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View Full Version : 2005 Japanese Grand Prix - Suzuka (discussion)

08-10-2005, 04:00 AM
well its the penultimate race of the season ...
theres a 60% chance of rain in qualifying n race day.. so that should make things interesting...
lolz n kimi... 10 place grid penalty... ahaha its almost become a regular thing..

08-10-2005, 07:11 AM
Hope to god it rains! I gotta check up on f1.com, haven't heard anything about the race yet.

08-10-2005, 11:38 AM
WHAT? Kimi has ANOTHER 10 grid spot penalty!? What's going on?
McLaren have to get this crap out of their system before next season so Kimi can have a clean run at the title.

08-10-2005, 11:43 AM
Looks like it's raining at Suzuka.

Who do you think will crash first, Webber or Sato? Or maybe Webber into Sato!

08-10-2005, 12:49 PM
Schumacher has 2 favourite tracks on the calender.
1/ Spa
2/ Suzuka

If its nice heavy rain I think we could see a nice Bright Red car on the front.
A good wet race at Suzuka would be great to watch.
Such a good track!

08-10-2005, 01:39 PM
incidentally, i think suzuka should be kept as the jap track for a long time. Its like one of the great tracks imo, mt fuji can eat my balls, and toyota can go scr3w themselves

08-10-2005, 03:06 PM
TOYOTA ON POLE!!! Very exciting qualifying and makes for a very exciting grid!! Here's how I saw it...

Coulthard - great lap to start things off, particularly S2 and S3.
Pizzonia - spun on outlap and looked very twitchy.
Doornbos - came out on full wets and was slow.
Webber - great S1 but fell away in S2 and S3 behind Coulthard but well ahead of Pizzaman.
Monteiro - spun off on his outlap and got stuck in the kitty litter will start from the back.

Karthikeyan - on inters, aggressive outlap, 2nd quickest in 4th practice but not here.
Albers - on inters too, very slow.
Trulli - ran wide on turn 2 but good S1, then into the gravel where Monteiro went off!!
Villeneuve - good S1 but couldn't match Coulthard's S2 & S3.
Massa - slow from Massa 0.8s behind teammate Villeneuve.

(another break and it's clear Pizzonia is going to be way down the grid. Everyone on inters except Doornbos so far... track is drying. And just as I say that, it starts raining again!!)

Sato - infront of home crowd, average S1, good S2, can he bring it home? YES!! P1 for Sato!
Klien - Okay S1, blistering S2 and he bumps Sato to P2!
Ralf - he scarches S1! This is P1 for sure... yep, but lost 0.2s in S3.
Button - can he beat the Toyota at home? On target after S2... NO! 0.035s slower!
Barichello - last before final break, way off the pace... P8 with 5 cars to come.

(last break, it looks like the track is getting faster. 5 fastest cars next up. Ralfy in P1 ahead of Button, Webber in 6th, Pizzonia way down in 11th)

Fisi - sprinkling rain again, looks quick on his outlap, quickest in final practice, FASTEST S1, on track for P1 after S2 and it's PISSING DOWN!! Drops to P3 and it looks like Ralf might be pole 'cos it's absolutely pouring with rain.
Michael - 0.5s down on S1, he's out there on inters, 3secs down at S2, this is going to be back of the grid stuff for the top 4! P14 for the wet wizard.
Alonso - he's had time to change to full wets, but still very slow, P16 for Alonso.
Kimi - the circuit is now a swimming pool, Kimi's S1 is SLOWER than Alonso's cool down S1... he's going to be at the back especially with his 10 grid penalty. He's just cruising.
Montoya - a good lap will be critical so he can get ahead of Alonso on the grid... it's going to be a treaturous race tomorrow! Every position Juan - can get will be a huge help. Nope, WAY WAY slower on S1, the track must be under a foot of water! He pulls back into the pits and will start from the back.

POLE FOR TOYOTA!! You have to think this is a perfect opportunity for Fisichella to take another win. He's poised in P3 behind Ralf and Jensen. It's all set up for a 1st corner duel/carnage between Coulthard P6 and Webber P7. And Alonso, Kimi, Juan and Schumi will all have to carve past the slow runners WITHOUT BLUE FLAGS!!! This is like a reverse grid race! And it's going to be on in the afternoon, woohoo!

08-10-2005, 03:10 PM
That is another reason for Kimi to go to Ferrari in 2007. Haha. maclaren's loss.

08-10-2005, 03:39 PM
ahahaha damn wota qualifying session..
hope theres some rain on race day..

09-10-2005, 06:40 PM
damn wota race...
LOL sato sato sato ahahahah.. oh man... i can see the flames hes gonna get this time around...

none the less was a good race... esp the last couple of laps...
kimis a focken legend! so too alonso.. he was pretty impressive this round.. agressive as anything...

n webber.. lolz .. not bad not bad... bit of luck in the pits though.. else jenson woulda taken 4th...

on a side note...felt a bit short changed by ch10 =/ .. we missed roughly 10 laps during the ad breaks... =/

09-10-2005, 06:59 PM
WOW! It was such a good race! Kimi, Alonso and even Webber! When Webber realised that he couldn't do anything about Alonso overtaking him, he cancelled his block that was attempting to do. Props to Webber this time!

The shit thing is that because of the commercial break, we didn't get to see what happened to Webber. I thought he was in front of Kimi!

09-10-2005, 07:05 PM
BEST RACE THIS SEASON, it was soooooo good, i was standing up and jumping around and shit. Awesome. The coverage admittedly was crappy but, not even the press conference ohh well.

Do sato fans FINALLY understand why the dude is a loser. Trulli even said he was dangerous. The sooner that dude is out of F1 the better. I don't even want him in some 2nd honda team.

Alonso and kimi, both spectacular. As usual though kimi was the best :)

09-10-2005, 07:09 PM
First off, Channel 10 you are FUKED!
We missed 8 laps then 5 laps then 6 laps from breaks!
That is a joke!

Juan, oh Juan!
What were you doing?
Anyone see what happened?

Kimi and Alonso had great races, but Webber had a blinder aswell.
Alonso started ahead of Kimi but couldn't beat him.
Kimi is just too good.

If I was Flabio I would be BLASTING Fisichella.
He had to hold him for 1 more lap, I know its easy to say but he made so many mistakes!

I thought it was a great race, Ralf's stratergory was terrible.
Toyota had a bad race :(

09-10-2005, 07:24 PM
focking impressive moves from alonso..

type one
09-10-2005, 07:26 PM
incidentally, i think suzuka should be kept as the jap track for a long time. Its like one of the great tracks imo, mt fuji can eat my balls, and toyota can go scr3w themselves

yeah andy - i have to agree with you - i hate F1 but watching suzuka being raced is awesome.

09-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Watching the highlights on the news it seemed a bloody fine race, I missed a fair bit of it unfortunatly

10-10-2005, 12:13 AM
i gotta admit .. this was one of the most stupidest moves hes done in his f1 career
hope this is a wake up call for him...
if something lik this happens again... i'll loose all hope lolz..

[09/10/05 - 12:46]
Sato disqualified from Japanese Grand Prix
Stripped of 13th after Jarno Trulli incident

Sato did himself no favours again in Japan
Takuma Sato was disqualified from the Japanese Grand Prix being blamed for a collision with Jarno Trulli's Toyota on the tenth lap of the race. Trulli retired on the spot with substantial damage to the left hand side of his TF105B while Sato was able to continue and finish the race in 13th position, a lap down. His result was later thrown out of the results by the race stewards.

"The stewards viewed the video of the incident and presented the same to Takuma Sato and his team manager Ron Meadows and independently to Jarno Trulli and his team manager Richard Cregan," the FIA said in a statement. "Having heard both parties the stewards independently conclude that Takuma Sato was involved in an incident forcing the driver of car number 16 off the track and therefore order Sato be excluded from the results."

Sato, who will be dropped by the team at the end of the year, made an erratic start to the race going off into the gravel at the very first turn. He recovered and returned to the track but suffered his second incident when he attempted a move down the inside of Trulli at the chicane and clattered into the side having failed to make it alongside.

"This is a very disappointing result for me after the incredible support that I have experienced here from the fans," Sato stated. "I'm hugely disappointed for the myself, the fans, the team and Honda."

But Sato was not as disappointed as Trulli, a leading member of the Grand Prix Drivers Association, who was the innocent victim in the incident and became another driver to criticise Sato’s performances this season. Sato had a coming together with outgoing world champion Michael Schumacher at the Belgian Grand Prix, for which he was handed an official warning from the FIA.

The latest incident angered Trulli and the Italian said: "Sato tried a manoeuvre that was obviously impossible, he just tried to overtake me but instead he hit me and pushed me off. There was no reason to try that move so I don't know what he was thinking. He's been causing problems for a long time and the FIA has to take action to stop it."

Source AFP

10-10-2005, 12:31 AM
did anyone notice the fastest lap?
kimi done a 1:31:540 on lap 44! which eclipsed the old lap record held by rubens (1:32:730 in '04) by more than a second..
so much for trying to slow the cars down...

12-10-2005, 03:44 PM
Here is another fun fact.
The Australian public who watched the F1 on Channel 10 did not see 22 laps in total and interviews etc. (thank a friend who's brother that works at ten for that)

Home of what again?
They say motorsport, I think dumb shows like NCIS and Idol.