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23-05-2005, 04:57 PM
some of us were discussing this reputation thingy... wanna give us an insight to wat it is

wyn??... and wat does this 'on a distinguished road' business??... :confused:

23-05-2005, 05:15 PM
some of us were discussing this reputation thingy... wanna give us an insight to wat it is

wyn??... and wat does this 'on a distinguished road' business??... :confused:
Who's the 'sum of us'? hehe j/k

It's a work in progress at the moment and has been disabled all this time till we sorted out how best to use it.

Basically its there as a way for new members to know who'd advice / posts are accurate and who's aren't.

23-05-2005, 08:58 PM
hahahah.. isnt that gonna single those spammers out?? :rolleyes: jks

23-05-2005, 11:57 PM
hahahah.. isnt that gonna single those spammers out?? :rolleyes: jks
The idea is that it will only be used for users who make good, informative posts with negative reputations given for those who have NFI what they're talking about.

Also, this feature won't be able to all users (to stop abuse of it). More details soon once it's finalised.

24-05-2005, 02:40 AM
so does it mean that the more points the better? im not sure i understand this one wyn...

24-05-2005, 06:31 AM
i think, this can be useful :-) distinguishes the talkers from the doers ;-)

24-05-2005, 08:22 AM
i rekon its very good idea. members will know who to trust before opening their car apart :)

24-05-2005, 10:31 AM
i think i saw a simmilar thing on another forumm. although i wouldent say coppy it i thought it was a rather interesting idea.. where everyone except Mods start of with Zero Points. and doesnt have the ability to give out points.. Now if an Informative post was posted by a user the the mod can give out point accordingly. now this is when it gets interesting. now that the user as recieved a point he can give out a point to 1 User for Every 2 points a mod has given him..

so Eg is a mod gives him 4 points for 1 post he can either give 2 points to one person or spread out the points and give 1 point to 2 different people.. off corse these points get used up when given to another person. but the original user that recieved the point will still show a score of 4. and hence the visious cycle continues.. but the idea is that if the user never recieved any points more than 2 will never be able to give out points.. im sure there is probably more to it but thats about all i remember..

i do not take any credit for this idea as i saw it in a forum.. but i just cant remember which one.

dont get me wrong im not saying we should do this idea.. but i was just saying i saw something similar =P.. so mods dont shoot me for saying the above statement =P

24-05-2005, 01:16 PM
wlee2, you are almost there :)

Its the standard VBulletin Reputation system that is used quite widely. Except in our case, only certain groups will be allowed to give out points to stop its abuse. IE. On some US sites, people give out rep point for posting up jokes/pron etc :thumbdwn::thumbdwn:

24-05-2005, 01:19 PM
so.. close.. but yet so far.. how long before you fully implement it?

24-05-2005, 01:20 PM
Who is going to be able to hand out this reputation???

24-05-2005, 01:26 PM
wlee2, it's a few days away :)

IRI, it will be the moderators and then selected users based on the quality of their posts / knowledge.

24-05-2005, 03:58 PM
So is that what the Scale below the avatar is about? Giving out Brownie Points? :D

24-05-2005, 04:06 PM
So is that what the Scale below the avatar is about? Giving out Brownie Points? :D
Someone's on the ball ;)

24-05-2005, 07:37 PM
This sounds like an interesting idea - subject to seeing how it works - I can see some potential downsides. I think some members may perceive the rating personally and become upset/irrate with negative feedback on their posts. I also think calling it "reputation" is somewhat dangerous from a legal perspective. Who is responsible for the ultimate rating? If someone develops a poor "reputation" that they think is unjustified - it is only going to lead to lawyers writing letters to Wyn.

If it was called something else eg - "informative post rating" or something that can ONLY result in positive ratings - I think that would be better. As soon as you rate people's posts in a negative way it is only asking for trouble. I don't think we need more pissed off people or arguments on Ozhonda. Praising the good posts would be best. LIke I said - I have not seen any detail and I am hoping this is only going to involve positive feedback. Just my 2 cents.

24-05-2005, 07:52 PM
Interesting point Yoram. I have no say in what it is called (IE 'reputation") as it is something that the VB developers came up with.

It will be based primarily on the selected users giving other users a 'agree' or 'disagree' verdict on a post with a small description. Users can view the ratings made for/against them in their UserCP and only THEY can see these comments (this can be disabled if required). Other users can only see the little green/red dots and the description when the mouse is held over the dots. The other option is to not allow negative ratings but only positive ratings (?)

24-05-2005, 07:58 PM
Interesting point Yoram. I have no say in what it is called (IE 'reputation") as it is something that the VB developers came up with.

It will be based primarily on the selected users giving other users a 'agree' or 'disagree' verdict on a post with a small description. Users can view the ratings made for/against them in their UserCP and only THEY can see these comments (this can be disabled if required). Other users can only see the little green/red dots and the description when the mouse is held over the dots. The other option is to not allow negative ratings but only positive ratings (?)

UNderstood - do you think we need the negative ratings? Over time you will see the people who come up with the great posts as they will have the green dots. I have some reservations about the "negative" side - angry PMs to moderators and between members is just one!

24-05-2005, 08:00 PM
yeh, dont want any more petty arguements on OzHonda... having 'negative comments' may cause

some problems... as yfin stated, i also thought comments or ratings may upset some users...

24-05-2005, 09:51 PM
hmm I'd been looking for this thread, wondered what it was all about. Sounds good Wyn:thumbsup:

24-05-2005, 10:22 PM
i think its a great idea.. theres a few ppl on here that give advise that just isnt correct... someone with no knowledge of cars can easily find themselves in trouble from following the wrong advise. This system would seperate the correct from the incorrect

24-05-2005, 10:48 PM
will it be related to technical post only or will personal opinions get involved? Eg: the longe ect?

24-05-2005, 11:21 PM
hopefully only technical posts... seeing the lounge is based on nothing in particular...

24-05-2005, 11:23 PM
people will still have personal opinions in the technical sections..
nothing can stop that from happening..

24-05-2005, 11:36 PM
hopefully only technical posts... seeing the lounge is based on nothing in particular...
It is strictly for technical posts and this is exactly why only certain users can use it.

25-05-2005, 09:06 AM
Can I keep my green dot?

26-05-2005, 05:59 PM
people will still have personal opinions in the technical sections..
nothing can stop that from happening..

True that, post up crap get a bad rating, but it may hurt some ppl who put a once off post up in specific vehicle forums

28-05-2005, 11:58 PM
is this currently working? how do i give points?

29-05-2005, 11:42 PM
']is this currently working? how do i give points?
YOu can't........yet! LOL

Sorry been a bit busy with other things but will try and finalise it this week :)

30-05-2005, 12:21 AM
ok was just asking coz somehow i got given 12 points :p

30-05-2005, 12:33 AM
How do you know that you have received twelve points?


30-05-2005, 12:40 AM
i clicked on that yellow circle next to where it says Online below my name and details. then a box pops up

Your reputation on this post (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?p=303308) is Even.
You have 12 Reputation points.

will it be possible to see how many actual points others have?

30-05-2005, 12:49 AM
I only see the green dot (online) and a scale (I haven't clicked on) but no yellow circle.

EDIT: Okeedokee, clicked on scale, saw the details. But I agree, it would be helpfull to add functionality to see status of other peoples reputation. Also, does the little square keep changing colors according to levesl reached or does it change in quantity?


30-05-2005, 01:11 AM
ah the scale is the same as the yellow circle, i am using the aria template so looks different

30-05-2005, 04:27 AM
i like the idea, but problems can occur say when personal issues arise bw memebers and moderators. u often see ppl hating benjammin for his moderating, and lets say ben takes this personal, who will keep him in check? (im just exampling u benji i know ur not a nazi).

also, how do the mods know that the info posted is correct, incorrect, disputeable, theoretically correct/incorrect, practical (in terms of exercise in the real world) etc? like all things, theres 2 sides to a coin, what if a mod disagrees with a members views?

just my concerns wyn, i dont really give a sh1t tho lol, ill just stay out :)

30-05-2005, 04:59 AM
and if its done like wayne's example of being able to give points once u have them yourself then i can see loopholes eg. i could give pornstar more points if he gives me some

30-05-2005, 06:52 AM
i like the idea, but problems can occur say when personal issues arise bw memebers and moderators. []

also, how do the mods know that the info posted is correct, incorrect, disputeable, theoretically correct/incorrect, practical (in terms of exercise in the real world) etc? like all things, theres 2 sides to a coin, what if a mod disagrees with a members views?

Well, first off, I don't see the first issue at all as I am sure mods are in their position for a reason. You don't just give everybody mod status and I do trust their integrity not to let personal issues affect their moderation.

Second. I furthermore believe that moderators will be rather knowledgeable and will only evaluate what they are able to evaluate, meaning, if a mod drives a prelude and knows his H22 stuff he will not be evaluating anything he has no knowledge off (which kinda ties in with position one).

So all in all I don't think these issues will arise.

I do see the validity of your points, though and I believe the site admin does as well and that's the reason why he won't let everyone rate anybody.


30-05-2005, 08:49 AM
']will it be possible to see how many actual points others have?

exact points are only known to each individual member - this "reputation system" is displayed to the public , via the green dot system. It does grow over time at for example one green dot per X amount of rep points.
More fair than an exact "3 billion rep points so i is the king" type of thing :D

Id say there are a few different varibles within the system that the Admin can change too - such as "alllowable rep point give/recieve" limits per day etc.

30-05-2005, 09:06 AM
']and if its done like wayne's example of being able to give points once u have them yourself then i can see loopholes eg. i could give pornstar more points if he gives me some

but in my example you could only give out 1 point for every 2 points you recieved.. so even if let say wyn gave you 10 points you could give out 5 points to any one individual or 1 point to 5 different people .. and 1 point will get you nowhere in this eg.. because you need 2 to give out 1 point so it will sooner or later go down..

and like wyn said only a select few will be able to give out points.. obviously he would try to avoid having people rating each other just to get their rating up .. ^_^..

Mr. Focus
30-05-2005, 02:48 PM
what if ur not too knowledgble in the ways of technical things, but are in others areas..ie. running cruises, shows, trading etc. are we not knowledgable??? i dont find this system very fair at all. i've made quite a few posts and i could guarantee that most are of relevance to the topic at hand. a few have been knowledgable and have helped some people out or pointed them in a direction to help them.

basically, by not having a green square means you have no knowledge about hondas at all and should just not post anything. nice way to keep members! sorry but i find it an insult to my intelligence

30-05-2005, 02:51 PM
Who gets to give the brownie points for posts made by the user who are deemed "Knowledgable"?

30-05-2005, 03:06 PM
what if ur not too knowledgble in the ways of technical things, but are in others areas..ie. running cruises, shows, trading etc. are we not knowledgable??? i dont find this system very fair at all. i've made quite a few posts and i could guarantee that most are of relevance to the topic at hand. a few have been knowledgable and have helped some people out or pointed them in a direction to help them.

basically, by not having a green square means you have no knowledge about hondas at all and should just not post anything. nice way to keep members! sorry but i find it an insult to my intelligence

i thought the rep point was more a rating so that people can judge if the person they are talking to is giving out accurate information on a car forum about well technical car information.

its not really a ranking of inteligence.. .. its more of the thing when if someone ask a serios question lets say "my vtec isent engaging"
you would get 100 post after it saying did it fall of? some people gullible like myself would believe that (yeh right if im a newbie maybee) <--- although i think information like that is realyl useless =P

but its more so the newcommers can have atleast a way of knowing if they are been misled. i thought it was a good idea..

and we all know your super Mr focus =P

30-05-2005, 03:41 PM
wayne i think your vtec fell off

30-05-2005, 08:34 PM
what if ur not too knowledgble in the ways of technical things, but are in others areas..ie. running cruises, shows, trading etc. are we not knowledgable??? i dont find this system very fair at all. i've made quite a few posts and i could guarantee that most are of relevance to the topic at hand. a few have been knowledgable and have helped some people out or pointed them in a direction to help them.

basically, by not having a green square means you have no knowledge about hondas at all and should just not post anything. nice way to keep members! sorry but i find it an insult to my intelligence

Wow, is this a case off feeling deprived because you have not been rated yet? As far as I understand the system is not all functional as of right now but even if it was I'd be patient. I am sure your qualities will be seen eventually and if you know your are knowledgeable in a certain field I think you could care less what other people think about you.

To be helpful and knowledgeable should go without saying and I certainly wouldn't expect praise for it. I am sure the people you have helped will be appreciative and eventually a person will note who hands out brownie points.


30-05-2005, 09:27 PM
why is he deprived? he merely states a situation where he wont get a rep point simply cos he isnt there for the tech side of things? EG: Chartineal, have u ever posted in the tech section? Cos if not ur a dvmbcvnt. Thats what he means, by its not fair he gets judged like that cos he doesnt post in tech, cos if u follow him in the lounge, his is godlike :)

As for ur assumption that the mods all know what they are talking about when it comes to tech, its jsut that, an assumption. u might not see it in airy fairy land, but if u been around long enough, u can see not all mods know their shit in tech (no offense inteded to mods as they are doing what they were spose to, ie mod well :) )

30-05-2005, 10:27 PM
Chartineal, have u ever posted in the tech section? Cos if not ur a dvmbcvnt

Sorry, I do not communicate on that level. If you want to continue this discussion, I will gladly respond as long you are able to keep your tongue in check.


30-05-2005, 11:49 PM
Damn.......all these replies and the thing isn't even operational yet! The apparent 12 points you have Panda is because people abused it for the day or so it was up while I was trying to sort it all out. Hence the reason everyone won't be able to use it.

I'm going to try and cover all the questions so sorry if I've missed out anything.

what if ur not too knowledgble in the ways of technical things, but are in others areas..ie. running cruises, shows, trading etc. are we not knowledgable??? i dont find this system very fair at all. i've made quite a few posts and i could guarantee that most are of relevance to the topic at hand. a few have been knowledgable and have helped some people out or pointed them in a direction to help them.

The system is only for technical related posts so that new members will be aware of who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't. It's merely a guide this system and something definitive (see my last quote in this reply).

Hence, someone who is 'active' in the lounge or with organising cruises ETC should not be getting any 'points' in the first place.

basically, by not having a green square means you have no knowledge about hondas at all and should just not post anything. nice way to keep members! sorry but i find it an insult to my intelligence

*As above*

As for ur assumption that the mods all know what they are talking about when it comes to tech, its jsut that, an assumption. u might not see it in airy fairy land, but if u been around long enough, u can see not all mods know their shit in tech (no offense inteded to mods as they are doing what they were spose to, ie mod well :) )

A reputation will only be awarded if a post is correct and they want be handed out just for the sake of it :)

i like the idea, but problems can occur say when personal issues arise bw memebers and moderators. u often see ppl hating benjammin for his moderating, and lets say ben takes this personal, who will keep him in check? (im just exampling u benji i know ur not a nazi).

also, how do the mods know that the info posted is correct, incorrect, disputeable, theoretically correct/incorrect, practical (in terms of exercise in the real world) etc? like all things, theres 2 sides to a coin, what if a mod disagrees with a members views?

just my concerns wyn, i dont really give a sh1t tho lol, ill just stay out :)


Well, first off, I don't see the first issue at all as I am sure mods are in their position for a reason. You don't just give everybody mod status and I do trust their integrity not to let personal issues affect their moderation.

Second. I furthermore believe that moderators will be rather knowledgeable and will only evaluate what they are able to evaluate, meaning, if a mod drives a prelude and knows his H22 stuff he will not be evaluating anything he has no knowledge off (which kinda ties in with position one).

So all in all I don't think these issues will arise.

I do see the validity of your points, though and I believe the site admin does as well and that's the reason why he won't let everyone rate anybody.


i thought the rep point was more a rating so that people can judge if the person they are talking to is giving out accurate information on a car forum about well technical car information.

its not really a ranking of inteligence.. .

.........but its more so the newcommers can have atleast a way of knowing if they are been misled. i thought it was a good idea..

Couldn't have said it better myself :)

31-05-2005, 12:07 AM
i think he got offended about my EXAMPLE lol

31-05-2005, 12:21 AM
what if u get people copying informative posts. does the copy cat get a reward too?
or will they be banned for plagarism? haha

31-05-2005, 08:22 AM
i think he got offended about my EXAMPLE lol

He is a She Andy LOL

what if u get people copying informative posts. does the copy cat get a reward too?
or will they be banned for plagarism? haha

*Thank goodness I didn't make this available to ALL users!*

Mr. Focus
31-05-2005, 08:41 AM
ok ok, i didnt mean to start an arguement and i do see what these green squares are about. im not upset because i dont have any. i was just questioning why its only for people who make technical posts. Thank you Wyn for clearing that up

it still makes some of us who do help out regularly look stupid or un-intelligent tho

31-05-2005, 10:17 AM
dun wowi mr focus, I ish not greened either :(

bleh wyn, now u say :p

31-05-2005, 10:35 AM
i'm green !
i'm more knowledgeable than you andy..
hor hor hor ;)

31-05-2005, 11:29 AM
Some users have green despite having 0 reputations points given to them.

I'm not sure why this is but it's one of the things i'm investigating.

31-05-2005, 08:58 PM
it still makes some of us who do help out regularly look stupid or un-intelligent tho

I disagree - why do you look stupid or unintelligent just because you don't have green square? Common, people who feel helped by your post will still acknowledge your help and be appreciative and that's what matters, not if you have the highest post-count or the most reputation-squares.

Seriously, if you feel that this is putting yourself and your intelligence down that you cannot be that intelligent after all, because a person with intelligence would not feel devalued if no one else acknowledged how smart one is - it is enough to know that one is smart, external feedback is not necessary.


31-05-2005, 09:18 PM
Some users have green despite having 0 reputations points given to them.

I'm not sure why this is but it's one of the things i'm investigating.


i got mine given to me from some lounge spammers:rolleyes:

31-05-2005, 09:54 PM
Even with this system......it will be VERY hard to cover all the knowledgable users. Like I said before........its to be used as a guide for new users. Those of us who have been on here for awhile know who is talking BS and who acutally knows what they are talking about :

31-05-2005, 11:34 PM
Hey kristen, just in case u missed it, i was using an example before... if u hvae a green square next to your name u wouldnt have missed that i was making an example :p

01-06-2005, 03:49 AM
Haven't missed your example but it did get overshadowed by your application of language knowledge. Will reconsider communicating with you once determined you are able to make use of knowledge of English in a more meaningful way. :-P

kristin (btw it is pronounced christeeeeeen)

01-06-2005, 04:38 AM
The lady has spoken, i shall return back into the abyss :(

01-06-2005, 07:11 AM
bwahhahaha watch out!

Mr. Focus
01-06-2005, 08:39 AM
I disagree - why do you look stupid or unintelligent just because you don't have green square? Common, people who feel helped by your post will still acknowledge your help and be appreciative and that's what matters, not if you have the highest post-count or the most reputation-squares.

Seriously, if you feel that this is putting yourself and your intelligence down that you cannot be that intelligent after all, because a person with intelligence would not feel devalued if no one else acknowledged how smart one is - it is enough to know that one is smart, external feedback is not necessary.


as wyn said, its to help the noobs with who they'll chose to listen to when given insight into technical/informative posts. Now if i post something that i find informative/knowledgable, they're going to overlook my post for someone that has a square, as they are supposed to be the 'knowledgable ones'

and as for feeling devalued. everyone needs acknowledgment for their contributions once in a while. even the most of intelligent people need re-assurance they doing well every now and then. without positive feedback, how does one know they've been acknowledged??

I dont want this to turn into an arguement, but you clearly aren't seeing my point and im pretty sure this thread was for feedback to the mods. I've left my feedback and they've explained their reasoning behind it. Im happy with what Wyn has told us, so please dont persist on trying to analyse my intelligence

01-06-2005, 11:14 AM
the problem is,
who do noobs trust.. when there's two "knowledgeable" people posting, but post exactly the opposite as each other


say a noob wants to know what ECU is better: A or B..
knowledgeable person 1 (owner of ECU A) says A and provides technical info
knowledgeable person 2 (has tried both ECU A&B) says B and provides personal experience

who do you trust ?

01-06-2005, 11:20 AM
what u meen owner of ecu A ?, thats why its prolly goood to have a rating system. people will always try to sell their product if it came down to it. but rule of thump noobs like me trust BRANDS!!!.. but shush shush about ecu's, its starts world war 3 =P...

01-06-2005, 11:28 AM
^ hmmm OT how about a review on the different ecu's?

we have enough tuners bitching that their fave ecu is the best, well put it in writing and let the public decide

01-06-2005, 11:28 AM
the problem is,
who do noobs trust.. when there's two "knowledgeable" people posting, but post exactly the opposite as each other


say a noob wants to know what ECU is better: A or B..
knowledgeable person 1 (owner of ECU A) says A and provides technical info
knowledgeable person 2 (has tried both ECU A&B) says B and provides personal experience

who do you trust ?
This isn't some magical super dooper intellectual system.

People have opinions........this system won't differentiate between everybodys (varying) opinions!

01-06-2005, 10:06 PM
lol i have a green dot, so if any of you guys wanna ask me nething, go ahead... lol, na seriously i think it is a good addition to the site if it works that is..?

02-06-2005, 09:18 AM
Ahhhhh so thats what this thingi is all about! oh cool....... sorry to ask but how do ya check how many point you have? do you just click on the thingi?


02-06-2005, 10:06 AM
Ahhhhh so thats what this thingi is all about! oh cool....... sorry to ask but how do ya check how many point you have? do you just click on the thingi?


Just next to the dot that says you are online is a little scale. Just click on it and it brings up a pop up with your details :) .

I like the concept as well. It adds credability to replies especially for new members :thumbsup: .

02-06-2005, 10:08 AM
Just next to the dot that says you are online is a little scale. Just click on it and it brings up a pop up with your details :) .

I like the concept as well. It adds credability to replies especially for new members :thumbsup: .
CHEERS! :thumbsup:

02-06-2005, 10:13 AM
No problem. Want to give me some points :D lol .

02-06-2005, 10:28 AM
remember any given system is only as good as the humans who implement it , and abide by it :)

Uh oh...i think we are in trouble *looks at spam thread*

02-06-2005, 11:11 AM
does much more need to be said?
other than wyn letting us know when its working

02-06-2005, 02:26 PM
One thing I have noticed is that it looks to me that I'm the only dude with this thingi??? in other words where's everyone's thingi like me? I cant see it? :0O

02-06-2005, 02:28 PM
what's a thingy ?

02-06-2005, 02:29 PM
i think hes talking about the scale thingy where you can view your rep points.. and the reason only u can see it is because ONLY you can see how many reppoints you have others cannot see this..

02-06-2005, 02:38 PM
yup you cannot see exactly how much others have . Its only shown via the little green box system - IE for every say 30 rep points you get a new box. *example*

02-06-2005, 03:46 PM
can i have a second box please? :)

02-06-2005, 04:07 PM
I would give you an extra box :D but only if you give me some more points ;) .

02-06-2005, 07:05 PM
I'm locking this till the system is fully operational (sounds like a sci-fi movie eh?) and I will also post more details on how it actually works once its setup :)