View Full Version : [CU2] Honda Accord Euro Whereis aus/nz sat nav gps DVD v19 or newer

27-01-2017, 06:16 PM
Hi Guys,

Probably a long shot, but does anybody have the Honda whereis CU2 (alpine sat nav) aus/nz v19 or newer version gps DVD and willing to upload a copy, or alternatively know where to buy a legit copy for cheap?

Talking with honda, they looked it up and say it will cost over $700 for latest version! :eek:

I found http://www.navigationau.com/honda.html, which lists v22 for $250 (still too expensive) but also came across a public warning not to deal with that site https://www.finance.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-releases/public-warning-do-not-deal-navigation-systems-australia so likely a scam.

I've checked honda wreckers and they don't seem to have any either!

Anyway i'm sure there would be heaps of other CU2 drivers interested in this as well.


28-01-2017, 07:45 AM
That site is likely selling illegal copies ( ie rips) so that's the scam involved. Which means the files are out there...torrents perhaps ?

Richard B
28-01-2017, 01:52 PM
Ouch - that is pretty damning.. I was going to buy the outdated 2012 version from them, just so my 06 genuine UK map stops pointing out I'm driving around somewhere south east of Iceland. (quite amusing, for 5 minutes)

The built-in Honda sat Nav is a bit of a gold plated boat anchor now you can get stupidly low priced navigators or just use your phone. Anyone tried one of those Chinese windows CE replacement modules?

29-01-2017, 12:21 PM
That site is likely selling illegal copies ( ie rips) so that's the scam involved. Which means the files are out there...torrents perhaps ?

Yeah been looking through torrents etc, you can find other car brand types but honda just doesn't seem to be out there, and they are quite different file types so you cant just modify say the toyota one...

29-01-2017, 12:24 PM
Ouch - that is pretty damning.. I was going to buy the outdated 2012 version from them, just so my 06 genuine UK map stops pointing out I'm driving around somewhere south east of Iceland. (quite amusing, for 5 minutes)

The built-in Honda sat Nav is a bit of a gold plated boat anchor now you can get stupidly low priced navigators or just use your phone. Anyone tried one of those Chinese windows CE replacement modules?

Totally considering how say google maps on your phone is decent enough and much more up to date for free. I guess for most people its a livable problem having out of date car maps just annoying!