View Full Version : paint job in newcastle area

03-07-2005, 12:30 AM
hey guys just wanted to know if anyone know of some cheap paint jobs in the newcastle area. i want a full respray in green and ive been quoted 5000 from one bloke....too much in my mind i was thinkin under a grand at the most
any help appreciated

03-07-2005, 06:53 PM
hey mate,

U will prob regret gettin a 'cheap' paint job, in the end it will detract from the car...losing resale value etc:thumbdwn:

The 5000 quoted might have been a full respray ie taking engine out etc
This price could be ALOT cheaper if engine bay, door jams are left unpainted.

I've heard good things bout merewether smash

04-07-2005, 09:39 AM
a change color respray is very expensive... what colour is it now? I recon to change it from say, red to green would cost alot more than 5k to get it done properly...

A respray in the same colour, probly around 3k.

04-07-2005, 02:01 PM
i think to get a respray anywhere near that price you would have to do all of the preparation yourself.