments like "will a dc2 beat my mates prelude" "what's cooler an integra or a prelude?" This is not a post like that and I would love some solid advice and opinions.

I am looking at purchasing another car, I have owned cars like SSS pulsars, Skylines, a golf VR6 and numerous other performance orientated cars, all modified very similar with stiff suspension, weight reduction, break upgrades and mild performance modifications. This time I am looking for something a little different, I want something that still has aftermarket support, a car that my partner my 5 year old son and myself can all go in for decent drives, something that can be made to handle and lastly something that won't get left behind when I go out with my mates for a drive (we all drive some sort of Hatch back either Japanese or Euro).

What I have narrowed it down to so far are the DC2 Vtir and the 4th gen prelude Vtir. What I have gathered so far is that the integra is more focused towards performance and the prelude more towards comfort. My preference at the moment is with the Prelude but I am worried that they lack performance due to their bigger body and more weight but does the bigger motor make up for the extra weight? Modification wise the car will be fairly mild but would like to improve the handling with coilovers, sway and strut bars along with replacing the bushes, power wise I will stick to the usual Intake, headers and exhaust.

So can these cars be separated for what I want out of them? buy the looks of them if you wanted an all out track/race car the integra would be the way to go but I want a mild street car that can have some fun in the hills with my friends but I can also drive my son to school in. For what I want are these cars fairly evenly matched?

26-05-2014, 09:52 PM
4th gen prelude vtir in good nick, i can vouch for them being fairly quick and good handling. dc2 vtir probably less suited to carrying passengers while going fast cos of the smaller engine. both have small back seats obviously.

both being older cars may require some attention either oil leaks or suspension creeks, or both. vtir lude feels great once vtec kicks in, and feels like it goes for ages lol over 100 in second gear. i havnt been in a teg vtir

28-05-2014, 05:47 AM
The prelude aftermarket support is pretty crap, the integra has tones more of aftermarket support.

You can still do your usual I/H/E & sussy to the prelude though

4th gen prelude is highly prone to rust as well at the sunroof and bottom of rear windshield.

Also the rear seats in a prelude are tiny, the integra would have more room in the back.

28-05-2014, 09:35 AM
Both cars are excellent. Being a Prelude owner the only thing that I hate is the fuel consumption. I mean I'm lucky that I don't have to fill up twice a week but shifting at 3000 or before still doesn't get me 500 km to a tank. Other than that it's nice to drive, smooth, powerful and torquey.

As for space, as mentioned, I think the back seat space is still just as bad as an Integra. The reason why I got one was because most of my mates already had Civic's or Integra's so I wanted something a little different.

It's all up to you. A performance car with some luxuries and a lot of aftermarket support and engine swap potential or a luxury car with great power and torque but no where near as much aftermarket support but will be different in the Honda crowd if done nicely.

28-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Lol Squalled maybe you have a dirty o2 sensor :p

In my preludes I get in both 500km+, plus are quite quick.

I'd go prelude over integra any day, especially for family. Best young family car, gets a bit crowded when people in the back are a bit older though, because their legs Get stuck behind the seats. Young kid at the age you have would be perfect though.

u mad?
28-05-2014, 01:43 PM
bb4 prelude for family outings, forget it, the back seats are useless. I think both of them cars are not really suitable for what you're looking for.

28-05-2014, 01:58 PM
bb4 prelude for family outings, forget it, the back seats are useless. I think both of them cars are not really suitable for what you're looking for.

If kids got short legs they will be ok

28-05-2014, 02:02 PM
Yeah I should check that. Thanks RenzokukenJ.

On topic honestly If you have your mind set on a Prelude, get one :). I didn't really but when I started looking at them, they're a fairly nice car with a lot of power and torque. When I test drove the one I now own hitting VTEC gave me the biggest smile and I knew it was the one for me despite some it's flaws.

Personally I found it hard to find a VTi-R 4th gen and also didn't like the look as much as a 5th gen, personally, but the dash in them looks amazing and futuristic when you consider it's age.