View Full Version : Right door rattling from system, any suggestions?

13-06-2005, 07:28 PM
My right door is rattling from my 15" anyonehave any suggestions? i was gonna use the sound proofing stuff but its the inner layer of the door thats rattling i cant get to it. some guy told me to "sound dent" by using spray-on tar throught the holes to make the sheet metal heavy so it wouldnt wobble.
:confused: :thumbsup: :honda: :thumbsup: :confused:

13-06-2005, 07:33 PM
yups the spray on tar will help... put some foam in, that'll help too....

all u need to do is to put some sort of insulation into the door to prevent rattling...

14-06-2005, 02:22 PM
i think he is referring to sound deadener cost about $10-15 a can from supercheap if i rem correctly. That should fix your problem.

14-06-2005, 02:26 PM
I think that sound deadener from supercheap isn't good.

Where can we get spray on tar from??

14-06-2005, 04:50 PM
isnt the sound deadener the spray-on tar? i went to supercheap they said they dont sell it any more so im gonna try peps or autobarn, spetz what u mean sound deadner isnt good ? maybe u gotta spray like 2 cans on each door???

14-06-2005, 05:01 PM
You can also buy special stick on products that are designed to go behind your splits on the out door metal. Speak to any car audio specialist about what product would suite, and then you can do the install.

14-06-2005, 06:49 PM
wheres a good cheap audio specialist in syd?

14-06-2005, 10:00 PM
i have the same problem bit i think mine is the plastic strip that rins along the door, it ratles heaps and when i press against it it stops...i have no idea how to stop it without taking it off which i dont wanna do
...the rattles only from my right door
has anyone got that problem

14-06-2005, 10:08 PM
get the stick on sound deadener , it has tar and soft padding on it, very very good have is on my car, couldn't even hear a rattle. Get the brand DYNAMAT

14-06-2005, 11:01 PM
i have the exact same problem?
wats dynamat n wat does it do?

14-06-2005, 11:14 PM
its sheets of sound deadener. It is also quite expensive. If you don't like the can type you can get it in a bucket and paint in on yourself that way you can get it as thick as you want. One thing DON'T put it on your exhaust(talking from experience) i think that is also on the instructions somewhere but i never seem to read them anyway.

14-06-2005, 11:42 PM
where can i get these? any recommended cheap shops in sydney. need this for my right door 2

14-06-2005, 11:45 PM
jaycar sell the stick on stuff... the price is okay i guess

im looking into getting bulk of BOSTIK stick on sound deadner

15-06-2005, 01:08 PM
I sprayed some of that super cheap sound deadener in a can and it just seemed like black paint? I just don't think it would do anything.

I have some dynamat now and thinking of getting some "paste on" sound deadener for hard to reach areas

15-06-2005, 02:02 PM
to really fix the problem use the marine engine room stuff! but it weighs a TON!!!!!!
a good cheap audio place in syd. is soundmaster in hurstville. Not sure if they do sound deadening though otherwise precision audio in blakehurst are good, but not cheap

15-06-2005, 04:56 PM
the sheets are $20 a square metre but the guy said u cant use on doors theres no way u can get to the part thats rattling u have to spray something through the holes, anyone used any sprays that actualli worked? i don mean the paint that u gotta brush on cause u cant get the brush into the holes as well u need a spray to spray the s*** out the door.

15-06-2005, 04:57 PM
to really fix the problem use the marine engine room stuff! but it weighs a TON!!!!!!
a good cheap audio place in syd. is soundmaster in hurstville. Not sure if they do sound deadening though otherwise precision audio in blakehurst are good, but not cheap
what is the stuff and whats the brand name or where do they sell the S***?

15-06-2005, 05:35 PM
I used it before you gotta shake the can well otherwise it looks like black paint. If you shake it properly it will become like the gooey stuff that you get from factory but it is not as hard. Seems to stay semi hard. Works well enough though. THe paint on stuff is harder to get an even finish but it is thicker. Just be careful cps the paint on stuff generally dries fast and your paint brush goes hard fast. Cna't rem the name it just said sound deadener on the can. Some black label from supercheap, did it a few yrs ago on my old ar that had lots of rattling due to a very loud exhaust.

15-06-2005, 05:38 PM
hmm.. rather jsut go to a shop n pay a lil extra. just incase u do the rong thing.

with the rattle. would soudn proofing the door stop the rattling or this so called spray is the only thing taht works?

26-06-2006, 11:59 AM
hmm.. rather jsut go to a shop n pay a lil extra. just incase u do the rong thing.

with the rattle. would soudn proofing the door stop the rattling or this so called spray is the only thing taht works?
Hey *****dood, just feedback after using spray on tar for my civic... I used it about 2 mths ago throughout the bottom of my car, sprayed various cotes, specially under the boot and wheel sells/arches.. To my amazement IT WORK great!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: I was about to buy some packs of dynamat and decided to go with this VERY cheapo option 1st.. I can t be more happy with results. Car ride is quiter, body is tighter, sound from my woofer in the boot is better and having rust protection is a TOTAL BONUS....AWESOME.. The only section i sprayed inside the cabin was inside the boot, the section covered by the carpet material on either side of the boot walls and rear wheel arches. Cant remember the name of the cans i used but i used roughly 8 cans for this DIY. Bought at Repco

26-06-2006, 12:29 PM
i reckon it's easier and better to adjust systems, so speakers in doors play more trebles, than bass, rear speakers min bass, and sub all other things, for best result you need one 8" or 10".
because everything will start rattle after 130 db for couple of min's everyday. it's good to fix this problem, but u need to rebuild car completely, like u need to put specials windows e.t.c. or do everything, or jsut adjust your system so u hear the quality first. For example in my system u mostly hear sound not rattling
also can use rubber to fix parts that rattle a lot;)

my flatmate said to me one thing, if u don't like some sound of your car, just make system louder, and u won't hear it:cool:

26-06-2006, 03:56 PM
IMO i think this spray on tar is only a temporary solution to your problem. The most efficient way to stop rattling within the sheet panels of the car is to sound deaden it with DYNAMAT.

Problem is that EGs (or at least mine) have very thin metal panels therefore increasing the rattling within the doors. I have sound deadened my EG and although dynamat is a bit more dear the results are far more noticeable as almost all the rattling has been eliminated and road noise has been minimised substantially.

26-06-2006, 06:16 PM
so you can get that DYNAMAT from places like supercheap, repco...?
its it a stick on sheet or a spray?