View Full Version : does anyone have this gear changing problem?

25-02-2006, 02:41 AM
im finding everytime i take my car into high revs in 2nd gear and change to third, whether it be a quick or slow shift. it will crunch before actually going in.. really dunno wtf is up with that??? someone help? it doesnt do it wen im driving normally.. its only wen 2nd gear is above 6000rpm

25-02-2006, 05:14 AM
Sounds like worn-out synchro's to me - But check your oil level first.

"Manual transmissions in modern passenger cars use synchronizer rings to eliminate the need for double-clutching. A synchro's purpose is to allow the collar and the gear to make frictional contact before the dog teeth make contact. This lets the collar and the gear synchronize their speeds before the teeth need to engage. " Take from the HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM site

I was trying to get some of their diagrams...other stuff about gearboxs.

Hope it helps.


25-02-2006, 07:13 AM
Its your syncro. Im sure that at lower speeds where the gear shafts are not spinning as fast you can get it in the gear fine. Crack that case open and change those bad boys out.

25-02-2006, 07:27 AM
yeah dude,
sounds like your syncro's.
it would prolly help if you did a search cause this topic has been discussed several times before :D
it will deffinatly help you out:)

25-02-2006, 09:57 AM
When was the last time you change your tranny oil?

25-02-2006, 10:43 AM
When was the last time you change your tranny oil?

Do you have a GM dealership :wave: hey its worth a shot to ask right. Pick up some GM syncromesh. It has brought trannies from the dead to work again.

25-02-2006, 11:03 AM
well ill try changing transmission oil.. if not ill hav to take it to my uncle (hes a mechanic)..

25-02-2006, 01:46 PM
yea man jus change the transmission oil .. i should get around to doin that aswel cos mine is givn me the same wen i try to get into 2nd. have to like nurse it in.

try redline products. they are good man ther was a thread on them in the integra section not long ago.. expensive but good stuff. especially if ur car is getting on in the km readings..

good luck

26-02-2006, 01:50 AM
i got the exact same problem in 2nd to 3rd crunches any revs above 3000
brought new oil today but cant seem to find the filler bolt, and i know DIY search onli came to b16A vtec closest...
i have a b18a1 anyone know where it is?

26-02-2006, 09:45 AM
yea i have the same problem at 6000 from 1st to 2nd, im gonna change the trans. oil and see if that makes a difference, if not ill get the synchros checked :)

26-02-2006, 04:41 PM
my car did that so i changed the synchro and its better but still not gone...
i changed to redline oil shock proof its called
that also made it a little better

27-02-2006, 09:45 AM
redline lightweight shock gear oil is DEFINATELY worth a try, put some in my box over the weekend and its SWEET. seriously, i cant believe the difference its made. try this stuff b4 you worry about sincro's ya may just find your problem solved???? you can get redline from BURSONS in melbourne or just look em up on the net. im givin it the BIG thumbs up

27-02-2006, 04:07 PM
same problem i have with my EVO3.
i cant put it in 3rd gear when its high revs.
i then try using redline's lightweight shockproof gearbox oil. it costs me $120 for 3.785 litres, it might sound alot for oil but its worth the money.
everything is all good now. better even. gear changes are really smooth.

27-02-2006, 04:09 PM
man i gotta get me some of that stuff... stupid weak syncros, i swear they suck ass

27-02-2006, 05:07 PM
As others have said - it sounds like a 3rd gear synchro issue.

With my DC4, I merely flushed and changed my gearbox fluid with OEM MTF at every 5,000km service, and found that issue to be pretty much fixed.

28-02-2006, 11:02 PM
Syncro grinding in 2nd and 3rd Gears ay. Oi dude, if u wana temporary relieve for a while, use Auto Tranny Fluid man. Trust me it works, it wont do more damage, it works the same as GM Syncromesh fluid.

Celica GT4 (St185)'s are common with gearbox syncros wearing especially in 2nd and 3rd, i owned one. The gearbox are a bitch to fix, labour wise. And as a temporary relief i used Auto Gear box fluid, until i sold the car. People on the forum that i use to talk to about the gearbox all used it and told me to do it as a temporary relief. So give that a go man

28-02-2006, 11:25 PM
haha thanks guys for the help.. ill be changin transmission fluid soon to try it all out n ill let ya'll kno how it goes