View Full Version : [Euro] LED taillights & angel eyes

28-03-2006, 03:25 PM
I have been thinking recently about having a go at converting tailights to LED myself like the ones the guys have been working on in the US. It shouldn't be too difficult with my electroincs background. The only problem I can see will be how to work on them without taking the car off the road. This led me to start thinking about trying something easier first, how about angel eyes made from white LED's? This would be less complicated as you don't have to worry about the complication of working out intensity for braking and normal tail lights. The other benefit is that would not need to be the super bright LED's needed for the tailights. This makes it a bit cheaper as well.

What do you guys think it would look like to have a ring of white LED's around the head lights as angel eyes? I assume the more there are would give the impression of a solid light rather than a ring of white dots.

The only other problem is that I have not looked into the logistics of getting into the headlight assembly or how to actually mount the LED's. Just a thought for now.

28-03-2006, 03:37 PM
Nah not a fan of angel eyes at all. See pics here:


But - the rear LED lights look great! If you want a good business idea and can make these plug and play - there it is right in that photo. I reckon at the right price you could sell 100s easily and that is just for this model.





28-03-2006, 03:48 PM
Nah not a fan of angel eyes at all. See pics here:

But - the rear LED lights look great! If you want a good business idea and can make these plug and play - there it is right in that photo. I reckon at the right price you could sell 100s easily and that is just for this model.

I know, that was what I was thinking. It's got to be cheaper to do it here in OZ than to ship from US and get someone to fit and if I can make some money as well then a bonus. Also, as you mentioned, the circuitry part would be standard across any car, it's only the LED layout and mounting that would be different between cars. I have already started looking into what would be needed and am waiting for prices on the circuitry needed to do it properly.

The only reason I was thinking of the angel eyes is coz I think it would be easier to start with. I'm sure there are lots out there that would like it as well and for any car.

28-03-2006, 03:53 PM
What does everyone think of the single ring of LED's for the brake/tailight in the US version? Personally I think it looks a little weird. Maybe two or three rings would look better.

28-03-2006, 03:55 PM
Does anyone know of any wrecked Euros that have the taillight assemblies intact? This would help speed up the process. I can imagine what a new set from Honda would cost.

28-03-2006, 04:00 PM
I think it looks ok and an extra rings light up (on outside light) when you hit the brake pedal.

I do hope you look into this further Hoffy - one question that needs to be answered is whether it can be made 100% legal.

As for tail lights from wrecked Euros - try ebay - (example (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Acura-TSX-Passenger-Tail-Light_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33716QQitemZ80486 89408QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW)). The reflectors from the TSX are slightly different in colour but that doesn't really matter for your testing I guess.


28-03-2006, 04:01 PM
yer i think the led tail lights look good! i want sum =D ill b on the buy list when u start sellin haha

28-03-2006, 05:33 PM
damn that pic makes me want a spoon spoiler!

led taillights are pretty sweet tho! just not sure if id ever really spend the money on it, and youd have to find out if they are legal

28-03-2006, 05:46 PM
look so nice

i want the spoon spoiler too

28-03-2006, 05:56 PM
haha i want it too now =( lol

28-03-2006, 10:11 PM
I do hope you look into this further Hoffy - one question that needs to be answered is whether it can be made 100% legal.

Having a look on the net I would say that as long as whatever I do meets the following ADR's then it should be legal:

ADR1 - Reversing Lamps
ADR6 - Direction Indicator Lamps
ADR49 - Front and Rear Position (Side) Lamps, Stop Lamps and End-outline Marker Lamps

I couldn't find any details on the ADR's so it looks like I will have to fork out the $70 to buy the ADR CD-ROM. The LED's shouldn't be a problem as there are models out there that come with LED taillights as standard not to mention all the trucks that have them.

29-03-2006, 02:31 AM
some info here (http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/VRNE/vrne5nav.nsf/FirstChild/-EEC8092FE0E5478FCA256FD300241C39) but not the complete standards.

VSI 10 is problematic as it refers to lab tests usually being required to demonstrate compliance of a particular lamp

29-03-2006, 09:03 AM
some info here (http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/VRNE/vrne5nav.nsf/FirstChild/-EEC8092FE0E5478FCA256FD300241C39) but not the complete standards.

VSI 10 is problematic as it refers to lab tests usually being required to demonstrate compliance of a particular lamp
Had a look at this doc and this may not be a problem if I can get the specifications of the LED's used which should be available from the manufacturer. Seeing that it's not the first time LED's have been used/approved in OZ it should not be an issue.

The only problem I can see may be with the angle of light needed, in some case 85 degrees from the centre to the side of the car. This may be an issue with the LED's. I noticed that the Mazda 3 LED taillights have some chrome reflectors that could be for this reason. Will need to look into this further.

With regard to the intensity of the light, this doc only mentions that the brake light needs to be brighter than the normal taillight. Maybe this detail is in the ADR.

30-03-2006, 02:34 PM
After looking into this further, the issue of the viewing agle of the light needed to be legal is going to be a big issue. The LED's that are bright enough to be used for the tailights only have a 20 degree viewing angle at best.

Having a closer look at the cars that have LED's from the factory they seem to have chrome reflectors in front of the LED's that reflect some of the light to the sides. This is definitly the case with the Mazda 3 optional tailights.

I also noticed that the LED replacement globes sold by Jaycar mention that they are only to be used for show or off road. I also emailed a mob in QLD that also sell these replacement LED globes asking if they meet the ADR and so far I have not received a response.

Not looking good unless someone can work out a way to build a reflector easily.

31-03-2006, 03:39 PM
Thanks for your efforts Hoffy! I still think it is worth pursuing even if you need to sell them on the basis that the kits must only be used for "show" - if you know what I mean.

Plenty of people accept the risk that their lights may not be legal - just look at some of the altezzas and aftermarket HID kits. They still sell. I prefer to keep everything as kosher as possible on my car - but not everyone does.

04-04-2006, 02:52 PM
Thanks for your efforts Hoffy! I still think it is worth pursuing even if you need to sell them on the basis that the kits must only be used for "show" - if you know what I mean.

Plenty of people accept the risk that their lights may not be legal - just look at some of the altezzas and aftermarket HID kits. They still sell. I prefer to keep everything as kosher as possible on my car - but not everyone does.
Thanks for the encouragement yfin.

I tracked down a wreck in melbourne at Imlachs and ordered the taillight from it. Only cost $99. Unfortunately I could only get the body part and not the boot part as they sold the boot complete with lights. It will be enough to try it out.

I was thinking that if the LED's are mounted back where the globe normally is rather than right up against the lens like in the photos prev in thread then some of the light will reflect off the side and light up to the side and hopefully meet the legal requirement. I may also be able to have both the LED's and globe with a switch to select either. Have the best of both worlds.

Also, got a response from the mob on the net about their LED replacement globes. They have a new globe that has some LED's that point out the side to light up the housing and refelect to the side. They say that this should make them legal. Also, he mentioned that he has some new models coming out this year that use the new 1W and 3W LEDS. This will be interesting to have a look at how they do it as they are mounted on a heatsink that makes them about 20mm in diameter. You could maybe fit three in each of the Euro tailight sections or maybe even just the one 5W with a lens that fits over the LED to disperse the light. Not as fancy as using several LEDs to make some pattern.

04-04-2006, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the encouragement yfin.

I tracked down a wreck in melbourne at Imlachs and ordered the taillight from it.

a wrecked euro ? so sad... :(

05-04-2006, 09:25 AM
a wrecked euro ? so sad... :(
The strange thing is the only problem with the car was a blown motor. For that they used the whole car for spares. It hardly seems logical. It would not have been that much to rebuild the motor?

07-04-2006, 04:57 PM
The tail light has arrived. The next big problem is how do I get into it without permanently damaging the unit or loosing the mounting bolts. It seems that the lens is plastic welded to the housing. I cannot see how the lens can come off which only leaves cutting an access hole in the back. This is probably why the US version has the LED's monted right up against the lens.

Has anyone got any ideas?

12-04-2006, 02:10 PM
Well good news, I have found another wreck to get parts from. That's right it's my car. It was written off last Saturday when I took on an Astra. Either way I won. I get a new car. I will start a new thread with photos. It's interesting how much damage happened and it was still written off.

12-04-2006, 03:00 PM
You wrecked your Euro? :eek: So you get a new 06' yea? Maybe u can get a Manual this time :)

Anyway, how about leaving the original bulb in there, and simply put LED's around it? Surely that would make it legal enough.

12-04-2006, 03:20 PM
lolz omg , can't believe u wrecked ur euro!

haha , wellz , i would be very interested for ones for the 4th gen lude. if i can get some soughta ring look going on like in that euro pictured, would be awsome! i'd pay money for that!

to get into the 4th light , u gotta chuck it in the oven and pry the lense away from the housing ... :(

12-04-2006, 03:30 PM
can you wreck my euro as well? i want to get the 06 model with sat nav! i'll give u my tail light as compensation lol :)

12-04-2006, 09:34 PM
Hoffy: Do you have a photo of you totalled Euro? hope you dont mind sharing with us (at another thread off course)

12-04-2006, 09:40 PM
Hoffy already posted his totalled euro in his "Euro vs Astra" thread:


12-07-2006, 12:49 PM
Any updates on the EURO LED tail lights project?

01-02-2007, 10:37 PM
Any updates on the EURO LED tail lights project?

01-02-2007, 10:43 PM
i've always wanted some aftermarket taillights. not altezzas, but the black ones like the ones on the new mazda 6's.