View Full Version : APOLOGIES from OZACCORD

18-04-2006, 01:56 AM
As you are aware a massive inter-forum shit fight erupted to which I was the main Culprit. Some might think "Here We Go Again" but I'm not here to start up another fight. I would therefore like to Apologise to any OZHonda Members I expressed vitriol towards, especially JINRAE. It was not my intention to destroy the reputation of OZHonda or Pilfer members, that was just how some interpreted it. I am an in your face kind of person that says it how it is and it can rub a lot of people the wrong way. I also like to shit stir and take the absolute piss out of people. It initially started out as a Joke but quickly escalated into a full blown Flame War because of some Fragile Ego's. It also brought to the surface some serious deficiencies as well. It certainly showed the true colours of everyone that posted. I feel it achieved the desired result Calvo was looking for and it will only Strengthen the Whole Community in the long term. I'm big enough and ugly enough to apologise for my misgivings, so I hope the rest of you have the integrity to do the same.

Thank You and Goodnight

AKA F22-GURU. ;)

18-04-2006, 02:06 AM
LoL ... i must say very considirate of you .... oh and yeh i still love you and ozaccord!! LETS NEVA FIGHT AGAIN!!!!

on a serious note ... im glad to see you smilin ! hehe

18-04-2006, 03:35 AM
Good for you Geoff. Now I am not stirring here - this is an honest question. You said on ozaccord that you are on a recruitment drive on ozhonda and to let people know there is a site where there is free speech.

If that is the case - why delete the entire thread on ozaccord setting out all your false accounts here and taking piss? What happened to free speech on ozaccord?

It sounds like you guys are moderating posts just like us. Why? Because sometimes it is necessary.

ps - don't open up multiple accounts on Ozhonda again - those are the rules we all need to follow. At least on this site.

pps - Calvo - you are a good guy. My point in the other thread was I felt you were condoning what Geoff was doing. That is all.

ppps - Peace. And good luck with Ozaccord guys. Seriously.

18-04-2006, 08:05 AM
Thank you for your input YFIN? It was a decision for the Good of Both Communities which are bigger than all of us. Both threads got completely out of hand and you, as a "Responsible" Moderator, should very well understand the reasons. I offered this Apology to make peace with Wyn & OZHONDA as a whole on behalf of OZAccord. I could have left it as it was and let it continue into a full on battle. I admit I had a Brain Explosion but still had the Balls to Fall on My Sword and admit I was wrong and Officially Apologised for it openly.
The war is over, NO ONE WON, Move On. You have a responsibility as do I
No need to antagonise the situation any further with cloaked sincerity.

Thank You and Good Day


18-04-2006, 10:03 AM

There was no war and no fragile egos. You came on here stirring with the false accounts, creating dissent and trying to recruit members.

Thanks for suggesting I am insincere when I say "good luck with your forum". That was totally genuine. I have not said anything abusive to you - despite you calling me a "weak prick" (amongst other things).

Apologies are totally fine - just don't expect people to forget by simply saying "lets move on".

There is plenty of room on the internet for Honda forums of all kinds. I hope you can see that now.


18-04-2006, 10:17 AM
Now we can all go have yum cha together ;)
Good show Geoff!

18-04-2006, 10:19 AM
Now we can all go have yum cha together ;)
Good show Geoff!

Yeah, it is your shout Geoff - you pay for everyone who attends (or at least pay for Jinrai). :)

18-04-2006, 03:11 PM
lmao at yum cha.....

18-04-2006, 06:52 PM
Just another thing I dont believe the thread title seems to be there right chief :p, it shouldn't be apologies from ozaccord as it was only some members who were in this, it didn't reflect the views of all our members thus not ozaccord itself, I'm sure Sam (Blade) who is the administrator of Ozaccord would agree with this.

18-04-2006, 06:59 PM
PEACE reigns again!

18-04-2006, 08:00 PM
happy days

18-04-2006, 08:40 PM
Thanks for the post Geoff.........i don't think anyone wants beef between OH and OA. I think the main point of this thread has been emphasised so just closing this up.

18-04-2006, 09:00 PM
his names JINRAI not JINRAE :p

18-04-2006, 09:15 PM
Helped if I actually locked the thread eh :p