View Full Version : Claiming insurance

13-05-2006, 11:48 PM
I got in a car crash 2 days ago and I was pretty much at fault. However, the driver (although insured) agreed to settle this outside of insurance companies' awareness.

For simplicity, I (let's say PERSON Y) rear ended (PERSON X)'s car 2 days ago and X agreed to settle this by getting a quote from a local smash repair shop and getting me to pay the bill. What should I do if the bill comes and it costs too much?

I think it is law that if the person does not report it to their insurance company in a timely manner, then the insurance company would refuse the claim and therefore I will not have to pay for any liabilities.

However, what if say Person X does file for a claim and their insurance company admits it. I am comprehensively insured, but i think it would be cheaper because the excess (about $1000 - under 25 age excess inc.) would be wayyy too high given the relatively low damage (just a few scratches + touchups on the rear bumper of their car). My car is basically unscathed so I don't really want to bother getting my car repaired.

What is the best way to go about this? Is there some way to solve this that I have not already thought of? The interesting thing is that my insurer is the same as person X's.

Any input would be excellent!

13-05-2006, 11:52 PM
hhmm how bout u make an agreement to person X that he can rear end u back and call it even ok?

13-05-2006, 11:54 PM
hahahaha.. n e other ideas?

13-05-2006, 11:56 PM
As far as I understand, the person you hit can at any time decide that they want to go through insurance. If the individual gets a quote (outside of insurance) and you deem that price to be to high then all they have to do is say then they will go through insurance.

I think the trick is to be cordial with the individual, go to another smash repairer and ask them what it would roughly cost to have the damage repaired and then at least you are informed.

13-05-2006, 11:57 PM
Well, the person, whose car got rear ended will be eligible to be reimbursed by the person rear-ending/insurance company of person rear-ending. No need to even tell his insurance company as the accident was not his fault.

Possibly there is a partial fault the insurance companies will take into consideration. Person X needs to file claim with insurance company of Person Y especially if person Y is unwilling to pay for damage repair.


PS. This is for Germany but I don't see why it would be any different over in Australia.

14-05-2006, 12:00 AM
yeah i am in a dilemma because on one hand I want to save myself from paying $1100 in excess fees + lose no-claim bonus + affect my insurance premiums and on the other Person X is just about the worst driver I have seen (although her car was in front of mine).

Wait, is it any use if the person in front of me was turning but the person started turning and then fully stopped (resulting in my car rear-ending her's)?

Also, wat happens if Person X decides to make a claim after the car is 'repaired', therefore collecting my money and then getting more from their insurer :(

14-05-2006, 12:05 AM
Wait, is it any use if the person in front of me was turning but the person started turning and then fully stopped (resulting in my car rear-ending her's)?

Also, wat happens if Person X decides to make a claim after the car is 'repaired', therefore collecting my money and then getting more from their insurer :(

First off, when you pay for the damage, make person x sign a statement that she has received full reimbursement for the damage done etc.pp .... however, regarding the worst driver ever .... doesn't count ... you as a driver must always be able to judge speed and distance to vehicles in front and be able to come to a complete stop without touching any other traffic participant ... you need to be prepared for the unexpected. The driver in front of you may always see something you are unable to see which might cause driver to stop and so you are at fault.


14-05-2006, 12:07 AM
Me, being the person at fault, does it mean if i don't make a claim with my insurer that they can refuse insurance with me or something? I don't exactly want to call up my insurer and ask if I can do that because that is just like heading towards a cyclone so to speak ahahaha.

14-05-2006, 12:10 AM
the insurance company would say you didnt maintain a "safe" distance between you and the car in front thats why u hit. thats what they say for nearly all claims made from ur style of accident.
if u pay and the car is fixed, there would b no point in him making a claim. As long as the cars fixed, he wont see any of ur money. But depending on the size of damage, the repairs will probably advise him to go to the insurance company so they can replace rather then "beat" the panel.
good luck dude~

14-05-2006, 12:13 AM
yeah it's all good because the damage is really really small. However, i want to know if somehow my insurer finds out that I did not report an at fault claim, will i be liable for any penalties etc.?

14-05-2006, 12:16 AM
Me, being the person at fault, does it mean if i don't make a claim with my insurer that they can refuse insurance with me or something? I don't exactly want to call up my insurer and ask if I can do that because that is just like heading towards a cyclone so to speak ahahaha.

No, you don't have to claim anything with your insurer, the other person has to claim it with your insurer, if they don't, they don't ... you can pay their bill, and all will be well.

In Germany you can have the insurer deal with the damage and pay for it, then you have a period of time durign which you can pay insurer back without any consequences regarding your status, insurance premiums and the no accident bonus. But I do not know how it works in Australia.

14-05-2006, 12:27 AM
y didnt u just pull a hit and run u could of just v tec'ed ur way out of this lol

14-05-2006, 12:45 AM
No, because that would not have been fair ... how would you feel, if somebody did that to you?


14-05-2006, 12:46 AM
lol pissed

14-05-2006, 01:13 AM
i would get the other person to get a couple of quotes- then contact the crash repairers to confirm the amount, then pay the cash repairers directly... that way the person hasnt made money off you and run off and bought a new pair of shoes...

14-05-2006, 01:20 AM
well, to be honest ... if they chose to not repair the damage, that is fine as well .... you do not pay for the repair but reimburse the victim for the damage done with an amount to recitify situation but if victim choses to not repair the damage and buy new shoes with the money, that is up to them.


14-05-2006, 02:07 AM
cbf reading posts. But if you can bribe the preson with cash had a mate pay a guy 400 for damage and 100 for inconvenience better than losing rating cbf reading posts. But if you can bribe the person with cash had a mate pay a guy 400 for damage and 100 for inconvenience better than losing rating

15-05-2006, 04:01 PM
y didnt u just pull a hit and run u could of just v tec'ed ur way out of this lol


15-05-2006, 04:20 PM
yeah... hit and run is the lowerest attitude i see as a human being...
in your case, as by read ur posts, it seems that the damages ain't that bad and maybe some easy panel job hours would do it...
yeah its hard to get a quote that both u and the other perosn is happy with, maybe just set a range in ur mind and if the quote falls into the range then its better off to pay for the quote...
its always good that the other person agrees to settle it without inform the insurance company, that why ur rating won't be affected ans so as theirs...
maybe post up a pic for us to have a better idea of the damage, and maybe some experienced members can give u a rough idea of how much that is ging to cost u :P good luck!

15-05-2006, 10:25 PM
generally, the victim is required by most insurers to get 2 independent quotes. at the same time, you are entitled to get one independently yourself of the others damages somehow.

- make all binding contract agreements on paper and signed.

not to be a dick for encouraging, but if shes on third party then shes screwed... happend to me and took me 3months to track down the bitch after showing me ehr Melbourne license 9didn't click at the time) and she no longer lvied there. took me all up 7months tog et $2k off AAMI. and thats coz i was on third party, and they don't help you out if your not at fault... ****ing weird huh?!?!

17-05-2006, 05:16 PM
exact same thing happened to me a couple years ago. and it was a little old lady.... she was driving a swift.
anyway i asked her to settle out of insurance... her son called me up and he was real cool about it ... the cost was $750 ... replace rear bumper AND paint ...
He even let me pay him the amount over 4 weeks !!! cos it was just after christmas.

i think you just gotta be sincere sometimes and you'll find that most ppl are quiet reasonable ...

17-05-2006, 06:58 PM
what you could do is make a reciept stating that they recieved payment for repairs and you no longer take any responsibilty. make them sign and you keep the copy. so if they do decide to try and **** you over you can show them the reciept.