View Full Version : VTI-R-How long is it going to last?

Tonkotsu Flavour
20-06-2005, 08:33 AM
How much more life do you think a 190,000km 97' vti-r has left?
Anyone here had a B series go for more than that?

Taking into consideration long drives rather than short trips and logbook honda service regularly

20-06-2005, 09:09 AM
I had a 97 teg vtir as well, til i sold it to my friend. When i sold it, the teg had done 205k'z. I've just recently been in it and its done like 220k'z now. But i have to say the engine still feels strong as ever and goes just as hard as always. Feels much stronger than my friends 96 teg vtir, and he's got I/H/E and some chip apparently, and he's only done 130k'z. My teg beats he's all the time.

20-06-2005, 09:48 AM
if a toyota 4AGE engine could do 350Kms with no problems
i dont see why the B would have a problem with this.

20-06-2005, 09:53 AM
it is a farking honda, you keep it clean and change the parts that wear out, it will go 300'000km+ easy.

that is one reason why Honda's are more expensive than a ford or holden...

20-06-2005, 10:42 AM
i think katana on here has a ef9 with a b16a

has done over 300,000kms without opening up the engine, still running original internals and probably head gasket... thats the best i have heard!

20-06-2005, 12:00 PM
i got a 98' vti-r with 156,XXXkm's on the clock, still going strong as ever.

20-06-2005, 01:35 PM
pretty dumb question really
depends how well its maintained
only u and previous owners will know that.

in saying that my old engine did 335,000 and i cant exactly say that i maintained it...

20-06-2005, 02:01 PM
Honda is made to Rev hard mate, don't worry except you do something stupid on the car

20-06-2005, 05:14 PM
yea, maintenace counts most. my mate has a 95 dc2, done about 210xxxkm, and its about to blow. he dusent look after it, and is cheapo on maintenance and tune ups. blows smoke all day everyday, and if u drive bhind him when he hits vtec, ur driving blind >_<

20-06-2005, 05:34 PM
yeah my old LS did 310,000 or so before i traded it in...and it still went alright...heheh Fr33k can vouch for it...but it was starting to show its age...

20-06-2005, 06:46 PM
so when you put your foot down hard and its blowing black smoke it means the engines going?

20-06-2005, 07:48 PM
so when you put your foot down hard and its blowing black smoke it means the engines going?

Search a bit......but generally

Black = running rich (not too serioius but get it checked out)
blue = burning oil (possible engine problems)
White = burning coolant (possible engine problems)

21-06-2005, 04:39 PM
i've got 210k km on mine. hasn't given me any dramas yet. it goes to the track occaisionally, runs okay numbers for what it is and still looks and sounds alright.

21-06-2005, 05:33 PM
B18C with 275,000km here and engine is still going strong.