View Full Version : Keyless entry question

30-09-2005, 12:24 AM
I'm just posting this for curiousity, tonight I was at the shops and locked my civic with the aftermarket keyless remote I bought it with, its a 94 VTi sedan. When i came out of the shops to unlock it again I realized the battery was dead, so I was in trouble, I figured I could quickly open the door with the key and then start the ignition quickly to kill the alarm, but the ignition wouldn't start. So i quickly popped the bonnet and turned the alarm off with the alarm-key. After i'd turned the alarm off under the hood, the ignition still wouldn't start, all the alarm-key did was stop the alarm from making noise, but the ignition wouldn't work. I kept constantly pressing the keyless button and finally got a response out of the dull battery and was able to start the ignition, it was a complete trip-out, as I was told if i deactivated the alarm under the hood it would completely disable it. Have any of you had similar troubles with your alarm systems?

P.S. I'm a bit drunk now and may have mistyped, but anything relating to a dead battery is the battery in the keyless remote, not the car battery.

30-09-2005, 01:23 AM
Hi Johny...

what you experienced was the EXACT way the immobiliser is working to prevent someone from stealing your car. Unlocking the door or turning the siren off doesn't do Jack..

Simply replace the battery in the remote and all your worries will go away! - also you should have been given an over-ride code with the car - this is to over-ride the immobiliser in THAT exact situation - if you don't have this number seek information from the seller or visit an alarm shop and enquire with them.

Hope this helps

30-09-2005, 10:03 AM
As above, turning off the alarm will only stop the actual siren. The immobiliser wont turn off without dissarming it. You're lucky you got a response eventually. Its happened to me and i had to basically wait till my GF arrived with the spare fob.

This is why i now always carry a spare battery and tiny screwdriver in my glovebox ;)

30-09-2005, 08:35 PM
Is your immobiliser a factory unit? (eg. built into the key)? or is it an aftermarket unit, as the only way I can see it not working is if it is an aftermarket immobiliser/alarm.

30-09-2005, 11:50 PM
who makes it?
Coz i got one with the car, and the otherday i found a switch randomly in the most un-switch-like place to put one. eventually worked out that it disables the immobilser so can turn on the car if ive turned off the siren with the key. LOL i only found this switch once i had the whole dash apart trying to fit new speaker wire.

02-10-2005, 02:53 PM
That kinda problem happened with me when i was driving my Dad's Sonata.

Actually there was a problem with the Immoiliser, so i took the car to my friends car stereo shop, to see what was wrong with it, he told me he's not sure whats wrong but showed me how to disable it if it happend again. For the next few months it happend about 4 times, and i had to get under the dash, take off the imobiliser, and by pass it.

But that being said, in the past 4+ years it hasnt happend again and we didnt end up changing it