View Full Version : Electric water pump

08-01-2006, 08:44 PM
Anyone use these yet?

I went to summernats and saw the davies craig exhibition and looked fairly good.

Also with engines that rev over 8000rpm, would there be credible/worth while gains to be had here?

08-01-2006, 09:10 PM
Conservation of energy. You want efficiency.

Mechanical Water Pump (belt)
- pump puts load on engine via the belt
- friction between belts and pulleys
- kinetic energy (pulley) -> kinetic energy (pulley) -> kinetic energy (pump)

Electric Water Pump (Alternator/Battery)
- pump puts load (draws current) on the alternator which then adds more load to the engine.
- friction between belts and pulleys
- Kinetic energy (pulley) -> Kinetic energy (pulley) -> Electrical Energy (alternator) -> Kinetic Energy (pump)

Everytime you transform one energy type to another there is a a loss as you cannot achieve 100% effieciency. So it all depends on which system is more efficient.

09-01-2006, 10:17 AM
True, but most mechanical water pump systems are meant to work at engine speeds that equate to 60-120kmh in steady state. That's all good, except that at rpm's greater than this, too much energy gets wasted pumpung excessive amounts of water around.

The electric pump setup is a good idea as you can get a consistent amount of flow without chewing up HP at high rpm.

09-01-2006, 12:21 PM
Come on guys search first please :)
