View Full Version : [CLOSED]Noob question regarding tow hooks, advice welcome

20-07-2015, 06:49 PM
Hi all
This is my first time posting so I hope I have done fine with post placement.
Long story short I am trying to look for tow hooks for my 2006 CL9 Euro (the rear for now, namely this one (http://passwordjdm.com/PasswordJDM-Billet-Aluminum-Tow-Hook-Rear-P4741C329.aspx))

I have done some research and most of the hooks look like that but that is apparently a good trust-able brand/make.
My dilemma comes with fitment.
That hook is for a car that has a rear hook like so:

Instead, on the underside, I have a horizontal hook, not a vertical one:

I hope my info was of some clarity and use.
So I was hoping if anyone can steer me in the right direction of:
What to get?
The name if the hook I have?
Where to look?
advice on track ready hooks?

Thanks for any advice and I say thanks in advance, as well as apologise if this is in the wrong section, as I was told to post noob question in the noob section.

20-07-2015, 07:36 PM
My opinion

Your car already has much stronger front and rear tow hooks.

But hey , if you MUST.....remember a bolt on tow hook is only as strong as the bolts holding it.

20-07-2015, 07:57 PM
My opinion

Your car already has much stronger front and rear tow hooks.

But hey , if you MUST.....remember a bolt on tow hook is only as strong as the bolts holding it.

I agree with your opinion, but it is also for aesthetic purposes, so why not? And not only that, it is a part of my car I want to know more about.
So any advice or answers would be cool. Thanks for taking your time to reply though.

20-07-2015, 08:09 PM
Best of luck with it

CLICK HERE (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?175255-Benen-Rear-Tow-Hook) about BENEN tow hooks for a CL9. Looks good

also look at this TSX thread http://www.tsxclub.com/forums/1st-gen-general-car-topics/61759-tow-hooks-straps.html#/forumsite/20824/topics/61759

20-07-2015, 08:39 PM
Best of luck with it

CLICK HERE (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?175255-Benen-Rear-Tow-Hook) about BENEN tow hooks for a CL9. Looks good

also look at this TSX thread http://www.tsxclub.com/forums/1st-gen-general-car-topics/61759-tow-hooks-straps.html#/forumsite/20824/topics/61759

OK, Thanks for the input, really appreciated.
I now understand that the 'Slide-in' hook would result in having the hook to be horizontal, but for conversation/experimentation sake, would something like this (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/UNIVERSAL-BLACK-RECOVERY-POINT-OFFROAD-TOW-HOOK-4-5T-10000lbs-PATROL-HILUX-D40-/181342103092?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item2a38d4e634) be a sorta-do the job way?

I personally think horizontal fitment would look better, but I guess when it comes to things like this its always function vs form, and I am sticking with function.
also, if I may ask another question, do you think there will be enough space to fit it horizontally? or will it touch the bumper? (a Sports kit/lip bumper is going to be swapped in soon when the car goes off to be painted in a week)

20-07-2015, 08:52 PM
I don't get how your tow hook is, can you take a pic?

20-07-2015, 08:52 PM
Wait i saw it, shiet.

21-07-2015, 07:09 AM
If you're sticking with function, then the OEM hooks are pretty damned functional.

Once the race category in which you compete mandates a specific tow hook, then fit that one. Until then, save your money.

Definitely DON'T install that 4WD recovery hook. That just looks plain silly, and I fear the other kids at school will beat up on you.

21-07-2015, 11:20 AM
I'll laugh at you poof

I'd laugh at myself to be honest, I was just seeing what kind of things there are, anyway, I think I will stick to OEM, not sure if racetracks mandate certain hooks, unless I take part in Time Attack or something, which I am pretty sure is hard to find in the Sydney area anyway.
Other than that, thanks for the input guys, Ill see if I can put [CLOSED] in the title.

21-07-2015, 04:50 PM
just before I close this - it's helpful to note that something not properly secured especially on the outside is a big NO NO at any track.

21-07-2015, 05:00 PM
inb4 closed