View Full Version : recommend me YOUR clutch

01-12-2005, 08:35 PM
im looking for a new clutch that is not heavy or tiring on the foot, but that bites hard...

whats out there? :cool:

01-12-2005, 09:02 PM
dont be foolish. keep spamming out of here.

either reccommend a clutch that u have personally had experience with (from, i will assume, a dc2) or simply dont reply at all.

01-12-2005, 09:12 PM
hmmmmm.....get the sport organic......it bites but its abit heavier than normal clutch but you get used to it

01-12-2005, 11:33 PM
yep sports organic gets my thumbs up...
wtf why am i spamming...

good luck eric la

02-12-2005, 04:03 AM
Yups...go the exedy sports organic eric...
i've got one and pretty happy with it. Like ITRboi said, its noticeably heavier than stock, but you get used to it...sorta like a short shifter.
Its about $400 for ur car...

02-12-2005, 07:40 AM
ive also got the exedy sports organic.
bout 25% more clamping force not too heavy and not too light :thumbsup:

02-12-2005, 08:18 AM
i had the exedy 3 puck clutch before, if you want a clutch that bites HARD get that but its shite for traffic and if you do drive it in traffic it wont last long, i changed to the sports organic now and had no problems since, grabs pretty hard and its easy on the foot

EK Civic R
02-12-2005, 08:38 AM
Like the others said.. sports organic
I couldn't really feel the pedal difference between the stock and this one..
But definitely more bite..

02-12-2005, 12:04 PM
both my mates have had / have the sports organic... maybe im a pnasy, but dont u guys think its waay too heavy.... u have to press pretty hard on the pedal. u cant get used to that.

02-12-2005, 12:11 PM
i was going to mention the organic too Eric just like jons etc , but you can also go for the

220 X 26 X 24
EG6 EK4/9 DB8 DC2 – B16A/B B18C (Hydraulic clutch gearbox B-series)
Exedy heavy duty clutch kit (one level above stock and one level below the organic)- which is simply a standard clutch disc but a slightly heavier clamping pressure plate. The pedal feel is like stock but it bites alittle bit harder...

02-12-2005, 12:36 PM
both my mates have had / have the sports organic... maybe im a pnasy, but dont u guys think its waay too heavy.... u have to press pretty hard on the pedal. u cant get used to that.

you will get use to it after while but in peak hour traffic like going through ct peak hour is a bitch, but its sumthing you have to sacrifies for some performance

02-12-2005, 02:38 PM
i was going to mention the organic too Eric just like jons etc , but you can also go for the

220 X 26 X 24
EG6 EK4/9 DB8 DC2 – B16A/B B18C (Hydraulic clutch gearbox B-series)
Exedy heavy duty clutch kit (one level above stock and one level below the organic)- which is simply a standard clutch disc but a slightly heavier clamping pressure plate. The pedal feel is like stock but it bites alittle bit harder...

i second this recommendation,

its not the best clutch, but if you dont want to sacrafice driver satisfaction its your only choice

04-12-2005, 11:27 PM
Get the focking OEM or Exedy/Daikin HD.

The Sports Organic that these retards keep suggesting could give a man a hernia.

05-12-2005, 12:52 PM
just go 4 a HD it will be plenty. I have a xtreme cushion button in mine and it aint heavy at all and u still have play in the clutch. I paid $600 for it brand new ;)

05-12-2005, 03:28 PM
has anybody tried a xtreem HD clutch from horsepowerinabox? I can get one for my car for $260 and it says it has 30% more clamping force.
Is it a good brand?

05-12-2005, 05:08 PM
unless you're a complete girly man, get the sports organic kit :)

05-12-2005, 05:23 PM
The girly man / men want something less stiff for everyday driving and we have an answer :)

Are there any alternatives apart from what i quoted and others ? Any other equivelent to "HD" clutch ?

05-12-2005, 05:38 PM
i agree the sports organic is heavy, i get in a stock car and almost put my foot through the firewall after driving my car...

05-12-2005, 05:52 PM
sheesh, i'm surrounded by old women.

next item on the agenda- white driving gloves anyone?

05-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Are there any alternatives apart from what i quoted and others ? Any other equivelent to "HD" clutch ?

05-12-2005, 06:18 PM
sheesh, i'm surrounded by old women.

next item on the agenda- white driving gloves anyone?
No, red. :p

05-12-2005, 06:31 PM
eric!! your such a pansy!

the sports organic is just a tiny bit stiffer than the ITR...
If your too weak go to the Gym and work out your calve muscles! :D

05-12-2005, 07:13 PM
eric go sports organic, very easy clutch to drive with.