View Full Version : Taking off problem

28-10-2005, 07:24 AM
I'm having problems taking off
I got CRX siR and my problem is that when I take off I never seem to get grip quick enough.

on dry day if I take off slowly, it feels like the car moves off smoothly then suddenly the rpm goes down.
if I take off quickly, the wheels will just skid for quite a distant.

on wet day, normal take off will just slide anyway :(
and quick take off, I gain grip half way after second gear ~60km/h and the car bounce like crazy.

I thought it my have been my wheel but the other day i jacked it up and tested all four wheels they all can move, but 1 or 2 of the wheel just spins then stop straight away after I take my hands off. It like there is alot of friction on it.
I don't know if this is normal.

I checked with the guy who machined my break disc for me and he didn't do much except he told me to check if the wheels was still movable. and told me that it could be my spark plugs mis-firing.

oh yeh... when I'm still at the lights or somewhere that's slightly sloped with no hand break, I don't even more forward or back at all.. ~_^
my tyres are great! it's japanese.

isn't light car suppose to have quick take off? how can I get quick take off if I can't get any grip.

please give me some suggestion.

28-10-2005, 07:56 AM
the beauty of having a torqueless engine ;)
too much revs and ull spin
not enough and ull bog down ! hehee
ride the clutch a bit more...

28-10-2005, 08:07 AM
Are you sure it's the tyres spinning and not your clutch slipping?

28-10-2005, 03:21 PM
when the clutch slip can it cause the car to bounce as well?
anyway when I do a u-turn I see a long slightly black line made by me.

28-10-2005, 05:52 PM
Moved to civic/crx forum.

If the car is 'bouncing' that could be because of a worn rear engine mount or shocks. If the clutch is slipping, your RPM will just go up.

28-10-2005, 10:19 PM
Yeah like what the Ozhonda GM said. :D
How old is your tyres? If they are more then 3-4yrs old it may not be griping

28-10-2005, 11:11 PM
yeah, worn/loose/torn mounts are the main cause of wheel hop.

29-10-2005, 12:04 AM
or maybe he's trying to say hes got too much power :P >.<!!

29-10-2005, 12:59 AM
no.. I don't have that much power..
I couldn't keep up with commondor. they took straight off
and I just slide around.

arh.. my tyres could be quite old.. I'm not so sure...
looks like it still got grip but I'm not sure how the plastic is on it..

29-10-2005, 01:22 AM
or maybe he's trying to say hes got too much power :P >.<!!
The car shouldn't be bouncing around regardless.

29-10-2005, 01:27 AM
perhaps your driving style is to blame ?
From your comments you are racing a commodore ? Plz dont tell me.....

29-10-2005, 06:14 AM
Slidding at take off...

either bad tires or it's driving style..
check tires and maybe get a better set as for driving tec, just practice..
practice makes perfect... hehehe =)

29-10-2005, 07:36 AM
always try to find out wat u've done wrong and blame on urself first, before blaming on the car. tat way, u'll find a lot tat u didnt know. tats how i'd see it. :)

but at the end of the day..it may well be somthing wrong wth the car..not saying its not.

all the best :thumbsup:

29-10-2005, 02:33 PM
If the car is bouncing (ala wheel hop) then there most likely is something wrong.

29-10-2005, 09:37 PM
If the car is bouncing (ala wheel hop) then there most likely is something wrong.

This is just axle tramp yes? and this can occur on mechanically fine cars..

What i thought was > The hopping occurs as the tyres are bordering on slipping and traction, and can be down to rough road surfaces on launch.

Also most of this guys problems seem to be down to his driving skills, they arent the easiest of cars to launch quickly..

29-10-2005, 11:03 PM
I've never seen a CRX launch cleanly. Unless you have good newish tyres, it seems very easy to spin up the fronts. Not much weight there to keep the fronts on the ground... the Dunnydoor has the advantage of being RWD (weight goes to rear = more grip).

I haven't launched my Civic for a while 'cos I'm nursing my clutch, but it's not the easiest thing to do 'cos little bumps or white lines or anything else on the road play havoc with the grip.

You could try to be a bit more conservative, get it going, THEN floor it. Or just cheat and have a rolling start. :p :D
If that doesn't work, it's probably not a driving issue.

So basically I'm just saying what other people have said already.

30-10-2005, 08:00 AM
hmm... rolling start is good :)
I should get my tyres checked..
I heard the car's been sitting in the sun for about 1 year already.

30-10-2005, 03:44 PM
Get your tyres checked and replace the fronts if necessary.
Also make sure your handbrake is not to tight, dragging your rear wheels a little will make your fronts wheels spin.
However, I believe this to be a suspension/engine mount problem.
Check your engine mounts are not cracked or damaged, the one at the back, behind the gearbox or the one under the radiator are the most likely culprits.
However, I think your front suspension ball joints and bushes should be check out. Having a car sitting for any great length of time causes all sorts of dramas with rubber suspension components.

31-10-2005, 12:10 PM
I have read this thread but no one has mentioned the size of the wheels/tyres. I would have thought that if the wheels arnt gripping the road that wheel/tyre width might also be an issue. The wider the tyre, the more rubber gripping the road and as such greater traction . . .

Anyway, just another thought.

31-10-2005, 12:19 PM
I have read this thread but no one has mentioned the size of the wheels/tyres. I would have thought that if the wheels arnt gripping the road that wheel/tyre width might also be an issue. The wider the tyre, the more rubber gripping the road and as such greater traction . . .

Anyway, just another thought.

as he said! I have a CRX SiR and im running on 7 inch wide rims, so slightly more rubber. My baby is running 112kw atw now and it doesnt have traction control but it doesnt spin the wheels easy. I can do a 5g launch and it will only chirp for less than half a second then take off. Also check you rubber!

31-10-2005, 12:47 PM
as he said! I have a CRX SiR and im running on 7 inch wide rims, so slightly more rubber. My baby is running 112kw atw now and it doesnt have traction control but it doesnt spin the wheels easy. I can do a 5g launch and it will only chirp for less than half a second then take off. Also check you rubber!

Opps, missed that :o.

31-10-2005, 01:12 PM
Opps, missed that :o.
not as the topic starter said. lol as you said. lol i think he might not have enough rubber too lol. i was stating my car and the lack of wheel spin it gets