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View Full Version : Problem: EK Civic auto revs fluctuating while cruising. Any Ideas?

28-05-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi All,
Well my neighbours car is playing up, it is a EK civic auto and the revs fluctuate while cruising goes up and down from around 1500-1600 depending on speed and even while accelerating.
They claim to have taken it to a couple of mechanics with no results. Gearbox fluid changed, tps, iacv checked and even ecu sent away for testing.
I still think it is the IACV or TPS but I don't have a spare to check. Anyone wanna lend me one or sell one cheap?
Any other ideas of the cause, it doesn't make a difference if engine is hot or cold and car has only done 60+ K's.

Any help would be great. Thanks

29-05-2014, 09:11 AM
I would clean out the IACV first and see how that goes, use a foaming carby cleaner like subaru upper engine cleaner.

31-05-2014, 12:16 AM
Thanks, yeah I think that may be the fault, well hopefully it is even if the other mechanic already tried.