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View Full Version : Headlight problem

13-01-2006, 03:31 AM
Whilst driving to work today I noticed my passenger side headlight was not on.
I blamed the problem on a faulty balast as I've had 1 replaced before after the same thing had happened.

When I got home, I put in some Mtec HB4 Globes only to find they didn't turn on.
I thought ok, maybe I damaged them in while they weren't being used so I went and got the original bulbs are put them in.
Same thing, no light.

so this worried me a bit and I went and tested the suspected balast on the drivers side wiring only to find it worked just fine.

I dunno wats wrong, I've checked the headlights fuse in the engine bay fusebox. No problems there and If it was blown I'd think both headlights wouldn't turn on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

13-01-2006, 06:41 AM
do you have a test light or multi meter test the output in the plug
and then trace that back and find out where it stops

15-01-2006, 11:27 AM
it happend to me i traced it back wiht a test light and found out that the guy who had my car b4 me had tired some home handy man work and triend to wire in spot lights and cut it and i spose he joined it and it must have come apart