View Full Version : Wheel Bearing

30-05-2005, 11:06 PM
My mechanic just said today my wheel bearing is stuffed... when u take off the wheel and spin the "studs" u hear this little "clicking" sound...

how long have i got until i need to replace it?

and what are the consequences of not doing so|?

and arent wheel bearings meant ot last 4eva? my old car had 300,000 on the clock an dno problems iwth that:confused:

30-05-2005, 11:34 PM
nothing lasts forvever, but honda wheel bearing are very good,

if your wheel bearing are gone, you car will whine while driving. if they are infact rooted, dont leave em, change em as soon as you can. the last thing you need is your wheel to lock up on the freeway or something like that, also if you get a click from when you take off, or put the hammer down a bit, it could be the CV in the hub creaking. remove the cv from the hub, clean and lube, then retighten the nut that holda the cv to the hub.

30-05-2005, 11:44 PM
thansk for the advice man

its not the CV i checked... its the bearing itself... it just clicks in particular when i turn and also when i go over bumps...