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07-11-2005, 08:47 PM
Bonneville back on track

Record breaker to run on Friday 4 November.
The car that will spearhead B.A.R Honda's eagerly anticipated Bonneville 400 record attempt will run for the very first time tomorrow, Friday 4 November. As the world famous Salt Flats are still too wet to stage any record attempts, driver Alan van der Merwe will debut the specially-prepared V10 B.A.R Honda at Mojave Airport in California. The team, however, is stressing that this is not an official attempt, although it plans to run the car as hard as possible on the 10,000-foot tarmac runway.

“The most important thing is we check that all the systems on the car are working properly,” explained a spokesman. “There are a lot of new bits on it that we need to assess. It will be an important occasion, but this is just part of the journey. Setting an official F1 land speed record at Bonneville, via the average of out-and-back runs through a measured mile, is still our number one goal - even if we have to wait until next year to do it.”


and the result...

[07/11/05 - 02:12]
BAR Honda break the 400 km/h barrier
Last Friday in California

A new ‘unofficial’ speed record
for Alan van der Merwe

Even if BAR Honda had no choice but to postpone their attempt to run at Bonneville because of severe storms that flooded the area, the team is still planning to return to the Salt Flats in May or June 2006.

In the meantime, the team is still preparing to break the speed record for a Formula One car. Last Friday, Alan van der Merwe drove the car at Mojave airport in California and achieved two-way runs at average speeds above 400 km/h.

Van der Merwe’s last run was also his fastest: the South African driver reached the impressive average speed of 415 km/h.

“The car ran perfectly,” said Gary Savage, Technical Director of the BAR Honda Bonneville 400 project. “The day proved how important all the recce work has been, and how important it was to approach this challenge in a proper professional manner, to show it respect, rather than just turn up on the Salt Flats, go for it and hope for the best.”

“It was an encouraging day and we are confident that we can achieve this speed – and more – at Bonneville. But we also know that its salt surface is a much more difficult proposition.

“The key now is to be patient and wait for the right conditions,” concluded Savage at the end of the testing day.

Source BAR Honda

07-11-2005, 10:09 PM
Just a picture of the running BAR
NOTE: the lack of proper rear wing is still in regulation with F1 rules

08-11-2005, 08:36 PM
I think it was too easy for them.
Well done to BAR-Honda.
I hope theya dvertise the hell out of this so all the dumb rice honda comments die!