View Full Version : B18 into EG registration/roadworthy questions

09-01-2015, 01:57 PM
Hey guys i was wondering how anyone here who has done a b18 swap in their EG in victoria was able to get their car registered/roadworthy. I know you need an engineers certificate but are there other ways such as a statutory declaration to get the engine registered to the chassis? Any help is appreciated thanks

10-01-2015, 08:30 AM
There is no legitimate way to get a B18 swap registered in an EG in Victoria without a VASS certificate. Not to say it isn't possible, as VicRoads and RWC testers are not infallible. Just get a VASS, if the motor is stock then it's not that hard.

11-01-2015, 03:39 AM

I did this last year. The hardest part was learning the rules around doing it right and doing a ton of research. My #1 piece of advice would be: talk to an engineer before you spend $1. Happy to answer more specific questions if you wanna pm me. But I learned everyone I needed by talking with engineers and searching on forums.