View Full Version : Weird Clicking Sound from Steering Wheel

28-01-2006, 10:16 PM
Hey guys...

I'v only had my new Jazz for about lil more than a month.. only coupla days ago i started noticing this clicking sound from my Steering Wheel ...

It happens ONLY when the L/R Indicator is on and when i turn the steering... (NO its not the clicking sound of the indicator blinking... :P)

well.. the steering wheel makes no sound when the indicators r off..
But when im at a corner n turn on eg. my left indicator.. as im turning i would hear 2-3 clicks comin from the steering wheel.

So i decided to go visit my local Honda dealer.. n askd one of the mechanic
n the guy said the sound is normal.. its the sound of the trigger inside the steering tat lowers ur indicator lever after u exit a turn...
Since i went there on Fri afternoon around 4pm .. n it was kinda busy at their place so he left straight after hearin from me...so i thought he prolly jus tried to brush me off by makin up some bs.

But then its jus soo weird how i didnt notice tat sound b4 .. n the clickin sound only started appearing around a wk ago... it does actually seem pretty loud if i could hear it while my music is on..

Does Any of u Jazz owners hav this clicking sound???


28-01-2006, 10:54 PM
emm.. i think i know wat ur talking about.. it happens to my boss's car which is a rav4... sometimes when i make a u turn or something.. it will make a few clicking sounds but i thought it's normal especially for some older cars..

my jazz also makes clicking sounds.. it happens when i steering the wheel to opposite direction.. like when i steer left it clicks once.. and when i steer back to right.. it clicks once again.. my last jazz didn't make any noise b4 so it doens't seem normal to me.

29-01-2006, 06:14 AM
It's all normal.

as far as i know, it's very normal cos it does it on mine. It happens on my mums car and my friends car and theirs isn't the jazz.

So do'nt worry about it.

29-01-2006, 11:21 AM
it is normal... everything is fine, your steering wheel wont fall off into your lap, dont worry/

29-01-2006, 05:46 PM
hold up.. normal on shaggi or normal on mine?

29-01-2006, 10:46 PM
Hey guys thanx for the replies...

Yep its been confirmed .. the sound is normal in all Jazzs.. i ran into my neighbor who also drives a Jazz n askd him bout it..

n he didnt know..
so i askd him whether if its ok to show me his car... n he did
the same sound exist in his 04' Jazz too
and he goes "oh never noticed it..."

mayb jus tat i hav extra good hearing :D :D

30-01-2006, 12:30 AM
in fact normal for most honda...

30-01-2006, 08:52 AM
so my car is normal too?? hahahaha

30-01-2006, 03:07 PM
I've got the same kriket in all my Hondas !!!

I'll feel lost without them.