View Full Version : Honda Civic Type R FN2 Indicators on left side of steering wheel

23-10-2015, 07:40 PM
Ok, I have recently been looking into buying a 2007+ honda civic type R. The problem is, when I test drove a few, the flippin' indicator was on the left side of the steering wheel which makes it odd to change gears. Now I dno what possessed honda and their bimbo team to do something as silly as that, but as a result - I am turned off the car. I have the money ready to buy one - but I am not tooo sure about this whole indicator thing. So here are my questions please help :D

1. Is it "POSSIBLE" to change the location of the indicator stalks on to the other side of the steering wheel (right side where it belongs)? I am ready to fork out some money (not $2000+ though).

2.If it isn't possible with the same indicators that came with the car, can I use some indicators from say a honda accord euro? Or anything of the sort?

3. If all of these options fail, is it easy to get use to with the indicator on the gear changing side. Does your driving pattern become fluid like? Is there any implications (negatives) or benefits to having the indicator on the right side?

If it is easiest, please answer the following questions relevant to their numbers to reduce confusion, for example "3. blablalabla"
Thankyou :D

23-10-2015, 08:02 PM
3. its weird to get use to at first

but will feel like it was always meant to be there after a while.

Lots of EURO inspired cars have indicators on the left.

23-10-2015, 08:18 PM
3. its weird to get use to at first

but will feel like it was always meant to be there after a while.

Lots of EURO inspired cars have indicators on the left.


plenty of euro cars have indicators on the left, takes using them a couple of times and you're sorted.

23-10-2015, 08:33 PM
Ok, I have recently been looking into buying a 2007+ honda civic type R. The problem is, when I test drove a few, the flippin' indicator was on the left side of the steering wheel which makes it odd to change gears. Now I dno what possessed honda and their bimbo team to do something as silly as that, but as a result - I am turned off the car. I have the money ready to buy one - but I am not tooo sure about this whole indicator thing. So here are my questions please help :D

1. Is it "POSSIBLE" to change the location of the indicator stalks on to the other side of the steering wheel (right side where it belongs)? I am ready to fork out some money (not $2000+ though).

2.If it isn't possible with the same indicators that came with the car, can I use some indicators from say a honda accord euro? Or anything of the sort?

3. If all of these options fail, is it easy to get use to with the indicator on the gear changing side. Does your driving pattern become fluid like? Is there any implications (negatives) or benefits to having the indicator on the right side?

If it is easiest, please answer the following questions relevant to their numbers to reduce confusion, for example "3. blablalabla"
Thankyou :D

It's not stupid, it's a european design - they hvae LHD and RHD cars all over the place so they kept the indicator on the left as thats where it was originally. We're far too JDM to understand.

1. No. Unless you have a lot of time and money
2. No. Unless you have a lot of time and money
3. Yes, it's easy. You're not really supposed to be gearing during a turn anyway

23-10-2015, 09:10 PM
My parents have a bmw x1 and its got that whole euro design with the indicator on the left, I srsly dislike driving that vehicle in "sports mode" because toggling between the + and - on the geaar stick while indicating is a mission. I probably just hate the vehicle because its a Germ, or diesel, or both.

To the poster above though, your right about not changing gear while turning, this destroys traction and disturbs driving, but that's not what I am concerned with haha I am concerned with the whole 'drop a gear indicate' at the same time then 'slot' myself in when its safe to do so. I just wish they made this a little more ergonomically orientated like every other JDM vehicle.

Perhaps now the new formula will be, spot, indicate, and then drop a gear and away I go?

24-10-2015, 01:57 AM
I find I'm turning in third anyway, plus if you give yourself enough time, you shouldn't be indicating at the time of needing to change gear anyway...

24-10-2015, 09:48 AM
As above, it's standard on LHD cars (we're the minority with our weird RHD cars). Doesn't take much at all to get used to. I've had several euro hire cars (Merc, VW, Renault etc.) and they all had the indicators on the left. Within 10 min of traffic you're on top of it. At worst, you'll turn the wipers on when you're intending to indicate.

If you can't cope with such a small change, maybe you're better off catching the bus.

24-10-2015, 12:21 PM
If you can't cope with such a small change, maybe you're better off catching the bus.[/QUOTE]

Well that was helpful, 10/10, perhaps writers are right and I may get use to it. The very reason why the indicator is on the left in the first place was to cater for the ergonomics of the LHD market. Il just do some more test drives And see if the shoe fits

24-10-2015, 12:40 PM
If you can't cope with such a small change, maybe you're better off catching the bus.

If you can't cope with such a small change, maybe you're better off catching the bus.

Well that was helpful, 10/10, perhaps writers are right and I may get use to it. The very reason why the indicator is on the left in the first place was to cater for the ergonomics of the LHD market. Il just do some more test drives And see if the shoe fits

25-10-2015, 11:58 AM
what shoe? pls explain

25-10-2015, 06:10 PM
what shoe? pls explain

Its an Australian expression which translates to: "if it is whats best for my needs, or fits my needs."

31-10-2015, 02:39 PM
I had an FK2, I got use to the LHD combo switch in the car.
I personally don't find it that annoying.

What annoys me most in some cars these days is when they put the handbrake next to the passenger seat
I cant find a logical reason for this.

Its an Australian expression which translates to: "if it is whats best for my needs, or fits my needs."

If the shoe fits is not an australian idiom.

31-10-2015, 04:18 PM
If the shoe fits is not an australian idiom.

It definitely isn't, it's a homeless idiom

31-10-2015, 04:27 PM
It definitely isn't, it's a homeless idiom

I just remember hearing it in Toy Story 2

01-11-2015, 03:03 AM
You differed from the original post, but if you (lot) insist about the expression, the other fellas is right. It is not an Australian expression it is a British expression. Now considering the British colonised the Aborigines land and created Australia - its now an Australian/brittish/American expression lmao

Unless you guys wna rewrite history and have the europeans go back to Britan then it actually wont be an Australian expression.

Now back to the original post haha

01-11-2015, 04:34 AM
I have fix to your problem. Buy a DC5R.

01-11-2015, 08:46 AM
It's not stupid, it's a european design - they hvae LHD and RHD cars all over the place so they kept the indicator on the left as thats where it was originally. We're far too JDM to understand.

1. No. Unless you have a lot of time and money
2. No. Unless you have a lot of time and money
3. Yes, it's easy. You're not really supposed to be gearing during a turn anyway

#3 really man... You're doing it wrong then =P

I have fix to your problem. Buy a DC5R.

Doneskies... XD

01-11-2015, 12:02 PM
#3 really man... You're doing it wrong then =P

Doneskies... XD

i'm talking about driving normally, not being a racecar driver like you in your Jazz.