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View Full Version : Best vehicle Inspection .....

19-04-2006, 07:48 PM
Ok guys i think i have finally found the car I want prelude 98 vtir ,now i need to inspect this car fully from mechanical to exterior and anything else ,so which company is the best for vehicle inspections here in Melbourne especially for hondas or doesnt it really matter ? also i need it for tommorow so is there a long waiting period on or ? thanks guys

19-04-2006, 10:16 PM
RACV? NRMA? duno bout waiting period. or you could bring the car to a mechanic u trust in melbourne and have it inspected. but i think u mite need to do some booking in advance. gl

btw is the car in carsales? got pics or anything ?

20-04-2006, 06:38 PM
what he said

20-04-2006, 06:56 PM
You might want to look into having the car tested by a number of people. I would start with the big names (as mentioned above) and then try your local mechanic. Might even be worthwhile looking at who serviced the car and speak with them.

20-04-2006, 09:21 PM
RACV are great for identifying paint work, repairs and nothing way too technical, As said, even check where its been serviced and ask there.
If it's got complete service history (especially through honda) you shouldnt have any problems

22-04-2006, 09:23 PM
Hey guys does anyone know if i do a vehicle inspection do they give me a roadworthy certificate with that ? or is that totally seperate thanks

22-04-2006, 09:50 PM
vehicle inspection and RWC are different i think, dont qoute me on it.

i went to a mechanic the other day to ask bout RWC, and what it is, its just you pay a certain amount for a inspection on the SPECIFIC parts required by the vic road laws so the car is in a good working condition. if certain parts dont pass the test you will have to get it fixed and get another RWC check and pay again.

no 100% on this might wanna ask the person who do the inspection on your car

22-04-2006, 09:55 PM
Yea im not sure because basically getting a full vehicle inspection is even more detailed than getting a rwc so i dont see why the wouldnt do it like that guess I will have to wait till monday and see

26-04-2006, 01:59 PM
Probably too late but I've used http://www.stateroads.com.au/ who seemed pretty thorough & cheaper than NRMA.