View Full Version : Removing OEM EK Hatch Wing

31-03-2006, 02:46 PM
Hey guys, im going to replace my OEM wing with a ctr one and im not sure what to do with the window squirter thing because the ctr's dont have rear window sprayers. Do i just leave it sitting behind the wing or is there a way to disconnect it totally so i dont accidentally use it and spray stuff inside the car

31-03-2006, 03:01 PM
You could remove the whole thing - but that would be lots of work.

Easiest thing to do is go to a hardware store and by a block of tube cap that they use for garden hose (its just a small plastic cap). Alternatively you could drill a small whole into the base of the wing and have the water nossle sit there so you can still use it.

31-03-2006, 03:34 PM
i replaced mine in my ek... just remove the nozzle adn plug the hole with a blob of blu tak...

its impossible (close to) to remove the whoel assembly. The water tube goes back to your engine wipe reservoir thruogh xxx number of panels.

31-03-2006, 04:20 PM
pm limbo dude
i he got his to work thru his ctr one with minimum fuss

31-03-2006, 10:13 PM
Oh ok cool beans